What does Sup Forums think of this game?

What does Sup Forums think of this game?

Is the story good?
Is the gameplay good? Does it feel balanced or repetitive?
How does the stealth feel?

I feel like this question will be pointless because of the general consensus, but is it better than Thief 2014? I actually really enjoyed that game.

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i only played on the hardest difficulty but i put ot down well before beating it, every obstacle in the game has some easy way of using an ability or something to get by, but if you want to sword fight through it you basically are stuck in a cut scene while you get ganged up on since the blocking is like a timed press. so doing what you want even if it seems like a smart idea doesnt work in the game, you get stuck playing around with the upgrade abilities you need instead of maxing the cool stuff first because its either slower or reveals you. just allot of here and there bullshit with the side quests, if you want to feel "like a badass" i guess this is for you , but as an assassin looter it fails on what it advertises

Who cares
>game play
Okay, blink kind of breaks the game and the combat is not great
There's not really "stealth" so much as there is "wait until the guard turns so you can use a power"

Overall worth a play but nothing amazing

It's great and way better than Th14f

>tfw when it's easier to play aggressively than stealthily

>tfw when it's a stealth game

good game

It's good. People are just not creative enough.


Holy shit that guy is brutal.

Absolutely fucking great game

How is the DLC?

Better balanced than the base game.

Damn that is some stylish ass shit

I take it this is really hard to do?

It's excellent, with the story based DLCs being better than the base game.

>Excellent steampunk (whalepunk?) aesthetic
>Perfect controls, some of the best and most responsive jumping mechanics in the genre
>You can go fully ghost or kill everyone, and the story accounts for both
>If the game is too easy, you can just play without any powers. The sequel is making this a specific choice you make in the story.
>Can't stress how good the DLCs are

I tried to do something like this yesterday. It didn't go well...


Great game, better than thief 2014. Playing it stealthy and playing it like a sociopath are 21 completelly different games.

Being stealthy, you get to apreciate more the world building around it.

Playing aggressively is Za Warudo simulator 2012.

my actual problem with the game is that it gives you a bunch of cuhrayzee tools to kill people with but killing people nets you the bad ending, whereas getting the good ending just requires you to use your blink and x-ray vision over and over. i hope they change this for the sequel

It's a lot of fun. It's a very straightforward game with a fairly small scope, but it's all done very well. I love a game that knows exactly what it wants to be, does that thing, and doesn't try anything more.

Fantastic. It feels like an honest to god expansion pack. Fewer missions than the first, but they're even bigger, a fair amount harder, and the moveset is more fun.

>bad ending
Stop this stupid meme, there is no bad ending

I enjoyed it quite a bit. The whale-oil, Victorian-esque aesthetic was unique, the story was interesting and tightly plotted, the powers were varied (even though Blink was OP) and the freedom of choice was very nice. Overall, I'd give it an 8/10.

Yes there is, The one where Emily dies.

>story based DLCs being better than the base game
Are you for real, boi?

You're supposed to save her, it has nothing to do with how you played the rest of the game

>people complain about not having any fun powers
>literally all powers except for rat swarm and shadow kill are viable for nonlethal sneaks

Its been my GOTY since it came out

This thread is making me want to try it again.
Got it for free on 360, only assassinated one person and didn't enjoy the feel of the game.

It seems like it's meant to be KB+M