Tell me Sup Forums - is PC gaming finished? I seriously mean this. This is not copypasta.
>Old sacred classics like System Shock are now coming to PS4 and Xbone when before they were "only on PC" - just like Torment in pic related. >90% games have no physical release so I have to lease a temporary license from a publisher whereas on a console I can disconnect my PS4/Xbone and put in a physical disk and the publisher can never stop me from playing the game. >Every publisher has their own client I am forced to install on my PC whereas I don't for my console. >Consoles have now full KB+M support for all FPS and there are thousands of videos of users using KB+M on PS4 dominating in-game. >Mods coming to console for the only games that are worth having them like Fallout and The Elder Scrolls. >Cheaters, hackers, schemers, bot-users are more rampant than ever. >Games like Divinity Original Sin having an uncontested better control with a console controller means the old saying of not being able to play them on console is now a fallacy. >No PC game is truly exclusive forever as the digital rights platform holders do not make exclusive software or software at all (CDPRed, Valve) >Neo/Scorpio are going to give us even greater visuals, resolution and framerate than 95% of PC hardware at a lower price.
Wyatt Rogers
Gavin Turner
Please don't shitpost I just want some honest answers.
Ayden Davis
>90% games have no physical release so I have to lease a temporary license from a publisher whereas on a console I can disconnect my PS4/Xbone and put in a physical disk and the publisher can never stop me from playing the game. This is what consoletards actually believe. Tell me, how is it any different than having all your games installed on a hard-drive and playing them when you want? Noone can take them away from you.
Lincoln Lee
PC when?
Andrew Martin
For the last 15 or so years everybody and their mother has been pontificating about how PC gaming is finished.
Wake me up if it finally sticks.
Christian Robinson
>consoletards Consider that if you used that word in real life you would be thought of as an immature child and people would immediately lose all respect for yourself as a person, because it has the same effect online.
Brayden Sanders
But judging by your original post you're either retarded or very good at pretending to be.
Jace Lopez
Fuck off, no you don't.
You made a bait thread. Don't expect quality responses.
Ayden Baker
I've never heard someone say PC gaming is finished. Especially not in the last 10 years up until very recently. It is being kept alive by the Korean and Chinese market at this moment, which is fine, if you like garbage.
Jacob Morgan
>Consoles have now full KB+M support for all FPS and there are thousands of videos of users using KB+M on PS4 dominating in-game.
kek that's why overwatch turrets destroy you right
nice lies
Lincoln Hernandez
Much like the console market exists because of call of duty and dudebros exclusively.
Josiah Ortiz
> Journal Simulator > Console Audience
Cooper Green
>I've never heard someone say PC gaming is finished.
Which cave do you live in, and why can't you use google in it?
Jack Thomas
>Ad hominems post ignored
>bait if it's bait refute it like it is, otherwise you just look mad
use Youtube and you will find numerous videos of PS4 BF4 being played with KB+M
>Exclusively No, but despite that Call of Duty is a much, much better product than LOL.
Ethan Barnes
>why dont you take my bait
William Sullivan
But its still in super beta early access, on PC
There's no fucking way they'll have it done by 2017. No fucking way, I don't believe it.
Plus, its a buggy piece of shit atm as well
Isaac Turner
That's like 6 months dude.
Robert Foster
>Plus, its a buggy piece of shit atm as well
Well it is a spiritual successor to an Obsidian game. (I know it wasn't technically made by Obsidian, but near enough.)
Jason Lewis
Its only bait for butthurt pkeks who cant stand the truth.
Tyler Sanchez
Yeah, because KBAM with games that run at 30fps is just so desirable.
Camden Edwards
>I've never heard someone say PC gaming is finished. It's been a thing since the Xbox/PS2 days, pops up every new generation.
Tyler Wright
thats my point, its nowhere near done
William Cook
>Tell me Sup Forums - is PC gaming finished? Yeah this is the one game that finally does the PC in for good
Their fucking days are numbered I tell you
Ayden Bennett
>bunch of subjective and misinformed opinions >the truth Pick one.
Austin Jones
>Tell me Sup Forums - is PC gaming finished?
Maybe but I don't care. I'm probably kinda be finished with gaming as a hobby after Torment because the industry fucking sucks.
Chase Gutierrez
If anything I think a stronger case can be made against consoles, since phones are pretty clearly eating directly into their market.
Joseph Brown
A multiplat on PC may as well be considered a PC exclusive though. Only retards play multiplats on consoles.
Jack Morgan
Anyone who backed this trash should unironically, literally neck himself. There are good kickstarter games, but this turd is not one of them.
