Character Disappointments

>"I was his wife and sometimes-concubine." - in reference to a satan worshipping cult leader.

Immediately dropped. I never should have expected anything more from the hackneyed writing of Shadowrun.

Anybody have similar experiences? I need to know who to avoid in games.

These fucking stats.
Fuck you IS.

Damn I couldn't agree more.

What's the problem here?

probably autism

OP doesn't like that character so he stopped playing the game.

Is it really a cult in a universe where there's a literal manifestation of Satan that affects the world and talks to people?

Yeah, but why? It doesn't seem anything worth getting upset about.

He got NTR'd by Satan.

it's more about waifu expectations for me. Why'd they have to go and shit on a perfectly decent character like that?
More like a metaphysical presence, I think.

calm down breh, she has a shiny new robot vagina, never used

You should have known she was damaged goods long before that conversation.

>m-muh animu trope isn't here! No pure!

And this is how you spot the autism. She was easily my favorite character, and looking at her complete corruption ending made me cheer. She owns so hard man.

Dragonfall 2 when, there is potential EVERY fuckingwhere there.

Nah. Glory was well written. Her being an accessory of the Adversary actually felt like a genuinely good thing to be torn up and distant about, and the fact that getting her to spill the beans requires a more delicate approach was pretty cool.

Plus you can send her back down the path to ruin, which I was glad was kept open as an option given how the power afforded by devils is usually described as intoxicating.

She's not some frail waifu for you to conquer, she's a person with a lot of baggage that becomes terribly aware how much she needed someone that could just listen and not judge.

Are you a faggot?

Purity fag. Glory is the best character HBS has written so far.

Literal autism.

>it's more about waifu expectations for me.

Holy shit off yourself.

I never thought about it that way before...thanks user!
Yeah I don't really care that much, and I will admit that she is a bit more nuanced until you get to le edgy devil worshipping part, but a lot of the writing in that game was forced as fuck.
Like I'm supposed to know or care about some german shit.

Superior pure orc wife > damaged goods

Eiger was fine man, I had a shitload of fun with her.

Monika was barely there, but I also fucking loved her. Is there anything more perfect than a bubbly punk girl? I loved her even when she "returned" They can do some really cool stuff with it on a potential sequel.

What a good fucking game, such a shame we get one of these every 5 years.

Sounds hot desu.
I want my own harem of devote cultists.

Dante's revelation was based as fuck.
he was standing ground along the massacre with tooth and nail... literally.
also, glory needs more fanart.

Her worshipping the devil wasn't edgy at all. She was seduced into it. She's a classic case of corruption by the Adversary. Suit like this has been seen before on literature.

As far as the German, this is because you're in Germany. It was the same thing Hong Kong.

Eiger was good too, if predictable and archetypal. Dragonfall is the best of the 3 by HBS by far.

I hate this board

I know she's from Shadowrun but every time I see this picture I immediately think Deus Ex Human Revolution.

>it's more about waifu expectations for me. Why'd they have to go and shit on a perfectly decent character like that?
You're fucking pathetic.
Go play your vn cancer garbage.

I forgot to mention that it is my first Shadowrun game.

She's pretty goddamn edgy, like it's cringe worthy after awhile. She only gets worse too.

Best Slav.

No she isn't.

it's not like there's many shadowrun games out there.
you should give it a try to the oldchool SR game one day.
i only played the snes one back in the day, do i don't know if that one is the better version.

>The devil not being the true essence of human kind
>just some dumb "evil for the sake of evil" force of nature.
Didn't even take a page from Luciferianism at all, I see.

>ywn join Lucky Strike's team during the Racter years

Feels bad.

Uh, she's a troll, user


that is a troll

It's Feuerschwinge, you uneducated, illiterate stupid fuck.
It's written dozens of times in the game.

You are fucking with us, right?
Do you really think that lack of waifu bait is bad writing?

That explains it.

She worshipped the devil, she's afforded a degree of leniency. If you want characters that are needlessly anything, look to Is0bel, the whiniest cunt HBS has written to date.

>muh walled city life
Yeah, you and almost everyone else that fucking grew up there.

>All 3 responses give you the same answer

How to fuck up

is that a humanized r63 of Donald Duck?

no one cares about your language fag.

Glory gets exposed to Satanism that transitions to Luciferianism, if I'm remembering my terms correctly.

It gets characterized in the text a little bit, but yeah, they don't do a ton of work at explaining why the Adversary is so bad outside of the readers preconceptions.

>implying I played the game for more than an hour
FOR MONICA am I right?

It's all about the flavour.You are ROLEplaying.

>your language
I actually speak four languages, amerifat.

