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Still soloing my way through HR3 HUB. I feel like by the time I get to endgame no one will be playing anymore.
>join lobby
>all bow users
there is nothing in this game more satisfying than blocking an attack with the SnS shield that you couldn't have dodged
It's hunting, crafting, grinding. ING, not an.
Whats a good GS endgame armor/weapon set anons?
yeah it seems like there aren't many newbies buying this game, in Tri and MH4U there were LR hubs even a year later, but there aren't many this time around
maybe it's because you can put additional restrictions on hubs this time
Whatever is most fashionable
>put up room for key quests
>people come in and help me with all the key quests
>put up my urgent first, we do it cleanly
>close the DS lid as soon as we win
>repeat process for next rank
Why haven't you gotten gud yet, Sup Forums?
Why is everyone on Sup Forums so fucking proud of being a bitch?
Help your fellow hunters fgt.
Is Generations any good? I downloaded it but every time I try to play it, instead of killing 10 jaggis I just switch to Unite
just play Hub quests until you really want that crit eye +2 hat
How the fuck do you even cut the Glavenus tail? I spent most of the uest trying to hit the tail and hitting its face to make it fall, and I was even using the break oil, and nothing. Fucking sword dinosaur.
Required monsters to complete Village Rank 5. I need to do all the new ones like the mammoth and bubble fox.
Just finished up a full Rathalos set. Got it to Attack M and that should be solid till next rank of quests.
Trying to find a Lightcrystal. Thought it'd be in the Arctic Ride or Marshlands, but if it isn't I certainly didn't find it.
Still going solo until I get to High Rank in village quests. But the idea of fighting all four of the big monsters in one mission that the wiki lists for the final one is intimidating. Guess I'll see how it goes.
Also, was doing Guild Style for SA up until just now. Tried Aerial Style. Goddamn, this shit is broken. You can tell this is getting toned down in whatever sequel we get because it's silly as hell getting like four or five mounts on monsters. Fun while it lasts though.
Glavenous tail can only be cut by blunt attacks, weird isn't it?
Why does MHG have so many fucking gather quests? I finished the keys for Village, and now I'm going back and clearing out everything else, and Village 3 had like 5 pages of nothing quests.
It wouldn't be quite as insulting if it weren't "Go gather account items" immediately followed by "Go gather account items again, but this time only from mining points" and "this time only bug points" and finally "now get account items, BUT AS A CAT" all on the same fucking map, too.
>Tfw finally finished setting up my super assist prowler
>Carry a bunch of scrubs through hyper missions no problem
feels so fucking good
>going solo until I get to High Rank in village quests
There is no High Rank village, just a few Advanced quests.
>Trying to find a Lightcrystal.
Break a Gypceros' face
Preferably on a quest where breaking his face is a subquest
what? I don't believe this. I refuse to believe it with no proof
That user is wrong. It can take damage whenever but it will only come off when it's red. It's a massive weakpoint when it's read too.
Has your favorite monster made it in yet?
>There is no High Rank village, just a few Advanced quests.
Welp. I knew there wasn't a G-Rank anymore but that's news to me. Is it in the hub now or is HR just gone?
Thanks user. I felt like I remembered finding Lightcrystal through mining in MH3U in the icy environments, but I guess it's changed.
You can mine them pretty often in some high rank areas, but the only place you can mine them in low rank areas is like a 1% chance in the Marshlands.
>Join Low rank key quest room
>High rank urgent is plessy
>been a while since i fought it so i just solo hunt
>forgot how fucking big it is most you can see under him is the legs
>when it enrages 2 hipchecks can cart me, cart twice
>beat it
>it was a gold crown size
What a nigger
HR is only in Hub now
>aerial "ranged weapon"
What's the fucking point? If you want to fight in melee range use a fucking melee weapon.
Brachy and Zinogre are in, so I'm pretty cool with that.
I just want a great sword rustahrd
Gotta get my Epitaph blade
The most satisfying thing is this:
Getting the killing blow on a monster by doing the SnS charged backhop return counter on a monster's face as they're diving towards you.
>1% chance in the Marshlands.
Fucking Monster Hunter, goddamn. Alright, thanks user.
Alright. Well, I suppose it doesn't hurt to finish village up. I'm sure getting all the meals and shit would be nice when going into hub heavily. Thanks for the heads up though.
For when monsters come over close to you?
You can use aerial to get far away and/or to do lots of damage
It has to be heated up.
I want to ride Seltas Queen!
Can't cut a tail? The answer is always energy blade
>tfw no low rank friends to chill through quests with
What's the point in playing new MH if you can't even play online?
I want to play as Meowstress
I want her removed. She was annoying but ignorable for most of the game then I had to watch an awful idol dance with her.
