Sup Forums on suicide watch

Overwatch tops 15 million players, fastest selling PC game in China, #1 in Korea

>if it's popular then it must be good!

But Sup Forums likes this game. They won't stop spamming it everywhere.

That's a nice ass

Post worst character designs from the game.

>15 million normalfags being kept away from other games

Sounds fine to me.

fuck this game, seriously. and of course the fucking slants love it, it's nothing but white washed cunts with flat asses

You already did

>flat assess
>literally fat assess in the OP

0/10 bait

thats explain so many aimbot in my asian server


How can Overwatch sell in China when all things fag are band there, and Zarya and Lucio exist?

>what is sfm


This shit skin right here

>implying she doesn't have a fat ass in game

>I don't want to be on the minority of opinion that dislikes the game so I'll act as if the game is actually bad!

>most people have shit taste


Trashy punk tracer is cute

Let me guess. Never played Overwatch, but you "know" it is shit?

>you need to eat shit in order to know it tastes bad


I wish SFV got those numbers.

>something something I don't have to eat shit to know it tastes bad.
>something something food analogy
>something something uninformed opinion

>you don't need to eat food to know how it tastes
This is how retarded you sound.

>Eating shit is the exact same as playing a video game

aite bro

>food analogy

wasn't the ps4 suppose to be the top Chinese platform after it released

>actually considering shit food

Jesus Christ.

What now poorfags? No matter how hard you trash the game you won't change people's minds :^)

Go back to your free to play garbage like candy crush or TF2.

How the fuck would that happen in such a short amount of time?

>15 million players
Give it a year and watch as it slowly drops down and down and down and down.

>I refuse to try an interactive medium
>and I pretend to know how to interact with it

KYS, you are the worst of Sup Forums

Here comes the fatty and his food analogy.

SFV isn't a glorified Skinner box like OW. That's why it failed.

>Sup Forums intellectuals

>Watch it flop!

>Release date
>It will die within a month!

>This post

Holy shit how does it feel to be always in the wrong?

>Overwatch is a 100% original concept and genre and it's absolutely unique and the only one that ever do anything it does

>tfw Ping goes up to 2k every 2 minutes during gameplay

Zarya is not a fag, she's just stronk

you're right about lucio tho

>Give it a year

the time for this game to fail keeps getting longer and longer. first it was a month, then 6 months, now a year. lol

this game will last as long as halo did. it has the same qualities that halo did when it first came out. easy to play, feel powerful, interesting characters, etc

Who said it will die in a month? Everyone knew how badly normies would eat this garbage up.
Screen cap this. Overwatch will not fucking exist by August of 2017. I bet it will be under a million at best.

these are the kind of people who play overwatch.
>my brother, 14 gets xtrash one for bday
>whines about having no games until mother buys him overwatch to go with it.
>plays it constantly
>literally its like 24/7 nonstop overwatch
>he solely plays mercy
>remind him that healers are always fags and women, as its the easiest
> brags about his scores like he is tough shit
>one day notice extension cords coming up from basement
>Unfinished basement, no outlets
>one day have to take the children to my fathers house
>parents divorced, mother at school
>brother taking too long
>"hurry up would ya"
>tells me to wait a sec. everyone else in the car been waiting for a while.
>unplug extension cord, cutting power to the basement
>unrepeatable screech echos through the house
>brother runs up stairs red in fury
>starts yelling at me about how he was in some competition and he could have won 500 dollars or some shit
>i really dont give a fuck tell him to get in the car
>pulls a shitty 5 dollar cs:go knife from amazon on me
>fucking what.
>punch him in the face tell him to get in the car
>crying all the way to his dads house
> tries to get my dad to call the cops
>dad is just annoyed at him
>I leave
> mfw disappointment runs through my veins. I am related to him by blood.

>and this is why I know it is shit, as all shooters are shit

Actually, most human taste senses come from our nose rather than our mouth!

So if it smells like shit, it tastes like it, too.

I'm not going to read the thread, but link me the posts that claim Blizzard is lying to investors and this game didn't sell anywhere near that much.


>just because OW is shit, all shooters are shit

Last time I checked not all shooters are casualfests press q to win garbage, m8.

there's too many people saying "it's shit" before playing t to then actually play it and like it.

its green eggs and ham syndrome.

>Pretending no one ever said that

top kek

>Sup Forums intellectuals claim company lies to investors
Really makes you think.

