Is this the most adorable Pokemon ever created?
Is this the most adorable Pokemon ever created?
It comes close to Vaporeon, but still doesn't beat it.
Vaporeon is cute. Cute!
What's the point of the 3D world if the 2D world has better girls AND animals?
Snowpix is cute as fuck but
Eeveelutions have the best feral bdsm porn so yes.
>lotion on tail
I don't get it
/vp/ may be shit, but it has some of the best memes.
Are you ______ master?
Will you shut the fuck up repeating the last word you utter? Good god you autists need to be gassed.
You reside in the real world, not the world of pixels. Fuck off crying. Or invest in VR and wait a few decades for Nintendo to catch up.
Well link me to some proof.
They need to be gassed! GASSED!
No, this is
>Not ice Sandshrew
>having good memes
Pick one, kek
looks like a beautifully colored cat, of course it looks cute.
Dumb concept but looks cute.
b-but its just my opinion. I dont want you to shatter my castle in the sky...
It's a wonderful opinion user. I wanna see what made you form it.
It's white, blue eyes and fuzzy. Of course it's cute.
Goodra(male) is the cutest! CUTEST!
But that image is a female goodra.
Goodra can be anything he wants.
deviant art tier pokemon that would be laughed at as OC donut steal if Game Fuck didnt shit it out.
all the "fans" of it cropped up over night so fast ive honestly gotten to the point where i cant even tell if people like them or are just acting like they do to emphasize how shitty the new game looks.
Except be male
Adorable Vulpix that's now....ICE??? Okay interesting and then I see that Ninetails is now Ice/Fairy and even more majestic looking? Fuck that's already two reserved spots on my team.
No, Spheal is.
Look at the tail, what could you put between the soft fin things?
>thinly veiled furbait thread
woah hey there
hello nu-males!
You are so fucking cool dude! I can only hope my Funeral will be as lightly attended as yours will be, senpai.
There a fighting, dragon or poison type evee yet?
REAL cutest pokemans coming RIGHT THROUGH
... Lotion?
Obviously the Vaporeon is going to give a massage with the tail, wouldn't that feel nice?
Yeah, nothing wrong with a back massage.
you're all fucking dorks by the way
Boy, it sure is a good thing then that no one consults you when making video games then, huh?
im shooting pearls on this board everytime i post so its really reasuring knowing i was able to get through to at least one person.
stay in the know user and maybe you'll grow up to be like me one day.
wow that looks alot like vulpix
but it can't be vulpix because it looks like ice :S
I mean, I'm no tail massage expert but...
Wouldn't it make more sense to use their paws?
They added new icy vulpix, since regional variants of species is kinda cool. I hope they do more with it.
I wonder what people would think if we went back in time and showed gen one this
"wow thats pretty cool"
Oh shit, they added different looks for the same pokemon? That's great, have they done this for tons of pokemon?
>no just like three
Jolteon #1
>you will never receive a happy ending massage from vaporeon's sexy paws
why even live
Why's it got a butt like that
that ain't right
We could show them anything and it'd be regarded as cool or neat, somehow.
It wouldn't change much if you stop being a Pokefag by the time that thing happens though.
Its a female Lucario.
Prove it then
Braixen is best!
wouldn't be anything new considering they experimented with the idea with the electric/water pikachu
I wanna marry Glaceon!
>thinly veiled
Have you ever seen a Jolteon butt?
Lucario is better female
That just makes it better.
I wanna fug a femboy Braixen
No, I actually haven't. I guess I just haven't been paying much attention, I'm sorry.
I dont save straight stuff.
I wanna fug a female Delphox
you are really just digger yourself deeper.
With a 7:1 male to female ratio, your odds aren't good.
You can't marry pokemon idiot, they're animals. They can't say 'I do'. They just yap and then get knocked out in brutal dogfights according to Josh Mcintosh, brilliant philosopher and writer.