What do you think of it so far?

What do you think of it so far?

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it's all right
female samurai class best class

Flail guy best guy.

just played it a bit with 3 friends and it is fun but doesnt seem very skill based so far but I mean we probably all suck so yeah...

The blocking system seems strange, I block right and still get hit somehow ? Also defensive play seems way harder than just spamming like a moron.

How do I get in?

you don't





>people playing the game right now

How to use skills ? I dont get it I can only ever use my first skill... is it level dependant ?

Adding female warriors was a step in the wrong direction. Women are scientifically, biologically, physically unable to endure the rigors of battle in full plate armor

I'm not really sure what it is but they need to make the controls a bit more responsive/tighter. Apart from that it has a lot more depth than I thought.

yeah you gotta level up like in a MOBA

>you don't
Well in that case I think it sucks

You need to level up in the match.

Are you guys playing with a controller or M+KB?

Also where are my samurai niggas at?

tried M+KB but I kept accidently blocking the wrong way because I move my mouse slightly when pressing the mouse buttons; so I switched to a controller

thx, which level do I need to get the other skills ?

so is it released or just a beta right now?

Alpha with pretty heavy NDA since it has my username plastered all over it.

>moba type gameplay


There are creeps even.

how do the factions work? you get stuck with a random faction at the beginning of a match? you choose your faction preference while searching for a game? you choose one faction and thats your faction for the rest of the game? Is it 1 faction vs 1 faction or 1v1v1?

There are no factions. You can pick whatever you want.

I think its pretty fun. There are some bullshit moments but i attribute it more to alpha state rather than broken mechanics. Flail cunts are the ultimate casual character though.

why is there team damage anyway? I can't count how many times some viking has hit me from behind only to stunlock me mid-1v2

so samurais and knights will be on the same team?
aaaaaaaand dropped.

not samurai vs knights vs vikings?
thats pretty gay

Yeah, samurai, vikings and knights fighting against each other for 1000 years because ANCIENT EVIL makes more sense.

Do you take damage though? Seem pretty certain it just stuns you

No, fucking listen to me you goddamn shill.
I wanted an army of my viking bros going to war with knightbros. They LITERALLY just turned factions into a fucking skin.
Absolutely fuck this game.

>Say that to my face, senpai, and not online

Invite where?

I'm pretty sure it's just a stun, but when you're on a roll wrecking some samurai the last thing you want to die to is your teammate sitting right behind you flailing his axe stunning you, then not helping out at all once you're getting combo'd

it has an awesome cinematic thing

>They LITERALLY just turned factions into a fucking skin.
factions differ mildy in gameplay

but yeah

being able to pick whoever you want for multiplayer kinda ruins this game for me

It has unrealistic combat, I'll rather wait for KG:D.


i.imgur.com/s1AG6Bj.jpg (Customization)

i.imgur.com/x4HeaO3.jpg (Combat)

i.imgur.com/TBY58rs.jpg (More Combat)

Everything above is running on Low and using FXAA.

When the game boots up it asks you your favorite faction (Vikings, Samurai, Knights), choosing it doesn't affect anything right now, probably fighting for your faction in the future or something.

You have your own emblem, can fully customize it however you want.

Independent of what faction you chose, you can use any class on combat.

There's 1v1 (Duel), 4v4 (Dominion) and 2v2 (Brawl) which is not available atm.

On 4v4 (and supposedly 2v2) anyone can be any class, so you have knights fighting with vikings against samurais for example.

Each faction has 2 classes (guessing that's gonna expand) making a total of 6 classes at the moment.

Vikings: Raider (two-handed axe, slow but powerful) and Berserker (two axes, fast).

Knights: Warden (greatsword, well balanced) and Conqueror (chained mace and shield, tank).

Samurai: Kensei (some sort of katana, same guy from the viking campaign trailer) and Orochi (very agile, same from the reveal).

You can choose male or female for any of these, each hero is fully customizable including colors, tatoos, symbols, all types of armor like head, chest, legs, arms, etc...

There's an in-game currency called Steel, but it's nicely balanced, you aren't grinding out your brains for anything.

There's emotes and executions (2 you can use while playing, there's another 2 you can purchase with your currency).

There are the feats from the reveal, each class or faction has different ones.

There are daily challenges and the like.

"6" maps, it's really 3 maps and the other three are just reusing assets from those, they're still different though, each map is based on a faction.

Lots of unused stuff, game still has more to show it seems.

The combat itself isn't hard but it isn't a piece of cake too, it's well-made though, the controls are nice.

You have your light attack, your heavy attack, a guard break, and unblockable and each class has a unique thing to them (for example Berserkers can charge enemies and grab them while doing so).

Maps have lots of environment you can use like ledges, spikes and fire.

You can do air attacks while looking down on a ledge.

NPC's (the smaller enemies) are killed with one attack, you can chain those attacks together.

While battling you can chain attacks and confuse your enemy by changing directions, the combat is full of mind games, but isn't very in-depth.

You can also parry.

>yeah you gotta level up like in a MOBA


fuck i was excited but i dont care anymore about this piece of shit

t. shill

>There's an in-game currency called Steel, but it's nicely balanced, you aren't grinding out your brains for anything.
not yet, it's alpha

wait for release when you can buy steel with real money