I hope this shit backfires on those jewish scum and gets a massive bad name for being the buggy pile of shit that it is.
Ryder Walker
>Pkeks doing all kinds of mental gymnastics to prove a point.
Everybody look at him! Look at him amd laugh.
Liam Jackson
>implying console players care about crpg genre at all How many copies did Wasteland 2 sell on PS4, does anybody have approximate numbers? It's a niche game, everyone interested in Torment would probably prefer the PC version anyways. Although, I would be only glad if a console release would somehow expose more people to these kind of games.
Bentley Moore
He's right though. People don't play games on pc for "exclusives". Your Sony brick has no value however, considering it barely has any exclusive at all anymore.
Ryan Clark
Is it any good though?
Eli Roberts
try it, theres a torrent of the current beta release on tpb
or you can buy it, for like, 40bux early access on steam kek
Kevin Brooks
Arkham Knight sure was better on PC. Le master race wins again!
Ryan Hughes
>coming to consoles game will be shit confirmed
Jose Clark
IF you actually think this you need to go outside, it's been 1 year now Sam.
Jayden Phillips
William Allen
>Old sacred classics like System Shock are now coming to PS4 and Xbone when before they were "only on PC" - just like Torment in pic related. Their remakes/reboots are. Them being available on console as well as PC takes nothing away from the PC release and most people who own a decent PC and a console tend to buy multi-plats on PC as far as I'm aware.
>90% games have no physical release so I have to lease a temporary license from a publisher whereas on a console I can disconnect my PS4/Xbone and put in a physical disk and the publisher can never stop me from playing the game. There's plenty of games that have been removed from Steam/GOG that are still downloadable and playable if you've bought them.
>Every publisher has their own client I am forced to install on my PC whereas I don't for my console. Ubisoft and EA are not every publisher and publish 90% trash anyway.
>Consoles have now full KB+M support for all FPS and there are thousands of videos of users using KB+M on PS4 dominating in-game. And I use a controller for some games on the PC, I fail to see the point. The majority of console players are probably still happy using a controller and smart people will choose depending on the game they're playing.
Continued because I am a masochist.
Jaxson Lee
I see the early access on Steam. Is it the full game or the first hub/whatever?
Jeremiah Wilson
Yeah, good luck fiddling with the mouse pointer using d-pad. It worked so well with Diablo on PSOne, right?
Jordan Robinson
>Mods coming to console for the only games that are worth having them like Fallout and The Elder Scrolls. And mod makers are already getting hounded by console players begging them to bring certain mods the PC when it isn't possible, despite having mod support it's still pretty limited and they depend on the PC market for them to be made.
>Cheaters, hackers, schemers, bot-users are more rampant than ever. They're as rampant as they've always been and it's not like Consoles are free of cheaters.
>Games like Divinity Original Sin having an uncontested better control with a console controller means the old saying of not being able to play them on console is now a fallacy. I've tried both and 'Uncontested better control' is a bit rich, KB+M is still far better for Divinity in my opinion.
>No PC game is truly exclusive forever as the digital rights platform holders do not make exclusive software or software at all (CDPRed, Valve) And yet consoles still see fewer exclusives each year. Exclusives are an odd one too, they're not always great games and are quite often a victim of their own hype.
>Neo/Scorpio are going to give us even greater visuals, resolution and framerate than 95% of PC hardware at a lower price. And could usher in an age of console releases similar to benchmark graphics cards.Some developers are failing to hit a constant 60fps 1080p on current console hardware that was supposed to rival top end PC hardware and hell, there's plenty of developers that fail to hit that on top end PC hardware too.
I don't know why I wasted all this time with a reply, but the moral of the story is that sticking to one platform is silly, PCs will always do the things that PCs do best better than consoles, Consoles will always be more convenient for their ability to just stick a game in and play (though with mandatory installs these days that's a bit less convenient) and you should go where the games that interest you go if your wallet will let you.
Ayden Scott
>Be game making/selling corp >Want to sell more games >Release game on more systems to make your product available for bigger market >Somewhere and idiot writes that pc gaming is ded on an imageboard >play circle of life
Nicholas Lewis
I remember when Movie Bob made that video about PC gaming dying like 5 years ago.
Connor Thompson
Yeah it's not like there was a Diablo 3 on consoles and it played perfectly, you fucking moron.
Christian Ortiz
>>Old sacred classics like System Shock are now coming to PS4 and Xbone when before they were "only on PC" And those remakes are "simplified" and "streamlined" to reach a "wider audience" (read: gutted so they could be played on a controller)
Ryan Cook
I hope Numenera is a good game. I love the concept behind it.