Seltas pls go.
>It's a monster hangs in the transition between areas episode
>It's a the game throws you out of the area after you successfully mount the monster episode
>It's a Khezu shouts three times then spams electric field twice then shouts again episode
>It's an a mosquito tries to bite you as you try to play the game episode
>It's a Mitzu doesn't drop claws episode
>It's a V. Hills episode at all
I used LS Critical Juncture counter directly on the tail attack. First it breaks then it severs.
>post yfw the axe mode of switch axe is legitimately in one of its greatest incarnations right now
>the only real reason sword mode outshines axe mode significantly this entry is because of Demon Riot
Is that Stiggy Ziggy in the top left? Then yes, holy shit.
SNS User: Are elder dragons affected by paralyze or sleep? Or should I just bring poison/blast/element instead?
It is.
It is
Elder dragons are affected by most status ailments, just no traps.
What game should I start with, senpais
I remember when i first hacked my 3ds i downloaded the one that just came out in japan cause i'm stupid, never figured out what to do and then deleted it
So which game is a good starting point
they've got to reveal gore at some point right?
it outshines axe mode literally every game because power phials are the best and capcom can't into balance, this game theres, even less reason to use axe since you can be in demon riot forever
the tail can break any time, but after that it can only be cut while it's heated.
oh man the bedroom looks comfy as fuck
>click-clack mount
All it needs is a Gigginox mount and it's already got a better roster than fucking Generations.
Most people would say 4U, but I liked generations better
tfw the biggest buff to axe mode would be to remove the ability to reload
New Stories trailer is out
I mean, you can have a god damn apceros, or aptonath of all things. They should have Gore.
Where the online hubs at? Post hubs.
I feel like Gen has way too many gather quests in the early stars, it feels like I'm not really hunting monsters as much as I'm gathering stuff and monsters just happen to be there.
>Quest: Collect 5 shrooms
>Subquest: Sever the rathians tail
Why not just make the rathian the quest? Why bullshit it at all?
Or just have it as it is now without Hunter Arts. Maybe remove Power phials. Sword mode being stronger is fine as long as it's actually limited.
is this coming to North America?
>building female mizutsune armor set
>mfw when mizutsune waist
No thanks, If I wanted to look like a fatfuck I'd make a Gammoth set.
>tfw the combat in stories makes Yokai watch look like fucking SMT
I really want to like this game but the actual gameplay just looks so damn bad, I can't stomach another baby tier easy for kids rpg.
4U or Gen
I'd say 4U cause all the nostalgiawanking in Gen will probably be lost on you, and 4U introduces shit a bit more gradually
Probably not.
It's not even out in japan yet. We'll either hear at some point after it releases there in October, or we won't get it.
HR3 Keys
Maybe. No announcement yet.
If it was at least still some kind of action game, or at least an RPG with more depth than a puddle, I'd be more interested.
Anyone have any tips on how to solo nakarkos as an sns?
Mindseye oil and go to town on its back shell? Or there's a smarter way?
>that nigga just casually riding a Deviljho
Shit that would never happen the Game.
No. Just no.
Use affinity oil and just bnb the rainbow weak spots from start to finish. Bring a slime weapon too.
>It's an every single piece of Silver Sol armour needs a Rathalos Ruby to upgrade episode
Holy shit. I need it.
i played about 20 minutes of freedom unite on ppsspp today
its my first time playing a monster hunter game, dont really know what to expect.
im depressed
Post guild cards
>see a guy
>>put up room for key quests
>>people come in and help me with all the key quests
>>put up my urgent first, we do it cleanly
>>close the DS lid as soon as we win
>instantly block him
Enjoy having nobody to play with @ end game nerd
>It's a mine every rock on the map and don't get a single ore you need episode
>SnS for life!
>switch axe
Just grinding for HR 60 so now I'm hunting Kirin to make an armour just for the sake of it.
anyone who wants to do hr2 keyquests with me?
>implying gaijin hunter approved redditors won't gladly carry me
Don't worry pal, I'll be here mining some charms while you do my dirty work for me.
Just testing things don't worry about it
I just got full HR3 Astalos and Im pretty happy about that
Should I direct you to his etiquette video? Need I remind you his word is law.
Enjoy Health +1 --- , Faggot.
pic related for your bait, 2/10
1 slot open
Hammer bros, never give up hope
Also, use the taunt art
It'll spare you some ankle pain
>make room to farm narg
>set it to Farming on monster
>set name to NARGA FARM
>guy joins
>"can you help me with my urgent? :)"
i swear to fucking god im going to break my 3ds
who wants to help with my plebsioth urgent?
>Deviant capture quests