Have you ever made a friend from Sup Forums?
Have you ever made a friend from Sup Forums?
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I consider every user who's ever replied to me as a friend
Hi buddy.
I was linked to a streaming site pre twitch created by some ragtag fucks.
They're currently my Internet friend circle, although strained and scattered because we grew up and stopped streaming Mario retardy all day.
We still chill in discord and play dnd on sundays.
no but I got a 5 once
add me up losers
Kill yourself.
>make online friend
>become bored of them after a week because virtually hanging out ultimately seems pointless
>disappear from their lives forever
Every time.
I don't want to be friends with anyone who associates with this place.
>guys are clingy, possibly emotional fags with severe mental issues
>girls are clingy two-faced cunts
>the usual fuck who wants to be friends, has no games in common, and doesn't even go online
never again
Yes and their name is OP.
Why would you ever want to be friends with anyone from this shithole?
What's it like to have a friend?
It's been so long, I don't remember anymore.
Here's a pity (You)
so you don't like yourself user?
I used to play Sup Forumslancer with a bunch of homos from here and made a bunch of friends.
I miss Sup Forumslancer
Yeah, most people I add from here are pretty cool. But sometimes I get the gays that push their life story on me after a couple days and want my attention all the time, using steam as a chat service like kik rather than playing games.
I would but everyone tells me that I have shit taste. Also one time I met a guy in College who said he went to Sup Forums. He would literally yell out things like "I JUST LOST THE GAME". It was horrible.
not from Sup Forums, but I've been friends with people from a lot of internet circles for god knows how many years now and most are just as good friends or even better as the people I've known irl
I have a couple from here and /vg/. All but one are literal meme spouting teens. Some of them still invade our TS channels and unironically chatter non stop memespeak and think it's funny or something.
Funny enough, the one good guy I met was a BR
I had a friend but he stood me up despite us meeting up every so often for a pint.
I got a whole raid group and 3 long time online friends from /vg/
I got nothing but losses and dank memes from playing with Sup Forums
Really makes you think.
WW2 Online with Sup Forums and /k/ was pretty fun.
Any other game with Sup Forums tho, never again.
Playing with Sup Forums was so-so. Since you're all fucking europeans!
You sound like a very welcoming shrine maiden I read recently who willingly lets people gangbang her in some smutty doujin.
No, but I try to be nice and help people out when I can.
Lets all make Sup Forums great again.
Oh fuck no.
EVE online with Broski Enterprises was pretty fun
Yes. I remember making friends with a Warhammer poster recently.
A few times.
Yeah. My best friend.
He turned out to be a piece of shit.
Wed been talking every day for over a year and one day I ask him how his eyesight is. He says shit, I say he should get glasses then, he doesnt want to, I lecture him about the importance of being able to see, he gets mad and we have an argument. A while later he gets an eye exam and his eyesight is like -1.5 or something hardly even needs glasses. I tell him that I almost wish he was blinder so that the argument we had wouldn't have been such a waste of time. He tells me to kill myself and unfriends me.
You can't make this shit up.
Hello bestie, we just met but things are looking good
I've made a friend from /d/, does that count?
memes > "friends"
No because I despise all of you
sup man
Can I borrow 5 bucks friend?
You don't wish anything bad for your friends man, in real life it would be a little ok cause if you were joking they could see it from the way you say it.
I'm not your friend, buddy
>You don't wish anything bad for your friends man,
Then he should've known that I was just joking.
And I actually am practically blind. I'm allowed to joke about that.
We played toribash once, people said my tori looked pretty.
Sucks man well maybe he really was a self centered asshole
I haven't made a single friend from this website for the entire 6 years I've been here.
Yeah, we wanted to make a game together, but he turned out to be a lazy shit.
I dont't have any friends.
what's your steam friendo?
I tried but none of you can shut the fuck up about memes and try saying something original for once in your lives.
Never again.
Yeah, he was and I knew it. I put up with it because he was at least relatively nice to me though.
I wish it ended on better terms but Im kinda glad hes gone. My story isnt the first time hes pulled stupid shit like that. Just the last time.
I have some dude from my Sup Forums days added on steam. We exchanged gifts once and never spoke again.
Once, when I obtained repeating digits and that was the big thing back then. Said I'd get 7's, got some 7's.
Was bretty gud.
