Why is no one on Sup Forums excited for GOTY 2016?
Why is no one on Sup Forums excited for GOTY 2016?
but I am
because hype leads to dissapointment
We are, but the "Aug lives matter" has made some of us wary of it.
>only one hub
>tons of DLC
>season pass
>even more 3rd person shit than HR
>same shitty exp system as HR
>'Augs lives matter'
>Adam Jensen coming back for this game
>shitty graphics
>shitty animations
Only good thing about this will be the soundtrack.
Explain how a piece of promotional art affects the quality of the game.
Hahahahahaha what fucking children you are
What's the problem?
not even official art you mongoloid
Dev's scared me off in any way they could. It worked.
Because Blood and Wine already came out
heroes never die
>GOTY 2016
That will be My Summer Car you pleb
>only one hub
That's expansion of the year
I'd be hyped if Nicholas Cage voiced Adam Jenson
That's why, user.
I haven't played any of the doosex so it's too late for me to get on the hype train.
Because Dishonored 2 is coming out.
Because I didn't ask for this.
Honestly because there is nothing to get particularly hyped about. There's no leak for people to cream themselves over like last time, and the stuff they've shown just makes it look like HR+. HR is good but it's not exciting.
Where can I get this for under 20 bucks? Their last game was short af so I don't want to pay too much.
Oh boy more Adam Jensen
What, you don't like throat cancer?
SJW spotted. Get the fuck out.
This game will be awesome, I am excited for it. GOTY should go to deus ex md or final fantasy 15.
I'm excited, but does anyone else think that the fact this game is a prequel kinda limit what it can do story-wise?
It means that Jensen can't do outright contradictory shit like take down the Illuminati himself or kill Bob Page, but otherwise there's a lot of wiggle room in the lore of Deus Ex. There are still plenty of possible self-contained stories that are possible within the 20+ year time frame.
I already bought it. It's just that I'm enjoying so many games on my amazing new rig that I can't get excited for just one game, even if it's looking really great.
But what said.
HR was amazing and I really want MD to be good. But hype always leads to disappointment.
This. Im looking forward to it, but Im avoiding all kinds of hype. The port might be bad (very unlikely as the HR port was really great, vastly superior to the console version on every front), the game might be really short, it might play things too safe or stealth might be shit again.
I hope its good, but after MGSV being the blunder that it was, I cant get "hyped" for anything. For my own good.
Wasn't leaked this time to cover their ass
About to play HR again, do I run a kill everyone or knock everyone out run through?
Do the one you haven't done before.
But I personally almost always think a kill-run is more satisfying.
>mechanical apartheid
>cover system
>regenerating health
>more cutscenes
>casualized hud
>no more 1-9 buttons
>press x to knock out everyone
>story written by some bitch who wants to inject her own agenda
>linear as fuck sections
>no more conspiracies
>entire franchise after HR is going to be about retconning the original with their Deus Ex Universe trash
What other reason do you need?
Has Deus Ex ever done a sequel with the same protag?
Don't get me wrong, I liked Adam, but still, don't most Deus Ex games switch up the PC?
I'm excited but I don't think it'll be GOTY
>Implying they won't retcon the originals pushing Warren to suicide.
Yes. The designers and the execs saw how popular Adam was and just said "fuck it" however.
>mom i posted it again
They won't "retcon" them per se, they will do what Star Trek did and create a new timeline. In particular they will make one the multiple endings contradictory and then have the games follow that ending. Probably throw some magic in there so that they're both "canon".
Quadrilateral Cowboy already came out
How does someone create a promo picture like that and doesn't think "well, this is kind of obvious, pretentious and plain cheesy".
pick one
its literally the only thing im hyped for
like at all
there is nothing else in my life atm worth noticing
but im not preordering since im getting the pc version
>this copypasta again
Why do you hate a game that isn't even out yet? And don't give me that shitty comic of a guy shitting on a plate. HR was objectively good. Better than the original? Hell no, but the original is God tier.