>Sup Forums is one person


>Who said it will die in a month?

>Screen cap this

I'm sure someone screencapped the "it will flop" posts too.
it would be funny if someone posted it.

>casualfests press q to win
Guess how I know you haven't played Overwatch?

>everyone in the game presses q
Who wins then user? :^)

>press q to win

You're either the retard that would always die to a shitty ability that can be avoided or someone who has not played the game.

I am guessing the earlier.


I don't think Overwatch was the catalyst there; autism was


you sound like an asshole.

your little brother will be much more successful than you.

>Still ignoring that Overwatch would die within a month

you're right, some retards even said wihtin a week

I have plenty of more posts :^)

>no staying power
>tf2 clone
>forced diversity cast
>twitch numbers

I've spent thousands on hats, fucking come back. PLEASE

If Overwatch is one of the greatest shooters of all time at 15 million players, what does that make Call of Duty?

Why are Overcucks so easy to trigger?

>I-I was just pretending to be retarded

Sometimes that's enough to make people type on their keyboards, user.

>I t-t-trolled you!

If he ever stops playing overwatch that is.

>W-why a-are you all mad?


Ask me in a year when I can see if Overwatch actually has longevity.

>#1 in Korea
I thought they only played Starcraft.

>spent thousands on hats
I've never played TF2.
whats the hats about?
do they give you abilities or something in the game? or is it just cosmetic?

How many people play Candy Crush again?

You can tell who's retarded and who's trolling when doing that though.

In this case it's pretty obvious the shitposter got cornered and had no real exit other than I WAS MERELY PRETENDING.

Common sense nigga.

he has anger issues. so does my sister. mom dosent believe me but there are many more stories like that. cops visit the house once every other month at least. usually for stupid shit like fighting. or my mom borrowing a.d.d. meds.

I bet 80% of all sales were console. where are the platform numbers?

he's trying to make money with it though.

he's already doing something profitable with his life.

There are weapon unlocks (that you can also get randomly for free) + a huge amount of cosmetics, which started as hats.


I don't care if people buy crappy games, it happens all the time.



Free to play and comes preinstalled in almost any fucking phone ever?

Gee I wonder!

it was a game for an entry to be able to play in some competition. it was a scam. shit where the entry fee ends up costing more than the prize. also 500 dollars is nothing. I make that in a week.

It's the most brain-dead shooter I've ever played so massive normalfag success is to be expected.

According to vgchartz(yes I know) console overwatch sold a total of 2 million on consoles. That leaves 13 million for pc

> finally get around to watching actual game play videos of this game
> watch some character highlight videos
> it's just a bunch of people jumping around with unlimited spammo shooting all over the place
> ultimates are just push to kill a whole team

I'll understand if people find that fun for a bit, but it has to be the lowest skilled fps I've ever seen.

I thought those videos of God awful hit boxes and single button team wipes were just people that were mad, I was wrong.

>vgchartz(yes I know)
Then you do know they are fucking useless, so why quote them anyways?

Majority rules.
If more than most people find it fun, it's a safe bet to assume that it is fun.

but user. what about when the ultimate is revive the whole team? checkmate.

They're like steamspy not 100% accurate but gives you a good idea

They give you the respect of your fellow teammates and it makes enemies fear you until everyone realizes you play like shit anyways and hats are worthless

>implying ultimates KO the entire team anywhere near automatically

They are highlights for a reason.

Because if its paid, casuals don't play it right?

>Insider, Candy Crush Saga is the most downloaded iOS app for 2013.[10] In 2014, Candy Crush Saga players spent over $1.33 billion on in-app purchases which was a decline from the previous year, since in the second half of 2013 players spent over $1.04 billion.[3]


You're a fucking idiot.

Shouldn't you be playing Overwatch, user's brother?

its marginally better than league of niggers.

at least the top meme game is gradually improving I guess.

Steamspy is very accurate. Vgchartz just makes shit up.

Not when a game has a free weekend or a open beta

Vgchartz is useless. They have 0 access to any meaningful data. They are literally guessing. Fucking idiot.

>holding sword in mouth
>not enough leg msucle he has to rest his leg on the ground to keep pose
>I bought swords to look cool

I used to like anime when I was 14 too. he looks older than 14 though

>This game looks like shit


Applefags are absolute retards with their money. More news at 9.