PC gamers OUTRAGED that Torment: Tides of Numenera is coming to consoles

Are they justified?

Should console peasants just be allowed to steal the exclusives from the PC master race like this?


Thanks for testing pcfats!

I'm the the guys side. I didn't back for anything, so don't bother calling me "backers remorse".

I don't care if they make more money. BUT we all know that games get worse when consoles come into play. Gameplay and graphicwise.

I don't know why people don't understand that there is a much larger player base on console where games sell in much larger volumes. Would anyone like to tell me why this isn't common knowledge?

PC bros.. I'm fucking scared.

I'm fucking nauseous. I stayed up all night because how worried I was... the fucking console peasants are stealing all our glorious exclusives..

Just in the past year alone, glorious PC has lost the following exclusives to PS4:
>Dirt Rally
>Assetto Corsa
>Torment: Tides of Numenera
>Prey for the Gods
>Wasteland 2
>prison architect
>Risk of Rain
>Stardew Valley
>Cities Skylines
>Banner Saga
>The Talos Principle
>Divinity Original Sin
>Kerbal Space Program
>Crypt of the Necrodancer
>Nuclear Throne
>Killing Floor 2
>Ark Survival
and much more

PC bros, is the age of PC gaming dead? It just makes me sick to my stomach bros...

Didn't even know this was in development

Either way I'm fine with sharing

what went wrong?


>"How dare people with less money enjoy things i enjoy"

only console peasants care about exclusives, shitstain.

Does blueglass stream anywhere anymore? I can never seem to actually find info on him.

Everyone knows that, just like everyone knows that designing games with consoles in mind causes a billion problems, from dumbing down to horrible UIs.

I really wish i could take down rpg codex for good
maybe i should do something about it

>Liking exclusivity
This gen I've enjoyed Horizon 2 and Bloodborne a tonne, yet lots of people can't enjoy them for picking the "wrong choice" or not having money to get all platforms. While they may have been worse off if teh devs had to make more versions, they could've also been better due to a bigger budget from being multiplatform and potentially had more support/sequel opportunity. I have no problem openeing the doors to more people to enjoy a game. KI being a good example of what I mean.

Nearly every traditionally PC dev makes their best and most financially successful game when they go to consoles

XCOM, Witcher 3, Trackmania Turbo, Talos Principle, Divinity OS, New Vegas, etc.

>Trackmania Turbo
>most financially successful game

nigga that shit sold worse than TM2 did even on consoles

W3 and NV definitely, but I'm not sure about D:OS, XCOM or Talos Principle

nobody cares about your facebook friends opinions. You made this shitposting thread because youre a bored lonley faggot

It did very well on consoles. Sold over 400k on PS4 alone and had a much higher MSRP than the previous games

I bet they will enjoy that slimmy console money. I can't imagine this being any worse than would have been otherwise aside from controls which on PC should still be fine. It's not like graphics should be an issue for this type of game. Just PC fags being whiny.

PS4 is basically "The bloodborne machine"

They should be mad but not for some retarded reason like "console people will get to play it now boo hoo". I called that the game will come to consoles when they announced the change to turn based gameplay, then they released Wasteland 2 on consoles and this was all but confirmed. People should be mad that they compromised a game that was advertised as a spiritual successor to P:T because they are greedy faggots and wanted to release it on other platforms.

>Sold over 400k on PS4 alone

you got any facts to back that ass up?

Wait, but wasn't this supposed to be an isometric RPG?
How the fuck will they even make that work on consoles?
I mean that would mean that either they won't give a shit and consolefags will have to deal with a interface made for PCs or they made this decision long ago and changed the interface.
Best case scenario they weren't lazy fucks and made an interface for each version, but chances for that are slim and this would affect gameplay.

No one designs for PC anymore.

The leaderboard for level 6. Actually slightly higher when you include people who didn't play campaign/didn't play past level 5, have bought the game and didn't play it yet, or play offline.

It's shitty if they actually dumb down the game to make it work on consoles and it affects the PC version.

If they're not doing that, I don't see the problem.

Classic image.jpg!

Post games ruined by consoles

>Diablo III


you know that's complete bullshit right? people could either make new accounts, game share or play on a friends console

ITT: consolefags are so assravaged they pretend to be PCfags.

How do you ruin a game that was shitty in the first place?

>Implying Diablo III wasn't gonna be shit anyways

A better example would be Deus Ex Invisible War

Fuck you, Diablo II was great

PC games going to consoles is only relevant if it's mid-development. Console ports mean literally nothing.