Hell, you don't even have proof for 90% of the shit you just listed. Fuck off.
Why are people worried about some stupid, on-the-nose promotional art as opposed to any valid issues with the gameplay itself?
>"well, this is kind of obvious, pretentious and plain cheesy".
That's just how Deus Ex is.
When can I get this Mercy skin?
Good point. DE1 was at least hilarious though.
>your face when you realized Human Revolution is not the first Deus Ex game
Well I have never done a kill everything run so I guess I'll try that. Last three times I played it I could bring myself to kill anyone, just broke the stealthy agent thing I was going for
hello youngfag
Well in terms of timeline placement, it is...
you do realise that BLM does not approve of the whole "aug lives matter" thing right?
Surely it isn't a problem then.
>"well, this is kind of obvious, pretentious and plain cheesy"
Said your mom last night lol
pretty weak
which is also the thing your gf told me about you :^)
>some of us
You mean the niggers that want to loot and riot or the white guilt betas?
Nice shitpost.
Why is MGSV the first and most often only game you all point as a source of Dissapointment in videogames?
It wasn't that bad and you fags know it.
It was made as a purposely unfulfilling ending game to a huge, story-based franchise. This isn't hard to figure out, retard.
MGS V is an okay game that should have been a great one
That picture is kino as fuck.
It's a decent game.
It's just everyone expected the second coming of Christ so they had to subtract hype disappointment from the overall score.
It should easily be a 7/10 for content alone, but people will actually go "Yeah, the content is good, however since there are optional repeat side ops and missions I hate it"
Literal retardation.
Jokes on you because I don't have a girlfriend!
Because everyone realized that "Human Revolution but better" is still building on Human Revolution. There were some core flaws in gameplay systems and the overall mindset of the writing of Human Revolution that will carry onto Mankind Divided. There's still reason to be excited and there's proof that it's going to be a great sequel, but the solid foundation it's building on has an equally solid ceiling, and it will take a lot to break through it.
So far it's looking to be a reliable 8/10, but the same 8/10 that Human Revolution was. With few risks, all the conversation that can be said about it is complaining about the overuse of Aug Lives Matter and Mechanical Apartheid or just having a banal conversation about the facts about the game. It's a game to look forward to, but not really one that has anything that will generate any big, anxious hype at this point in time.
I was until Aug Lives Matter proved my theory that the writing is going to be heavily influenced by modern day liberal media opinions
lol did u get it too. its like jensen is icarus or some shiz. deep
>There were some core flaws in gameplay systems and the overall mindset of the writing of Human Revolution
Go on
I am
Playing through HR atm. Really liking it.
I thought Aug lives matter was a great idea. It's a nice reference and it'll still stand on it's own long after people forget about BLM.
Realistically it can't be much better than Human Revolution, which was good but not mind blowing.
First off, the Aug Upgrade system is ass backwards compared to Skills + Augs. The problem lies within the use of the Praxis Point. Even though the player accumulates XP towards Praxis Points and can receive them for free, a system that may appear similar to the old XP buy system for Skill ranks, the problem lies within the flat cost of Praxis Points for upgrades. Deus Ex's system worked because the XP cost for Skills varied depending on the rank of them. Lower strength skills only took a small amount to upgrade while mastering skills had costs that bordered on egregious. By locking beginner skills not only at the same cost of endgame aug, but also locking the entry upgrade to that tree behind what could be double the cost of an endgame aug is ridiculous and doesn't work properly for a sense of progression.
Then, and I know it's a dead horse, but there lies a huge problem within the fact that takedowns are tied to your Energy. It's not as much "Press X for Awesome!!" like everyone tries to call it, but the actual cost of Energy. Binding these to Energy might seem like a great balancing mechanic, yet, it's another piece of skewing the game's abilities. The importance of a full bar of energy ranges from a wide range of explosives to full on stealth field to just the lowly padded feet, and so on, and any use of these removes your ability to use a Melee Takedown for a period of time. The design of the game's mechanics should allow these to all flow into each other, but the way the system is set up all limits the player to stop and go movement through a level if they want to have any interaction to it beyond sticking to the fringes and ghosting.
