Fallout 4

What went wrong?

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It's a worse game than fallout 3 for a start. I mean, how do you even manage that?

Keeps removing things for the sake of streamlining without adding anything to offset it, resulting in a game that offers less than previous games.

Other than the bland base game, I'm more insulted by the DLC quality.

Fucking FO3 at least had new areas and introduced different ideas.

They forgot to make a fun RPG in between the settlement building mechanic, jacking their dicks to prewar America, and deciding where the super mutants should spawn.

Bethesda is shit at what they do and they slowly run out of people who have yet to realize this.

So is there a mod that mutes the protagonist and forces first person dialogue yet?

Shit dialogs
Retarded main story
Plain world with no lores to be found in buildings/towns
Shitty companions

its better gameplay wise. World design too

Only the Radscorpion has anything new that makes combat interesting.

The rest is the same as FO3.

I have recently been replaying fallout 3 and it still is a fun game, not as good as the others in the series but it has an appeal as a sort of run and gun semi rpg. Being evil was pretty dumb but the edgelordyness of it has its appeal.
>Garza is having a heart condition holding doctor li and the rest of the group
>She says we aren't leaving until this is dealt with
>Blast Garza's head off with a shotgun
>"Now we have nothing holding us back"

Fallout 4 is not an RPG.

>weapons actually have recoil, don't feel like bb shooters and have decent sound design and decent animations
>snipers can shoot past 50 meters
>minigun bullets don't disappear if your framerate isn't perfectly 60
>proper accuracy
>AI with ranged weapons generally takes cover, wont charge you mindlessly

yeah, ''the same''

too much focus on the stupid fucking settlement building

this aint fuckign tower defense

People are overreacting.

Yeah, it's not a good game. But those "its worse than Fallout 3" reviews are hilarious. Nothing is worse than Fallout 3.

Fallout 4 feels like a bunch of kids working at Bethesda have read all of the criticism pointed at F3 and decided to do their best despite not having any ability to actually deliver. It's cute, so I enjoyed it.

>weapons actually have recoil, don't feel like bb shooters and have decent sound design and decent animations
They sound like BB guns, several guns sound the same and the animations are busted due to laziness. If I had that webm of that lever action rifle being reloaded I'd post it.

>Snipers can shoot past 50 meters
AI or the player? Because if you're talking AI then crouching makes you invisible.

This doesn't improve shit with how the game handles accuracy.

>AI taking cover

I'm too lazy to argue with your contrarian ass but if I make a webm where a supermutant (its probably the easiest enemy I can find) stays in cover and shoots back at me will you accept that you're wrong?

A lot.

But especially the voiced protagonist thing. Jesus fucking Christ, they should have gone for a silent PC and let the roleplay be open like in New Vegas, where you can roleplay as whatever background you want and it will still fit.

>install bunch of mods the other day
>perhaps i should pick up fallout 4 again after barely touching it since last year
>play it for a bit
>shut down
A shame, perhaps i should really try again. I am a huge fallout fan but 4 is just not doing it for me. I had hundreds of hours in F3 and New Vegas. Kinda want to replay new vegas now actually.

Seriously, I cannot stress how fucking mad I am over the voiced PC and the shitty story.

It objectively is. You can't just pick and choose what genre something nis bevause you don't happen to like it. It fulfills every accepted definition of an RPG.


How can someone have hundreds of hours in 3 and dislike 4 so much? It was basically tailored for the people that enjoyed 3 a lot

The season pass content made people bootyblasted.

Far Harbor is superb, try that out instead.

I received the game as a gift and I still feel bad about getting it because someone else actually wasted their money on it.

No it doesn't, neither did 3 nor did skyrim.

Fallout 4 is the best open world FPS I have ever played but its zero RPG

Because i was younger when i had all those hours in F3, and because F3 has some nice DLCs and enviroments, i actually liked the world setting in 3 more than new vegas.

I unironically like this game and played it for 158 hours

4 world is nicer though

There is nothing contrarian about the things I posted.

The rifles and shotguns sound very identical to one another while in Fallout 3 the guns had blatantly different sound effects.

I misread your original post about taking cover and thought you meant more than just ranged AI but I can't recall them taking cover too much either.

You are not the first user that have said so. Perhaps i should.

I don't know about that. F3 did a lot of things right. Perhaps not the main quest, but point lookout and the pitt + many of its enviroments stand out for me.

>and decided to do their best
>by turning it into Borderlands: With even less RPG edition

>Brotherhood always turns out to be the bad guys
When did this ever happen?