Diablo 3's best version is objectively the console versions

Really? Because OP says otherwise.

It is possible to do a good port. Divinity: Original Sin is not isometric but it's still a turn-based RPG with a top-down camera which got ported to consoles and worked perfectly well.

Devs had to adjust the controls and changed the UI a bit, but overall made an excellent port without changing the core gameplay mechanics and graphics

They changed the combat system to turned based early on so they could put out console versions like with Wasteland 2.

That's just a lie.
It's better on console than PC, even.

No, they aren't justified.
Exclusives are shitty 100% of the time. All games should be multiplat, if possible. If a game is ported from PC to consoles, this is a good thing. Exclusives are anti-consumer. I'm glad that Torment: Tides of Numenera will be available to more people. Although I personally won't be getting it. Its not really my kind of game.

We dont want PCfriends cancerous indie pixelshit embolia assfaggots shovelware you can keep it

Fellow faggots... I'm fucking scared
I'm fucking nauseous. I stayed up all night because of how worried i was... the fucking nigger speak memers are stealing all our glorious (you)'s..
Just in the past year alone phrases habe become so common they've been filtered on Sup Forums
>Ess emm ayche
>To be honest
I'm worried that us ruining a good reaction image has made us all addicted to cock, Fellow faggots. are we being out shitposted? It just makes me want to suck the 56th cock today....

So long as it's developed with nothing in mind but PC, they can port it to gameboy advance for all I care. But I presume they're bending over backwars to accomadate consoles.

The original D:OS was a PC exclusive, it didn't go to consoles until enhanced edition.

Thats true but is also right. The game was clearly designed with consoles in mind from the get go, instead of making a worthy sequel they dumbed down the gameplay to get more money.

i think due to past experiences the anger is somewhat justified

console ports typically mean the game is going to suffer in some to make concessions for them, whether it be dumbing down mechanics so they can play with a controller, making an awful ui so controllers can play, or even change the writing so consolers can enjoy "shorter chunks" because theyre stupid.

Gameplay in context of an isometric RPG will most certainly be dumbed down/streamlined because its against the law in the console world to have a cursor be a part of gameplay. A concession will have to be made on this front because no way would planescape fly on a console.

The fact that it's a kickstarter game is what I would be most concerned about. The people who donated to it did so expecting a PC game, and now the funds that they gave the company are being used to cater to an audience that had little to no involvement in the kickstarter. It cost a shit ton to port to consoles, and rather than using those funds to add more content and polish to the game, they are instead using it to release their game to a demographic that for the most part does not give a shit about the game.

> More people will be able to enjoy the game
> Oh god the horror!
Sure you're not a console faggot in disguise?

Are you still fucking posting?

wow, you certainly know what this thread is about, do you?

did you make an account, post some bullshit and then make a thread on Sup Forums? Because according to the IPs you did.

D:OS was a great example of a CRPG that was build with the PC in mind and later adapted for the console. I believe it also wasn't such a success on the console for exactly that reason.

There's a difference to dumbing the game down, simplify the UI for a controller and make the graphics worse - like most bigger publisher and multiplats do.

and as an example, just look at Hyper Light Drifter. The majority of that games funding went to the console ports and we were left with a 3 hour long shallow piece of shit.


>people just now angry about this game because of petty platform wars
>not because the devs are hacks responsible for garbage like Hunted
>or because of the consistently poor result of Kickstarter-funded tragedies
>or that the game is based off Numenera, a setting that anyone on /tg/ could tell you is an incredibly dull mishmash of fantasy tropes and SJWisms

It's bad enough that Planescape continues to be so grossly overrated, but the fact that people were genuinely excited for a game that's blatantly trying to cash in on the "spiritual successor" scam really says it all. I guess if childish console wars get people to wake up, then more power to them.

Pc vs Console threads are cancer and should be removed, same shit flinging redone every time.

That's locked at 30 FPS.

Nice go ahead i bet you re that pcuck mod who banned me that time
You do it for free cuck do IT!

reading this at work and literally laughed out loud. What a fucking cry baby. I'm all for the PC master race meme but I didn't think people actually lived it this hard.

>it's only bad when OUR exclusives go to console!!
Lmao, how about you grow some balls. The asspain is just the icing on the cake.


Those are singleplayer leaderboards, and you can't really gameshare on PS4. The amount of people who don't play campaign, don't play online, or just still have TMT in their backlog balances it out and makes it an accurate measurement.

best post, so much hopes for Diablo III, man still hurts

putting the witcher onto consoles almost bankrupted cd projekt, it was gog that saved them


Lol you really think that? How new are you?