It all starts to point towards a flawed design dogma from the developers on what a RPG should be. On paper, they are on the right path. A decent RPG should make a player want to stick to a certain method of progressing through a level. (CONT)
>the problem lies within the flat cost of Praxis Points for upgrades
Weird thing to attack, the easier target is the change to the leveling system so you can become a master of everything instead of being forced to specialise in 1. Having the cost of leveling increase as you got closer to master tied into that, since you could experiment at the beginning with the cheap skills at the beginning and then decide on what to master later, but that's just part of the problem imo, much worse is that you can get enough praxis points to buy every skill
Of course, that's what really made Deus Ex a great RPG. You had to think about how you actually want to progress through the game depending on what skills and items you had available. You had to think about what you're going to upgrade and what equipment you're going to take depending on what possible hurdles are ahead.
This idea, on the surface, appears to be a large part of Human Revolution. You have to consider the way you spend Praxis Points depending on what obstacles you find ahead and carry the right weapons, ammo, and items depending on your solution. The problem is that it's all skewed. The way PP and Augs work make it obtuse to progress your character's ability set in any regard. There appears to be an analogue between decreasing the number of Multitools you need with a better hacking skill and the fact that you could either use a Auto Hack Tool or save it by hacking, but the solution of the latter is merely giving bonuses and tiny bits of help to all players instead of being a part that reinforces the playthrough you've chosen.
The team has definitely tried very hard, but they just are missing something about how it's all supposed to go together. They've got it right on paper, but the actual way they encourage players for different styles jumps around from being too obtuse or being too general, resulting in something that's just OK. This goes on to be reflected in the writing. They stretch themselves trying to provide all the options while pushing players to a certain presentation and it all comes across as Deus Ex-ish, but ultimately falls down to being a love letter to the older games trying to reignite the old spark, but it feels like they're going off memories. I have some hopes for Mankind Divided, but the only way it can be great is if they don't try too hard living up to a standard because they're just going to get too close to the project to see how the ideas are just poor reflections of the originals.
That's part of what I should have expanded on. The way Praxis Points work make it both obtuse to upgrade but also allow you to get every ability. It doesn't work like the costs of Skills do to put importance behind what you buy or gives the player proper encouragement to either spread themselves in general or focus on the great abilities they can get if they Master one. It's a system that's shallow but filled with bumps. Something that feels like they're trying to make your point spending important, but ultimately it makes it nothing special. They had the idea on paper, but the execution was sloppy.
Because it's a Denuvo title
If I recall Human Revolution gained traction here specific because people bothered to torrent it and found it to be fucking awesome.
'least that's my reason for not giving a shit.
I am tho
I'll be when they remove takedowns, third person camera on demand from the game and stop writing retarded stories. Which means never.
I really expect a new Human Revolution games down the line, "now you can use takedowns on 3 people! and with quad armblades upgrade, 4 enemies can be taken down via takedowns!"
HR was build on Abortion vs Fundie dialogue.
This one is build on SJW vs MRA flamewar.
Mational Rifle Association?
I tend to notice that many Mankind Divided threads get saved from deletion by samefags, just noticing the number of IPs not increasing for a long while, I wonder why would that be
Metaxa ravaged addicts
I'm excited.
>no pc physical copy for sale
Thats why?
I'm excited but I'm going to expect serious improvements over the previous game. Also Pritchard better be back or else I'm going to be pissed.
Piss off SJW.
>posting these lies again
Are you getting paid? You've been doing this in almost every thread for a while now.
It was like that in the first game, no? They've just amped it up given the events at the end of HR.
People bump threads they are interested in gouy.