How's the upcoming Deus Ex shaping up?

How's the upcoming Deus Ex shaping up?

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It looks OK.

>Sarif's VA makes a video uncovering the fruit fly conspiracy
>The devs instantly use another guy to voice act him
Wake up sheeple

Looks ok, has some weird blm stuff in marketing though.


I don't know

The art director was here yesterday asking if they should include referenes to baneposting and the malkavian mod.

He was the best Sariff

link to archives?

Turned out it really wasn't him after all this time. Damn.

Parody boxarts?

still has takedown cutscenes instead of melee weapons or attacks

Is human revo open world?

can't wait my dudes.


thank fuck for that

Did it really?

is this seriously why they didn't hire him again? i wouldn't blame 'em

They chose not to hiring him just over this silly video? What?

He knew too much
They offered him 400 dollars for all his voiced lines and he told them to fuck off


is this really the same guy?
Was he this mad?

why do i always miss the best shit

only one i was here for was that ex 343 employee

no, and thank god for that

jesus, is sarif a minor character in this game with only like two lines? i'm not rich, but i don't get out of bed for $400

>fully equipped area 51 deadly dangerous fruit flies
>granted I did smoke a little bit of weed tonight, but I don't think that plays anyway

I don't know how people think this shit is real, it's hilarious

The VA said it was $400 for 50 lines. Very stingy on Eidos' part if it's actually true.

what the fuck?

Yea, games cut cost all the damn time. Fucking over the staff and the voice talent is just part of that.

that's extreme jewery

You're right they should have offered him 10 million dollars to do 50 lines.

Stop crying this is how the voice acting world is.

400$ is laughable for 50 lines. It should have been at least a grand.

Yes, nobody should ever voice dissatisfaction about the way things are. That would be terrible.

>its either $400 or $10 million

fuck you faggot, i think something between $2500 and $5000 would have been more reasonable

Not seen and physical copies for pc for sale, not buying it.

By the way, Stephen Shellen has provided zero proof that he was offered $400 to reprise his role, and considering he makes shit up all the time, I daresay he's bullshitting on that trying to excuse the main reason he decided not to reprise his role.

He did mention that he is strongly against augmentation and didn't want to reprise his role because of that.
The $400 sum figure is literally something he made up on the spot.


No one suggested the todd howard meme?

That's about the only meme Sup Forums has that hasn't been stolen

A short statured todd howard look alike trying to get you to pre order something at gunpoint or with a grenade would have been hilarious

I swear to God they better not have replaced his VA too.


Thought about suggesting it, but no way was I going to get into a meme popularity argument on purpose.


It's a different matter if he's lying. If (big if) they legitimately did only offer him $400 then they should stop being stingy cunts and offer him something that would actually be worth a person's time especially because it's a returning role.


The shit suggested there was bad


pacha wouldn't work well


todd gets me to laugh every time not sure why

why contain it?

It shaped up pretty well. No pirate is going to be able to play and their tears are delicious.

50 lines with several takes. There's a reason VAs are paid for their time instead of per lines.

Even though I didn't care for the mémé I liked this one
>An email from from JT "Henry" Yoshe arguing that you cannot be half Augmented

No it's a linear corridor cover shooter, like all the other Call of Duty games


It's going to be shit

>mechanical apartheid
>cover system
>regenerating health
>more cutscenes
>casualized hud
>no more 1-9 buttons
>press x to knock out everyone
>story written by some bitch who wants to inject her own agenda
>linear as fuck sections
>no more conspiracies
>entire franchise after HR is going to be about retconning the original with their Deus Ex Universe trash

The next Deus Ex is going to be a remake/reboot of the first game and a sequel to this and Sup Forums is going to eat it like flies to shit.

keep copypasting this and hope it catches on

you'll get there someday

Pretty excited desu

Mostly looking forward to the story-line

I wonder how much of it will actually play into Deus Ex 1.

Cautiously optimistic

Will probably end up being fun but one of the lesser titles in the series desu

sys reqs WHEN
I don't want to upgrade my gear hastily