>make a movie
>call it a game
Make a movie
Who cares. Its Batman.
Found the 9gag numale
Well gee Ellie
>have autisim
>complain to random strangers on the internet
30 year old basement dwellers love batman. You will only get butthurt manchilds crying if you tease batman.
Post your decisions.
I seriously hope none of you faggots picked Vale over Gordon
>what is the entirety of the internet
>stats on story decisions
Gaming is dead.
None of them matter anyway.
Western devs in this and last gen.
If I could find that article about The Order devs saying "We're a video game company, we can't get around that" I'd post it.
>No Kevin Conroy(Bruce/Batman)
>No Grey Deluise(Selina/Catwoman)
>No Nolan North(Cobblepot/Penguin)
>None of the other current Batman series VAs
What the fuck TellTale? Its not the same without Conroy and the rest.
Only die hard fans care about those VAs. Their actual audience, the casual audience, can care less if Batman is voiced by someone like him. As long as he talks deep and grunts, he's Batman.
>make a movie
>call it a game
>get 10/10
Troy Baker actually does a fantastic Batman and Bruce 2bh
Did this piece of shit game get 10/10? Are you fucking joking me. I got this game with my PS4 and holy shit it is boring as fuuuuuuuuuck.
I'll agree with you on the Bruce.
But the Batman voice is shit, and adding a voice modulator is double shit.
Didn't Baker also voiced Joker as well one time? Could see him do a double role if Joker does make an appearance in a later episode of this.
>make a movie
>call it a game
>don't give it any graphics settings
>make it run like absolute shit
Wait how can a game with little Ai and gameplay involvement be slow as shit?
Meh. At least maybe some tard will buy it off me for a decent price.
Any of you faggots want a 10/10 AAA title that is amazingly fun. I can't keep it anymore because I am moving overseas and can't take my ps4
I don't know. They fucked up something
You're better off using it as a doorstep. Uncharted is as much of a game as tic tac toe. And tic tac toe has interesting choices.
how do I join in on the falseflagging and pretending I own Sony products?
He does an okay impersonation of Hamill's Joker
>no webm's
Where are the out of context scenes of Batman beating the fuck out of someone? Where are the "X will remember this" scenes? You guys disappoint me.
>video game stories all suck
>make one that doesn't suck
>people get angry and call it a movie
I hate the idea of celebrity game devs, but this guy hasn't failed to deliver a quality product.
The first episode of Game of Thrones was the only good thing to come out of Telltale's asshole since they started making these games. I can't stand any of their trash anymore.
Mass Effect 3 taught us that the moral choices/CYOA gimmick simply doesn't work. It's too much effort for the developer to create specific content for each individual story path, knowing that players will only experience a fraction of it in a given playthrough. So every choice leads to the same conclusion. That, and you just can't tell a compelling story with that type of mechanic.
And I can't fucking stand how every character has the most unconvincing, exaggerated facial expressions, and they move as if they're an animatronic robot.
All I can think is "other people like it so I must like it too".
Got the Uncharted Collection on the recommendation of co-workers. I got halfway through the second until I couldn't take any more generic hallway shooting galleries.
Play Alpha Protocol.
Butthurt pcucks and nintendoboys
>neckbeard weeb jerkoffers on chineese girl board
Hah no, everybody and their moms love uncharted . Heck it was even in theaters before star wars7. Sorry its not your daily weebshit actualy quality game here
Alpha Protocol is a fuckin anomaly. It actually take the time and effort to deliver on all the choices you make, and it's amazing to feel like you have actual agency, but everything else about it is so fucking awful and hard to digest.
The only good episodic Telltale game besides Sam & Max, but they don't count is Tales from the Borderlands, because they managed to make it more fun and interesting than the regular shooting ones.
Reminder that in order for a game to be considered a movie it has to be able to go on after you make a mistake.
Until Dawn:
>Your fuckups result in deaths, but the story goes on
>There's even a trophy for nobody surviving the night
>If Nathan dies you restart at a checkpoint, the game doesn't just continue after Nate fell 10 feet and went limp for no reason other than the fact that he wasn't supposed to be there
QED Until Dawn is a movie and Uncharted is a game.
Conroy had been phoning it in lately
Jesus Christ, Telltale, just stop with the QTE shit. It isn't fun or challenging. I'd rather watch a fun, short cinematic than tap a few buttons to pretend like I'm doing something cool. That shit makes me feel like a fuckin clown, like my intelligence is being insulted. I'd rather they focus on making their pointless story decisions actually matter instead of delivering this faux-gameplay QTE crap.
Fuck you idiots. This new Batman game was 10/10, very much looking forward to the rest of the episodes.
>not making criminals afraid of you
this is actually the first telltale "game" im somewhat interested in, Im not a huge comic book fan but seeing a more adult batman game with detective shit and not an overly OP batman that actually has to plan his attacks and abuse the environment/ stealth appropriately seems cool
if only there was actual gameplay to go with that
The arkham series needed more strategy than this.
No shit, retard- the arkham games are games
Im talking about how the telltale batman actually had batman plan his attack against falcone by making a plan on how to take out the thugs one by one by using the environment
I only wish for a more "realistic" batman game that takes inspiration from chaos theory and the licensed batman begins game and makes the cqc from MGS4/ TPP more batman
>assuming we'll ever get classic splinter cell stealth ever again
That assumes game developers are making video games
>games were so much better when they were about high scores faam:(
Neck yourself please
I want to scare crooks, not children
>ignore them
>good morning! (it will alter nothing)
>enough photos (only a brief animation will change)
seriously, telltale used to be better right?
>how do you do, fellow fireflies