How does it feel to know we won't get a star wars game this good ever again

how does it feel to know we won't get a star wars game this good ever again

Feels okay, I can just replay this one every two years without getting any more bored than I get with new games

strangely at peace knowing the peak has been reached

tor was such a slap in the face
i just want a proper kotor 3 made by a collaborative effeort between old bioware and old obsidian

I die inside thinking about as I did on Malachor V.

Im fine with it since I'm not a normie and therefore don't give a shit about star wars

Star Wars is shit, barren of any worth. My only regrets are that Avellone wasted his talent writing for such a pedestrian and sophomoric setting, and that Hennig continues to do so.

Mostly okay. The games that have come out are good enough to be replayed occasionally, plus no one has done anything creative with force powers in ages so I've started to get bored with the setting. Lightsabers will be missed though.

feels pretty okay
New Vegas's Dead Money, also written by Avellone, taught me to let go.

my cock is so hard

I have fun with the new Battlefront so I'm not salty

>we will never get the true battlefront 3

because to many desperate fans are spending their money on swtor.

The first was better. Even with mods 2 was a bug fest, rushed and cobbled together, boring planets, boring villains, boring story, and one of the most unsatisfying endings to a games ever. Malacor V is probably the sloppiest, most poorly programmed and slapped together stages ever conceived. The force powers were also outrageously overpowered, making a majority of the game a laughable cake walk.

>not realising that this game was an attack on Star Wars

In which case you should still be fine not having any more Star Wars games, because the point has already been made

>CTD after opening crawl every time
>Running 64 bit Windows 7
Fuck this shit.

>Malacor V is worse than the shitfest that is the star forge with its infinetly respawning enemies

>we will never get a feel inducing mission like knightfall

But it'd be nice if they'd begin again, wouldn't you say?

I actually think both endings fit. Malachor V is obviously half-baked but it felt appropriately lonely to be wandering around this desolate war-torn shithole alone. And the Star Forge is a giant epic battle for the fate of the galaxy so the huge enemy count worked for me too.