it's just as cuhrayzee as the other titles they praised
even kamiya would argue but he'll get into a fight with Itagaki again over NGB and DMC again.
it's just as cuhrayzee as the other titles they praised
even kamiya would argue but he'll get into a fight with Itagaki again over NGB and DMC again.
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nice image
But they don't hate it, it's just not considered as mechanically good as the other cuhrayzee games, people still have fun with it.
The shit GOWfags are complaining about in the new GOW is exactly the shit cuhrayzeefags hate about GOW. Simple ass combat, basic bitch enemy design, overly drawn out cinematic set pieces with handholdy minimal gameplay sequences and QTE's, story focused etc.
>Sup Forums adores QTE sequences in MGR and Bayonetta
>but it's bad when it's games like GoW3, which Kamiya been wanting to top for awhile
hys pls
DMC3/4:SE Master Race reporting in.
GoW is babies first combos.
Kratos better find some motivation if he ever wants to sit at the CUUHRAYZEH table.
great combo vid
what your point here?
This exactly. GOW games are good, but not as cuhrayzee as DMC
the game is slow
the combo system doesn't reward variety or style
Square square triangle is stupidly effective in every game
1+1=2 and it makes the game simplistic
Enemies attack in turns or the range of the weapons is too big, making the game easy as hell even in high difficulties
NGB > DMC3/4
Reminder David Jaffe said their combat system isn't as good as DMC. Stop acting like they were competing
>But they don't hate it
this is not true
>Sup Forums adores QTE sequences in MGR and Bayonetta
Who are you quoting?
Wow, and You kiss your dad with that mouth?
Because it's western trash
Not so much cuhrayzee, more like bahr00tal.
But yeah it's really fucking good. I've always liked it even though Sup Forums has tended to had a hate boner for it (because it's Sony exclusive, kek).
Shame about the upcoming pile of shit.
Because he's bald
>>Sup Forums adores QTE sequences in MGR and Bayonetta
I like God of War, DMC, Ninja Gaiden, and Bayonetta. Fight me.
I like YOU, user :3
the potential for complexity was there but it was never required to beat the game, but the thing about GOW is that is not trying to be cuhrayzee, it doesn't need to, GOW was happy being entry level to the character action genre and it was completely fine to enjoy it on that level that you are not in for the challenge, you are in for the set pieces and cathartic visceral gameplay. That's the issue i have with GOW 4 is that is not even trying to be character action game anymore.
>doesn't like God Hand
shit taste fhamalam
>the combo system doesn't reward variety or style
gee man, wonder you say this for every musou game?
I like God Hand too. And W101.
>implying liking god hand is hard
bitch please, i liked Anarchy reigns singleplayer campaign.
What do you guys think about this? Just beat it and found it quite decent.
David Jaffe actually admitted that Devil May Cry and Bayonetta blow GoW out of the water
I haven't played it, to be honest i wasn't a fan of it naming itself after the book, it barely has anything to do with it from what i seen.
great game, more weapon variety would have been nice though
shit aesthetics in my opinion
Kratos isn't as appealing as other protagonists
They can't handle sexy dad-Kratos.
Had a nice cock at the end.
Probably the worst Divina Commedia inspired piece of media ever made
turns to shit challenge mode about two thirds in.
>Stop acting like they were competing
the topic isn't about competition with other character action games, it's about why can't cuhrayzee fans accept GoW as one of theirs?
enemies aren't damage sponges enough?
no "Damn! Cool! Blast Off! Awesome! Sick! Super Stylish!" popping right aside the screen.
Are there any other videogames with cocks and tits and baby killings?
>dial in/sequential combos
GoW and Bayonettais shit because of this and one of the DMC series' core strengths was the ability to do almost any move raw into almost any other move. It's why I personally think W101 is such a stronger game.
get this shit back to 1988, gramps.
>redeeming a character that was made to be irredeemable
the whole point of GOW3 was that he couldn't redeem himself anyway, the appeal of Kratos is that he is a genocidal asshole that rage all the time, thats like making Travis fron No more Heroes and stereotipical good guy that is completely serious and isn't into anime at all, or make Dante a tryhard edgelord instead of the goofball he is... oh wait that last one happened.
Heavy Rain minus the dongs
Kratos isn't stylish and his feats don't look as cool
So the story arc of a characters attempt to change itself is impossible to do well?
not impossible but what is the point then, the appeal of the character was that he is not a hero which in the past game was always the catalyst to allow you to be as brutal as you wanted and take to game to places other game wouldn't. I'm not again humanizing Kratos but if you humanize him too much you lose the spark of what made him interesting in the first place. Is like a Mortal Kombat without the gore, and every time that has happen it has always been a disappointment.
>why can't cuhrayzee fans accept GoW as one of theirs
Because it's not. Pure and simple. The issue is not combos, it's the technical skill ceiling of the game that is the difference. Any game can do combos, cuhrayzee games have a very high skill ceiling to do combos and require a great deal of execution from the player and often give you a ridiculous amount of options to work with. If you did the combo in that web in a DMC game no one would give a shit because you didn't do anything worth talking about. A skilled DMC player would have been able to stay in the air for a solid minute combining enemy steps with air dashes and charge shots while maintaining the air juggle by simultaneously switching both weapons and styles. The difference in execution to perform that webm compared to high level DMC3 or 4 play is so vast there is no sense in even comparing the two.
