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Woah congrats user

Grats user,how long did you bang your head against the wall to get it?

post your score


Well done. Even if PCB is one of the easiest games, getting a Lunatic 1cc is still an achievement.

Which shottype did you use?

Good Job

now 1cc every character in PoFV

1 month of casual play

can't right now

reimu pursuit

>1 month of casual play
>of casual play
>1 month

Here I am,struggling to 1cc SA on fucking Normal and you get a Lunatic 1cc on a month?!Of casual play,no less.
You have to be bullshitting,how long have you been playing shmups?
Or are you THAT good?

>reimu pursuit
Patrician taste.

Played some 2 or 3 hours a day, maybe it wasn't that casual if you think about it.

How many fucking Touhou threads have you made today, autist?
Serious question.

Fuck off clown autist
Why don't you make another ebin b8?

That's not hard at all.
Dumb secondary Yuukafag.

i never made a touhou thread you MEAN FUCKER

That's kind of a lot of hours to put on a single shmup a day.Don't you lose focus after a while,maybe at around the second run?
Granted,I have 1cced IN Normal after my third run in a row but I was in peak condition for that to happen.

Touhou threads would be great if it weren't for all the people posting in them.


There's no end to it
This our very own personal hell

just start from hard

CP is the best fairy since Lily white.


Beat Pointdevice Mode on Normal.

I don't feel remotely accomplished for this. LoLK was a mistake.

I don't know what to do now. I beat all the games on Normal, I guess I should try playing them on Hard or maybe read all the official manga or something, or maybe play some shmups that aren't Touhou to change up my palette. Any suggestions?

Touhou threads would be great if some idiot didn't keep making them way too early.

It's true though. The secrets of cuteness must be found.

Play some fish shmups, or any horizontal ones. Of you can try Cave.

You could play good games like ISC or DDC.

Also the manga is pretty sick, it's a must for any touhou fan.

Play Cho Ren Sha 68k

>muh spaceships

Please do not antagonize people giving me suggestions.

I'm a little afraid of CAVE since I hear it makes Touhou look casual by comparison. What are fish shmups?

whats with these moco images I've seen posted so often as of late? What is their source?
They are amazing reaction images

But it's hard.
Not that Normal is any easier,but whatever.

Personally I would read the manga and then maybe move on to other shmups.I would have invested a lot of time on touhou by that time and I would like something different.
But I don't know the future,maybe I'll turn into a lunatic and end up finishing them in harder difficulties.

>Please do not antagonize people giving me suggestions.
You can fuck off back to your board too.

>Pointdevice Mode
Go Legacy or go home.

Good job user.

CAVE games aren't really that hard. Just play Dodonpachi on an emulator.
Or if you're really afraid of CAVE, just play Death Smiles.

But I enjoy discussing Touhou, and /vr/, while a good board, only allows the PC-98 games.

Mima-sama will be in the next mainline shmup, just you wait.

Some guy on pixiv did those

im not sure what empotion this image is supposed to convey.
Is it laughter? Did someone drug her tea and she reacted like that´?

Legacy and fucking up also gets you better junko in trunko dialogue

I think she's choking on her tea.

>They are amazing reaction images

They're okay.

That's great user, you have TWO


generals to discuss your space shit. Let us discuss Touhou in fucking peace, is that so much to fucking ask? Answer me.

Long blonde hair, simple

Calm down, dude. Things get easier as you get experience and build up your skill. I personally got my Lunatic 1cc of PCB within a day.

Goodjob famalan

Here you deserve a ice fairy

Cho Ren Sha is fun as fuck yo.

But Marisa and Shanghai have that and they're ugly.


But generals are always worse in quality than normal discussion in a thread.

Grats, user.

>They will forever only be known as a meme.

If you beat a game in Lunatic it goes much faster for the other games.

It's not just memorization, there is patternsrecognition, adaptation and reaction.

Hey user himself asked for recs, dont take it out on me.

I guess by fish shmups he means Darius games

in Subterranean Animism, is there ever a use for Reimu C's super fast unfocused mode, I feel like it's way too fast for me to avoid anything with it.


And in the time it took you to learn this, you could have actually done something productive.
Imagine that.

Well, blonde hair and a thight loli body with a functioning vagina

seriously, some fanmade doujins have top tier reaction images.
gotta love my meme bait xD

>complains about productivity
>while posting on Sup Forums


No one wants to be slave to the jewish directive all the time.

Like posting on 4chins?

>quotes random shit
>posts worst newhu


>Hey user himself asked for recs, dont take it out on me.
Okay, then fucking recommend me 10 platformers, 10 JRPGs, 10 FPSs and 10 RTSs you stupid son of a bitch.

Oh, you're not going to do that are you? Of course not, because all you want is to push your retarded shit in threads that have nothing to do with it because you and your ilk don't have enough with being a load in cancer in 2 (TWO) fucking boards, oh no, you're not going to stop until there's not a single thread in the whole goddamn site that doesn't discuss your horrible crap, you're not going to back down until Sup Forums is the official spaceshit discussion site.

Go fuck yourself. Die.

This is your computer for tonight

soft girls are warm

So what are YOU doing here then, tough guy?
Do you want the Kasha to take you away?

>micro underwear and high heels
Is there a more pleb combination?

Dropping my 2 cents because I feel like it :
Lunatic DDC probably has the best final boss fight, but it's a shame the game becomes Mountain of Bombs 2 : Bomb Harder after the second stage.

Oh god i bet she's filled with malware and some really old spyware.

Telling you people how not to waste your lives obviously.
Im kind of a martyr in a way.
Like Jesus.

it's that meme cat!

Go back to Mexico you opportunistic cunt.

But user.
Jesus was a nigger

>Do you want the Kasha to take you away?
>Orin is qt
>I get to ride the cart
>Get to meet Okuu (also qt)
>Get to visit Orinrin land
Name a single downside?

We wuz messiahs n shit.

>LoLK was a mistake.
You're really in love with this meme, aren't you?

Sorry, I thought this thread could be good, but it's clearly shit.

Go back to Africa then.

no u

You're getting mad over literally no reason, or maybe you're just hoping to stir shit. Either way, you're a complete moron and I hope everyone is aware of it.

Shhh just let it go, user always does that anytime someone even hints to any other shmups that's not touhou especially if it has spaceships.

>hoping to stir shit
It works every time.

>literally no reason
Oh yeah, how evil of me to want people to discuss Touhou in the Touhou thread. I'm such a fucking villain for telling you to get the hell out and go contribute to one of the fucking SEVERAL threads dedicated to the shit you want to talk about instead of derailing this one with your fucking bullshit.

I'm so fucking sorry for not letting you take a shit on my carpet.

I still can't beat Lolk

All you ever do is insult people though.


But I don't drink alcohol.

nobody gives a shit

That's not beer though

The only meme here is your fucking autism

What is it then, piss?

then touhou is not for you

Post proof faggot.


t. Angry weeb shitposter