I've never made a friend on the internet. I've never chatted to any of my Steam "friends". I don't know what's wrong with me, i'm not even that autistic.
I tried but every time it turns out they're either furry gingers, dumb teens or that kind of retard who can't write more than two sentences without spamming memes every two words to show me they're from Sup Forums.
I'm not really sure how to go about doing that.
You've got a friend in Sup Forums
You've got a friend in Sup Forums
Just remember what old user said
You've got a friend in Sup Forums
No, but I made a friend from /soc/.
She's alright, for a DOTAfag.
>making online friends on Sup Forums
The online friends I've made are people I met on forums when I was like 13 and we used to autism together to annoy everyone around us. We still hang out on skype and occasionally visit each other.
I can't imagine making online friends any other way, especially on Sup Forums of all places
I consider a decent chunk of Sup Forums my acquaintance.
Good example is last night's Panda Warrior threads.
Sup Forums is one of those places in Sup Forums you don't want to mix with your private life, sure it's fun to shitpost here with anons,but every time I actually tried to be friends with a Sup Forumsermin the dude always turnes out to be a childish memespouter or a dramaqueen who thinks literally everything wrong that happens to him is done on purpose.
I posted one time in it and said I thought they were talking about a bootleg kung fu panda movie since there was a few people discussing warcraft. Turns out they were talking about bootleg kung fu panda
>tfw met my gf on Sup Forums
Made a friend from /d2g/
Met him in real life a few months ago. Was a blast.
Yeah. He was a pretty good guy. Met him 2 years ago or so, but I blew it again. It's probably for the best. Glad I met the guy though. Had some good times with him.
Met a few other guys before that too including someone like this
And it was sort of awkward.
Sometimes I wonder what my highschool years could've been like if I hadn't found Sup Forums
The reason it's impossible to make friends with functional people on here is because they know better than to try as a way of avoiding exactly what you said. Only the desperate bother on here.
This. If you come with the intention of making, you're not gonna find quality people.
The people you happen to stumble upon while browsing tend to be decent people.
Hey dude how's your day been?
>walking in the street
>see a couple of dudes talking
>they are discussing based gaben
>hear one say ''gaben is love, gaben is life''
>Me: ''Hey man you browse Sup Forums?''
>him: ''yea''
>Me: ''FUCK YEA''
>we clap hands
As garbage as it was with it. Your shit life was your fault, not the Peruvian bean harvesting boards' fault
>tfw no clingy weeb steam friend to play vidya and watch anime with
I have friends who browse Sup Forums but I didn't meet them on Sup Forums
Please do not do that
I made a few friends from Sup Forums back when Minecraft was still relatively unknown.
Then once normies got all over it, they left and I never had another way to contact them.
I met someone in the Sup Forums Steam group that I friended on Facebook and constantly talk to and try to play vidya with as much as possible. There's some truly decent people among the autists here, honestly
what anime you like?
Yeah, I played a bit with some guys on Tribes: Ascend.
You lads are incompetent but hilarious. I like that.
I have one and I enjoy his company, but I'm getting really tired. He doesn't enjoy anything besides video games and he doesn't even enjoy video games, as ironic as that statement sounds.
He is also clueless, or pretends to be, and doesn't really care about anything including myself.
I'll be your clingy weeb friend user-kun~
Infantryman Idla
When Sup Forums used to do fotm games i had a few people i hung out with. I pretty much disappeared after a year though.
>tfw you will never have chill friends to play vidya with like seananners or sovietwomble
im always looking for new friends to watch anime with
Are you a cute guy
pls let them have dicks
they do
all is right in the world
They don't, you gullible fuck.
>watch anime with
how do you this
I require proof.
19th June
pic related
I actually still have senior year left
I'm literally just about to dowload a shiton of games from this totally legit site as we speak so I will be guarenteed to get shit grades and not socialize again.
Should I run user?
I can't
Save Me
Whats rabb.it? I just open the episode and press play at the same time.
>totally legit
Totally Legal*
Three, in fact.
The first was pretty fickle and removed me because we didn't talk for like, two days, despite the fact that was kinda normal.
The second started out cool and became incredibly rude over the years for almost no reason. We're still buds.
Met the third recently and we're still pals, though he made the mistake of joining a Sup Forums discord and contracted the gay. I fear he's gonna become another anal-loving sissy.
Don't forget,
you're here forever.
Rude how? There is always a reason.