Cuhrayzee games are not cuhrayzee because of style and combos, they are cuhrayzee because of the skill required to take the game to the limits and how insane the game will let you be if you can perform.
"Cuhrayzee" is a dumb genre that was made up just to make DMC fans feel like their favorite series was even more special. Stuff like Ninja Gaiden or Metal Gear Rising isn't cuhrayzee because they don't even focus on racking up huge, varied combos or anything. And you can't say it's about having spectacle because God of War does have spectacle with all its huge bosses and fancy setpieces. The truth is they're all just beat 'em ups.
Combat mechanical depth is a dumb metric to decide genre because if you used that you could come to the conclusion that BlazBlue and Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat are all different genres.
>the potential for complexity was there but it was never required to beat the game
That holds true for DMC3 and 4 to though.
>The appeal of the character was that he is not a hero
Not to a lot of people?
The character himself was never "appealing" the only appeal he had was that he looked cool and did cool things. Nothing more nothing less.
If he will keep doing cool things but also have a deeper character in the next game i don't see an issue.
Kratos has always been humanized since the first game i don't get at all what you are trying to say here. He was never exclusively the brute that you are making him out to be.
By the looks of the gameplay demo from this E3 it still looks like he is rather harsh. He broke that trolls horns and axed him in the face a couple of times.
I don't think its too jarring for Kratos to show compassion to his son while ripping the spines out of enemies, because he has always done that. He was always compassionate to his daughter and even that fucking pandora girl he saw his daughter in like a true Joel.
Don't forget the fact that your weapons have ridiculous range, meaning you can hit most enemies with your only movement being from your attacks.
It is incredibly hard to do when he was ripping heads off, killing civilians who were simply in the way, and gouging eyes out.
I feel like an idiot but I could never get into DMC 4 because the cuhrayzee is just there on the side. I would prefer it if the game forced you to get stylish in order to progress rather than being an optional component.
Are you sure OP? I played God of War and it was pretty lame.
It's a term so you can talk about good action games without the shitty ones. If anyone starts posting Batman or God of War you can just go "that's not a character action game" as an excuse to throw them out of the discussion. Sort of like how Roguelike autists will not count Spelunky and Nuclear throne so they can just sink back into their reclusive turn based ascii rehashes.
Fucking really is there retarded spam like that in those games? I'm glad I never wasted money on them
But what is the difference is what i am asking?
Some retarded children have it in their heads that playing games that require you to push "more complex" buttons makes them better or that they have better taste in games.
In reality they are sad, lonely people.
>mfw I hated GoW1 but really enjoyed GoW2
Haven't played any of the others yet so far it averages out to okay
Don't bother, God of War 2 is the best one.
They're just fun games. They don't shove too much down your throat and they're quite basic but that's what makes them enjoyable.
>combos are the only thing that matters
This is why no one takes you fucks seriously.
You can do the same thing god of war by switching between different weapons and spells while you're in a combo.
Except GoW2 is easily one of the best "character action games" out there. Easily places in the top 10.
Well no shit. Combos matter the most
No they don't. Ninja Gaiden and God Hand aren't about combos.
Yeah, just like Kingdom Hearts 2.
Lol no
This is why the enemies in DMC are all shit.
The hell you mean not God hand?
I love the spectacle of it, I love how angry Kratos is, but it's literally square, square, triangle, dodge, win: the game.
not an argument.
That applies to any action game. Funny that gow enemies are just a joke
Just like every other action game?
Only on the lower difficulties.
t, DMC babby that never played any other action game.
Not much to argue. Gow2 is average
You dropped your fedora
You can't prove it so you're wrong until further notice.
I still win with mashing square. Such a joke, only died with protect your family in 1
You can do that in DMC so I guess that it's also a shit game.
Lol, common knowledge kid
Is it just me or is Ascension a lot harder than the other ones? I mean I usually just play them on Normal and am playing it on Hard but it's really fucking annoying the way they changed the controls, have the fucking camera moving around every two seconds s you can't see anything and standard mobs kick your shit in and gang up on you before you can get some momentum.
Mind you I'm not the best at these games anyway but it feels especially bad here.
Do these games get much better after the first one?
Because I kind of struggled through the first one like it was a fucking chore to play sometimes.
It did some good things, but overall I just wasn't looking forward to another one.
You mash triangle instead
I tried, in gow the blades hitbox is huge. You can't die. In dmc you will die
Yes, but only play the main trilogy. It peaks at 2.
I've already beaten DMC by mashing square so you're probably retarded.
The games suck. End of story. Some hipster in this thread will forever defend GoW but it's just crap the system
I think the Hydra battle in 1 is one of the best openings to any game. Just the brutality of it blew 14 year old me away.
Pity the rest of the game isn't nearly as good but it's still good. Full of "that bits" as well.
Prove it or just fuck off already.
Lol, i believe you big boy. Now go back to the crib
Yeah, the combat is just basic slop. Enjoyed the set pieces though
I can combo easier in dmc3 than gow somehow. I think it's cause shit dies easier maybe?
I think the first God of War hits a more interesting balance. If you liked God of War II you'll like the first one either way, though.
The first two games in the series are the best, along with Ghost of Sparta which I also thought was surprisingly good.
Are you fucking kidding me? There is only one type of enemy outside of the boss-fights you stupid idiot and it's designed to be a punching bag.
No u
It's your argument.