I am more concerned if the next Elder Scrolls will be like this.

lel dude weapons in fo4 have sonic crackle, in 3 they were just weak bb guns and your accuracy was shit all the time.

plus it was super glitchy with high ROF weapons, genuinely the worst gunplay ever. 4 is a massive improvement
never played DLC in either but main world in fo4 with the overarching highway that blends perfectly into boston is better than 3, at least imo, disliked D.C a lot too while boston is open and nice to explore

So I followed a fucking sniper guide and now I'm weak as shit in the game. Whenever I transport anywhere I am immediately killed by enemies in a few shots on normal mode.

I made a huge mistake. I have invested all my points to become a sniper. Not to mention I cannot find fucking .308 rounds. I'm an ammo-less sniper. Pls help.

>voiced protagonist
>story is beyond beyond retarded despite having a kickass setting
>it's so badly made and presented that it makes the hilariously pale FO3 plot look like fucking Shakespeare
>no good locations like Megaton, Rivet motherfucking City or Tenpenny Tower
>weapons are few as fuck

I can't be bothered to write anything else.

In every single Fallout game except for FO3.

I have 60 hours in it, and I had fun for about 2.
I just keep playing hoping something will pull me in like every other fallout.

>Playing FO4 like an RPG

I'm sorry user


FO4 was pretty much designed for the people that liked fo3 a lot because they could just run around and max out their characters while exploring a senseless world.

The downside is that fo3 was loved by hipsters who thought they were playing a revolutionary RPG and now those hipsters are back to shit on fo4, but it doesn't really matter because 4 is more succesful either way and all of said hipsters have 400 hours in it

So you invested all your stuff into non-automatic rifles.

Just get a fucking rifle and remove the auto function on it and viola, it's finished.

Jesus fuck, user.

every quest is go to X location and kill some raiders
any semblance of rpg is gone
generic 'perks'
pipe rifles for no reason whatsoever
didn't even bother trying to hide the reskinned skyrim loading screens, dungeon system, or enchant system
SPECIAL means absolutely nothing

>removal of skills
>removal of skill-based dialogue
>dialogue choices were awful (not even against voice protag but the way it was done was just bad)
>quests are almost solely 'clear building of raiders/synths/mutants/ghouls'
>no ammo types
>pipe weapons everywhere
>legendary system is completely nonsensical ("mutant" robots?)
>biggest settlement is tiny
>way too much emphasis on the random settlements with random generic NPCs with random generic quests
>game runs like ass in the downtown area
>bugs everywhere
>clunky movement
>long as fuck animations that you have to wait to finish before you can interact with anything
>dumb AI (I wanted to murder Dogmeat minutes after getting him and enemies get stuck on doors)

You know what? Fuck it. I can go on and on and on. Game is terrible in every respect.

just go into options and turn off dialogue camera, it make it first person.

>Perhaps i should.

It's actually good. There are three factions on the island and each of them have their own plot, and believe it or not Beth actually gave them all morally grey choices. Neither of the choices is superior to the other.

It's really what FO4 should have been in the first place.

I'm just trying to imagine how they could dumb down their games even more after FO4

Fucking cawadoody is more of an RPG at this point

I don't think FO3 deserve to be hated on in every aspect, it did a lot of things right like i said above. New vegas did quests, choices, and so on much better. But the capital wasteland was just a more well designed and immersive world imo.

>voiced protagonist
genuine flaw but the fact that it results in LESS BETHESDA dialogue is a good thing.
>story is beyond beyond retarded despite having a kickass setting
so was in fo3
>it's so badly made and presented that it makes the hilariously pale FO3 plot look like fucking Shakespeare
same criticism can be applied for fo3 all day
>no good locations like Megaton, Rivet motherfucking City or Tenpenny Tower
lol there was nothing impressive about those locations, Boston alone blows that shit out of the water
>weapons are few as fuck
so they were in fo3 and they sucked to use too, at least now its fun to shoot stuff

>following a guide

there's no such thing. there's no builds in the game, what the fuck are you doing. you pick perks that make auto or non auto (or both) guns do a gorillion damage and you're done.

I didn't say it shouldn't be hated, just saying fo4 is targeted at the core fo3 audience and its hilarious some people think they're above it

So point lookout shows that bethesda actually can do it if they care and put effort in it? So why they didn't do that with fallout 4 as a whole i don't know. I'd really like to see memory den quests, perhaps even you reliving pre-war things. Which makes me wish the pre-war setting in the FO4 intro was longer, perhaps you going around a bit in boston, picnics, shopping, whatever. So you could live that place as it was and then when you explored it in FO4 after the bombs the things would have more impact on you, and allowed your character to comment on things.

