Which games explores the topic of obesity?
Which games explores the topic of obesity?
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any Atlus game
Not gonna lie. Tried one of these once. Was literal heart attack food up there with Jack in the Box's Bacon Shake
We never should have gotten rid of smoking. At least smoking keeps people thin. This is horrific.
I'm a fatass and I damn well know it's all my fault and it's unhealthy as fuck.
People who try to justify it are disgusting.
Thats just a chicken sandwich without the bread. Wouldnt that actually make it LESS fattening?
I hate being fat, I go to the gym everyday and beat the shit out of those weights. Only been doing it for a few days yet though.
In GTA San Andreas, if you get too fat you jump lower, run slower and less.
>Fat has little to nothing to do with health
not when the chicken is deep fried
Two oil fried chicken patties covered IN bread? Naaaah
Stopped reading at "white supremacy."
How do people like this expect to be taken seriously? They are hindering discussion of serious topics with this type of nonsense. They are doing a disservice to society.
fat princess
I don't know what's worse. The fact that these people exist, that retards bring this SJW shit here or that people like me respond to it.
>fake cheese
>less fattening
>2 fucking fat breaded chicken cutlets
who /healthyweight/ here lads
90% of weight loss is diet.
Thats something all chicken sandwiches have anyway.
It's 2 pieces of chicken. Which are both fried (which is horrifically bad for you. Probably the worst way to cook chicken, healthwise. Since you seem confused, fried chicken is basically applying a thin piece of bread all around it by cooking flour really quickly in oil). With 2 pieces of cheese. And bacon (all pork is bad for your health. And bacon, which is half fat, is horrible. Fucking delicious though)
So no, it's not healthier than a normal chicken sandwich.
well theyre trying to say it could be genetics, which is true.
But those that say that usually have 3+ of op's chicken thing for lunch, so its basiclly a futile argument.
I'm at a healthy bmi and I work out. I even have a decent 6 pack. I used to feel kind of bad for fat people but then I had to bulk a couple times. Eating enough to get fat is a fucking chore, I don't know how people say they manage it accidentally and I find it hard to believe.
>all pork is bad for your health
>They are washing his hair with a mcdonalds paper cup...
The struggle is real.
fat acceptance will never take off because nobody gives a shit about fat people
they're ugly, its a proven fact that people are less inclined to help ugly people
>my life revolves around my husband...
It's called gravity.
So you think its alright to talk shit about fat or obesse people and wish them death?
That's great and all, user. Weightlifting really does help. But it will mean fuck all if you go home and chug soda and eat chips/fast food. Make sure you diet properly, as well. It's not even that hard when you're fat. Just cut the food you eat in half. By definition of what it means to be fat, you're eating more food than your body needs. Biggest mistake people make: Don't eat until you're full, just eat until you're not hungry anymore.
if you talk to a nutritionist, yeh
If you talk to a Personal Trainer, the opposite.
It's easy to gain weight if you do GOMAD which belies the answer, people who are obese drink their calories en masse.
Defy thermodynamics
but a chicken sandwich is that PLUS two slices of bread
They're stealing food from others, death is the only humane way if they're not willing to exercise and diet/slim down.
It's all about dopamine rush. I get that when I eat.
Others get it when they run or gamble.
I just have to be cognizant of what and how I eat.
Last time that thing available at my place was 4 years ago. I kinda miss it.
>Denial-fear 2016
it's not because muslim, hinduist and jews do it that it's bad...
If you look at the facts then yes. Working out makes you look good but you can't look good with all that fat covering your muscles.
Drinking all that milk is not an enjoyable process. Gainer shakes are not enjoyable. Bulking is not fucking enjoyable especially if you're trying to do it moderately clean. I fucking hate food when I bulk.
I see. Food is a fucking chore to me. If I didn't have to eat I would probably eat just for taste a couple times a week.
Oh my fuck I miss the Double Down
Holy fuck that shit was so fucking good
t. 215 ameripounds
The only real genetic factors for weight are height and gender ie a 4'10" woman and a 6'4" man need a sizable difference in caloric intake.
Theyre normal chicken sandwich is also only one chicken patty
Few things are bad for your health in small portions.
Pig isn't that bad.
Pork is great for you in the right amounts. Dietary fat and cholesterol is extremely important to a number of things, including the production of necessary hormones like testosterone. But fat is extremely calorie dense, so people easily eat too much of it without realizing.