>wasn't such a success on the console for exactly that reason.
It actually did very well on consoles.

>baking scumstarter EVER
You shits learn nothing.

PC games being ported to consoles is good, more people get to play them.

PC games being dumbed down so they can be sold on consoles too is bad, because everyone gets a worse product.

It's not difficult to understand, or hypocritical.

im shacking right now


Go back to being aldritch's cocksock fuccboi

No difference.
Eat shit, whiner.

Do you understand that this was a kickstarter project? And at no point where the people who invested told that their money would go towards developing a console verison.

Witcher 3 was a massive success and sold more on PS4 alone than PC despite it being The Witcher's first debut on PlayStation.


Who cares. Those stupid retards don't even understand why people don't like consoles on the list on platforms, they just spout memes from master race reddit or smth. It's not the exclusivity thing, it's the fact that devs either have to casualize something to make the game more accesable to console audience or that the game a simply a console-to-pc port. Do people give a fuck that SupCom 1 was on xbox 360? Do people give a fuck that Deus Ex is on PS2? Or the fact that Baldur's Gate is on a fucking mobile devices?

>he didn't back Wakfu's Kickstarter to get badass Blurays
>he didn't back Kodomo no Jikan to help support the West getting uncensored lolicon manga
>implying Skullgirls, Undertale, Freedom Planet, and Hyper Light Drifter are bad games.
Some Kickstarters are pretty rad

>JRPGs have been mostly on consoles for generations
>tons of great games have been made in the genre
>PCucks are now begging for ports of these games

Whatever you say buddy

a THIRD PARTY publisher is doing the console version. inXile is SOLELY focused on the PC version. I know because I read the email.

>this trash eater

Holy shit, do we have a Google and Sup Forums admin at the same time visiting us? Sup Forums was right!

No it isn't

More people playing games is good.
I've never heard of this game but if console players get to play it good for them. Bitching like this is why people see us as elitists, a fuckload of us are. It's just video games, we should be happy people are playing them.

In fact, what am I doing here? I'm going to go play video games.

>PCucks are now begging for ports of these games
I think you meant to say "getting ports of these games"


3rd party publisher is paying for the console port.

>muh bad kickstarter

Get back to me when that shit comes out because it looks spot on

I'm baffled, how does this affect them in any way?

>people give a game funding expecting a PC RPG
>large amount of that funding is taken out to port to consoles
>Gameplay will likely suffer to cater to the controller.

Why shouldn't they be mad? We are getting an inferior product for the sake of their greed.

>great games

>Are they justified?
No, they're fucking stupid manchildren. Or just shitposters I guess looking for an angle to hate the thing. inXile had some folks do a Wasteland 2 port after PC development was long done too. It didn't affect the game one fucking bit.

Development-targetted multi-plats can be irritating because they often result in a game gimped to the lowest common denominator, that's what sucks. But if a game is developed for the PC, and that's the focus, and then they have some 3rd party help figure out later how to port it? Fine.

Additionally, this isn't some crazy graphics game either, it's a niche indy A or AA level cRPG. It'll run on a toaster, or a console. A controller is going to be a lot more awkward vs M+KB in my opinion but if someone wants to change the scheme there whatever, they're welcome to it. It doesn't affect anything else though, this isn't and wasn't ever going to be a game that pushed any hardware limits. What will matter is the quality of the writing, the branch planning, and their art and sound/music. None of which exactly needs GTX 980.

More people playing games is bad. The average person is a fucking michael-bay loving retard who is clueless about everything beyond surface level. the more people who play games the larger the stupid idiot demographic and the stupider games become.

And the ports for these games have been lovely and I hope more keep getting made.

Not the guy you're replying to though. I think exclusivity in general is shitty and am happy this game is getting released on consoles. If a PS4 or an Xbone can handle a game, they absolutely should get those games too.

>give person money for thing
>ok well take your money and give you a lesser thing so that we can also give lesser thing to these people who didnt give us money

why are people mad??

3rd party is paying/doing the port with NO CREATIVE input/demands on the PC product.

They can be mad, that's their problem. I think, fuck it if its a good game, the more people who get to experience the better.

Do you agree with this question: essentially, the backers built their own Cuck Shed

Its getting a different publisher to handle the funding. The Kickstarter money is not going to console ports. Techland is publishing it. There's no reason for people to be mad