I didn't say it should be hated*

>combat is the only part of gameplay

It took out all the RPG gameplay and tried to become a shooter

>Get a RX 480 to replace my aging 6870
>Every game now runs like butter except for Fallout 4

well fo3 barely had any rpg either, so I don't know what you're getting at, and it was a shit shooter to boot, at least 4 has fun gameplay


>genuine flaw but the fact that it results in LESS BETHESDA dialogue is a good thing.
No, we actually get MORE shitty dialogue now that the PC has to voice them all

>so was in fo3
>same criticism can be applied for fo3 all day
And FO4 did it worse. That's the point.

>lol there was nothing impressive about those locations, Boston alone blows that shit out of the water
Really? A city built around a atomic bomb with its own cult worshipping it? A city made out of a coverted aircraft carrier? Come on, Diamond City cannot compare.

>so they were in fo3 and they sucked to use too, at least now its fun to shoot stuff
Gunplay improved but the weapon pool is still insanely small, even with the modding system.

I dunno, Steam reviewers can be kind finicky, honestly. Like with Endless Legend: Overall reviews are liek Very Positive but its recent reviews are mixed, and I even went through the recent negative reviews to see if the game went to shit suddenly in the most recent expansion or something. But nope, most of the negative reviews are "It's too complicated!!!" or "I like Civ V more!" or, my personal favorite "Amplitude is owned by Sega now so it sucks retroactively!"

It's an nvidia shillworks title so that's expected.

How do you get a thread deleted?


I wasn't even a fan of fo3 or new vegas but i somewhat enjoyed my short amount of time in them. Fallout 4......even though i played it off a friends account through family sharing, it just got fucking boring less then 6hours in.
It somehow made me want to play fo3.

>So you could live that place as it was and then when you explored it in FO4 after the bombs the things would have more impact on you, and allowed your character to comment on things.

Personally I prefer open backgrounds which allows the player to roleplay whatever they want. NV did this very well by making the player a courier. It's very open-ended, and the only time your past is forced into is in the Divide by that rastafari dude.

>No, we actually get MORE shitty dialogue now that the PC has to voice them all

I meant that you spend less time on retarded bethesda dialogue, come on m8 the dialogue in fo4 is fucking horrendous and so it was in 3, at least now there's not a lot of taking going on. I'm not even pulling a PeteHines here but they cannot write fallout dialogue worth shit so they shouldn't even attempt it

>And FO4 did it worse. That's the point.
yeah but poop to day old poop isn't much better, come on now if you enjoyed fallout 3 it was probably for the random shit you could find all over the world
>Really? A city built around a atomic bomb with its own cult worshipping it? A city made out of a coverted aircraft carrier? Come on, Diamond City cannot compare.

megaton was meh as fuck, just because it had the goofy LOL AROUND A BOMB doesn't make it better, best part about megaton is blowing it up. Rivet city was ok. And I meant entirety of boston.

>Implying feedback matters
Oh no, 1500 people didn't like it.

That will certainly stop it from selling millions because of uninformed masses who don't actually give a shit even if they knew that they'd be ripped off

The real Jodd Boward would know

You need to purchase a Sup Forums Platinum Pass. Unfortunately, I just spent the last of my allowance on a copy of Fallout 4...

Daily reminder that the order of goodness of the 3D Fallout games is as follows

>New Vegas
Power gap

I don't think the problem is that your pre war background as a military man if you play as a dude, i don't count females into this. But that there is voice acting and limited choices so you are forced to play a set playstyle.
Otherwise it would make total sense that hundreds of years in cryosleep, your wife dead and your son gone - and everyone and everything you knew destroyed could change a nice family man to a evil man with nothing to lose.

NV > 4 > 3

Because most people don't bother to give a review. The fact that mostly positive reviews are now "Mixed" these days shows that after the hype goes away, all that's left is a pretty shallow game.

Its ok mom. We all feel the smea

>hundreds of years in cryosleep

Isn't that like, 5 minutes from his perspective?

>What went wrong

being allowed to write reviews with less than 10 hours put into a game.

Yes it would but i could imagine that + everything that has happened since it felt like everything was just 5 minutes ago make you go insane, lose your mind, or whatever.

