Why is no one discussing this anymore?
Why is no one discussing this anymore?
Sup Forums's humor (read: blatant racism) has killed off any discussion
It's BF4 reskinned into WWI with black people. Trash
You must be over 18 to post on this site, you know.
It's BF4: Saving Private Ryan with niggers and minorities.
>blatant racism
Try blatant shoehorning by the developers.
They want to add in some black company that hardly did shit but leave the French as DLC? Dice can go fuck themselves with this game.
It's a slap in the face to WWI, play Verdun. It was made by 4 people on Unity and yet is still somehow better than this travesty
That was fast kek.
Because the racial shitposting has ruined threads that even try.
>the truth is racist
Americans have a black company, that's fine, nobody cares. 60% of a squad of Germans all black in WW1? not a possibility
Battlefield 1 is not a historically accurate WW1 game user. Everyone in it seems to have automatic weapons.
When does this come out again?
The shit posting will resume closer to release.
Medic looks rad.
>Battlefield 1 is not a historically accurate WW1 game user
See Also
>Everyone in it seems to have automatic weapons.
Because the Battlefield players who think are hardcore gamers because they play battlefield are actually as casual as the CoD players they claim to hate.
Verdun is objectively shit, though.
Because it's just Battlefield 4 on a bunch of flat boring maps. Why play this when bf4 and bbc2 exist? The shoehorning of blacks in it also takes away my dollar, not worth pirating either.
Because the gameplay looks like shit.
>Still no BC3
The only reason it's shit because it has too few players
Because most can't play it
They could've gotten their diversity boner through dlc where they could have made up battles in the colonies because "alt history ww1" in addition to real ones like Tsingtao.
>no 2143
Holy shit, videogames aren't realistic, stop the presses!
What? The game plays like shit and it's boring as fuck, fampai. Was expecting something like Red Orchestra 2 but it was very dull in comparison.
Plus it's made in Unity.
I mean when was the last time DICE made a good game? Let alone a proper Battlefield game.
DICE have come out and say they don't know why people liked the BC series
So take that as you will
Which is why no one bitches about deathmatch style ww2 games because there's a degree of authenticity. This game lacks authenticity.
Dank meme bruh