>looking at her complete corruption
>Plus you can send her back down the path to ruin
goddamnit this is my fetish

now I have to try again to get into Dragonfall


>All these cucks that want damaged/used goods

To be honest, it doesn't matter in this case, because they're shit characters except for Dietrich.

Even Hong Kong had a better cast, sans the little dwarf tumblrette. Hell, Hong Kong was a better actual game, even if the story department's not as deep as Dragonfall.

Initially thought that too, but I'm pretty sure he's upset that Racter responds the same regardless, which is justified.

Yes it was a joke.

she's a troll, although she looks nothing like a troll as described by the tabletop (except for the horns). same for most of the trolls in the game, especially the in-game models for them. then strangely the orc in-game models look like how trolls are described.

she needs to take off her underwear to be true to form.

Everyone is used goods user. Even you.

You can't roleplay when you get the same response every time.

Whatever helps you sleep at night, user.

How can you be a wife AND a concubine?

The only shit character is Blitz.

Shut up Rachter, you have silly feet.

Speak for yourself bitch. I'm a pure maiden.

What she's saying is that she was a slut. This is why she was dropped, user.

Funny you said this since Dietrich was the most bland-boring character for me on Dragonfall. Even the ginger decker was more fun.

I would dress my little sister like this all day.

What did you roll guys? In my first run (that I stopped) I went decker, but then, I finished the game as adept. Triple critical on melee attacks is just goddamn broken.

Also, my waifu was Monika. I choose to save her. Yeah, I have blood on my hands, but... I LOVED HER omg

so do people really play RPGs to self-insert romance with shallow characters?

I guess if he got married to someone else and told she isn't #1 anymore

Tried decker but then I realized that we already had two, so I went ranged/mage. Just run around with a shotgun, blowing people up when I get angry. A few points in charisma to pad the shitty npc interactions.

Shadowrun source place the Adversary a bit more neutral. It is akin to the embodiment of rebellion, hedonism, and egotism. AKA the importance of the self, worshippers and shaman get wrapped up in those much easier than other totems/aspects.

Maybe you should play some generic anime game made for pathetic weebs.
Try Va11 Hall a, I'm sure it will suit your shitty taste.

You can't actually save her bro.

Then why does he make Glory kill mother and then laugh about it and tip his fedora?

I'm talking about the AI Part of me hoped that most of her is intact, or that she develops over time small hope though, looking at what happen later. Only chance is on a sequel.

SR:R is not the most faithful adaptation of the tabletop in many many ways

They have negative and positive influence. It's like the cards in tarot, they all can have good and bad meanings.

Therefore, shit waifu.

No, that's Dietrich.
That guy IS cyberpunk.

Because he is an asshole. Also, possibly because her exposure to him was via a 'toxic' shaman.

Toxic shaman basically take aspects of their totem and ramp it up to insane/illogical points. A nature shaman that goes topic would try genocide a species like Hitler. A totem that normally values order, would suddnely want to lobotomize people into obeying them. etc.

What? There aren't metaphysical forces? They are all totems?

I remember when I first played the game and they were saying "her" or something along those lines, and I was like "What? My sniper isn't a girl. I mean, look at him... Huh?...Oh."

Any metaphysical force can be deemed a totem. Shamans tap/worship into a totem to get magic.

Adversary just happens to be important because he could(supposedly) exert his influence onto the world during low mana periods.

Totems channel those metaphysical forces.

Magic in Shadowrun is intricately tied to forces of nature and the natural world

obviously by the 2070s the planet is very polluted and that pollution warps magic. thus toxic shaman are usually batshit crazy.

"totem" sounds better than "god" or "extra dimensional alien" in most settings.

Fucking this. Dietrich was my nigga, possibly the character most deserving of that title in all of video games.

So can Xenu be a totem?

Hmm, really makes you think.


The smug is off the charts.

it's more like you could follow and receive guidance from Xenu, but Xenu is actually just your particular interpretation of that particular mentor spirit rather than the actual alien guy

I liked the shadowrun games but I wish they looked/played better than a phone game, the budget really shows

>It's a "game directly comments on politics" episode
fuck this shit

>it's a Sup Forums only plays rpgs for waifus episode


what else would you expect from a bunch of Sup Forumsirgins

explains why persona series is so popular

You know the lore was written in the eighties right?

Am I the only one bothered by the fact that "wife and sometimes concubine" is completely redundant ?



no it isn't.

>she doesn't have the pendant after the side quest
>she's suddenly moody and more violent

did the demons win?

the writing/atmosphere isn't bad but it has a rough time making up for the rather dull gameplay and low-budget parts of the game

yes it is

did you fuck up and kill her ex girlfriend? I didn't and she chilled out after the mission