Just been thinking of installing NV and running through that with that Tale of Two Wastelands mod. Still haven't beaten 4, got tired of a lot of stupid shit

Yeah it would be a massive shock I reckon

I enjoyed Fallout 4 and I appreciate the fact that Petey had it turned into a FPS. Should have done so with 3 and I might have enjoyed it more.

maybe, keep in mind it's a fuckload of content

spent money on voicing. instead of keeping the main character mute, allowing better rpg aspects, and saving money

Thanks Todd

I simply didn't feel attached to anything in the game. They shoot my wife and take my kid. I didn't even know these characters enoguh to care about them. They rely on cheap archetypes to get me to care and it just failed.

Exactly, so it would make total sense that you'd turn into this evil psycho if you wanted to play like that. The background is quite good imo, but it was not executed well. They didn't make your character comment on things as they were pre-war, tell more about the pre-war world, or act anything like it really. And you had limited choices, not necessarily hindered by the voice acting because you could still have a lot of choice. But that they didn't bother to make you have them, therefore making your character having a voice a bad idea. I personally did kinda like the voice actor for the male, but of course i said that fucked up the roleplaying aspect and makes future quest mods immersion breaking unless they somehow get the actual dude to voice.

And fuck of with Petee's fucking face

Thanks for the image. Wish they removed 50% more of the dialogue and only left in essentials. All that time they spent on it could have been spent to add a recoil dampening mod to power armor or made artillery good straight out of the package. Fuckers!

Most people don't read reviews.
Most people don't care about reviews.

They care about marketing only.
Call of Duty gets shat on every day by tons of fucking people, still continues to outsell itself.

Then you have shit like hipsters trying to hate the series but will get it and love it anyways instead of being honest because of some sort of hipster cred bullshit.
That happened with Call of Duty Infinite Warfare's trailer before it was announced that it was CoD.

Yes after the hype is gone it's obvious it's shallow, but people love the ride up until then.

>I didn't even know these characters enoguh to care about them.
which makes it a shame the memory den for pre-war memories, or even a lengthy pre-war intro consisting of you living in the pre war world and doing things. That could've been a lot more interesting. But they just left that out, cheekov's gun or whatever it's called is something bethesda is a massive fan of in F04

So I've played a LOT of New Vegas this last two months and I've yet to play its DLCs, but seeing FO3 on sale right now, is it really worth it? Gameplay wise, I already know the story being shit.

>But that there is voice acting and limited choices so you are forced to play a set playstyle.

Yeah, it's impossible to roleplay as a certain character as the voice actors have different emotions for each line. Really breaks immersion.

>mfw I'm arguing that FO3 is a superior game

You know what, I'm going to drop this discussion.

Yeah dude all of that would have been nice but I don't know when bethesda gave any of you a hint that they cared about damn roleplaying.

Morrowind was a long time ago too

I have bought every single Gothic and Risen game since launch, and will problably keep doing it out of brand loyalty.

Shit's fucked up yo.


Morrowind doesn't really have any choices or PC dialogue. It's just like Oblivion where you pick a topic and the NPC starts talking about it.

Its pretty dated gameplay wise, you think NV is clunky 3 is worse.

Only thing it does better than NV in my honest opinion is that it has more random locations not tied to any piece of lore or quest, so you can just explore mindlessly, but that comes with the downside of less quests period.

>Yeah, it's impossible to roleplay as a certain character as the voice actors have different emotions for each line. Really breaks immersion.
That's not what i meant. I meant that bethesda did not make you have a lot of voiced choices. So when you then have a voiced character but limited choices it destroys roleplaying. Perhaps they would need a better actor, but like you say. Having all the choices and options for example new vegas had, just with voiced choices would not be an issue. I actually think the voice actor we have for the male could've pulled it off, if you remember that quest where he played that character.

So i think the reason they didn't have a lot of choices was simply because of not caring, or not having the budget to make the VA voice them.

You can still roleplay a certain character unlike oblivion fo3 skyrim and 4. Plus its not filled with essential NPCs.

Get the DLC for New Vegas instead.

There is no real reason to get FO3 unless you download Tale of Two Wasteland mod which allows you to merge the two games. It's a inferior game but it does have good quests and some really good locations.

At first I hated the voice actors, but the fact that the Male MC completely makes fun of all of the lines of dialogue in the DLC's has kinda redeemed him for me.
Make no mistake though, it's not a good way to go for RPG's where you're supposed to be able to define your own character.

Because Bethesda could if they really wanted to. They do have talented people on their teams, so why they don't want to i don't know. I don't think every single bethesda dev would've hated to have more of the things we'd want.

Why would they? They made 3 and everyone loved it despite not being much of an RPG. Why? Big world, lots of stuff to do, lolsorandumb. Repeat for even more success.

It literally just fucking works

the season pass