Is "git gud" the most toxic phrase in the gaming industry? It achieves nothing and makes you sound like a smug asshole

Is "git gud" the most toxic phrase in the gaming industry? It achieves nothing and makes you sound like a smug asshole.

saying "gg" when it was a stomp of some kind is even worse

bg 2 ez

Sounds like someone had trouble with Dark Souls

git gud

It's just a retort to people who whinge about things that they could get better at, rather than actual game flaws.

Also when someone's only option is to improve something like reflexes rather than gain any more knowledge about the game.


fuck off redditor

> Good game, well played

No, the word "toxic" is the most toxic thing to happen in the last couple of years.


ggwp (git gud, why play?)

Git gud, op

>Waaaaaah Cammy is a braindead character

>>git gud
>>Not "problematic" or "toxic" itself

How the fuck did you know I main Cammy.

>It achieves nothing and makes you sound like a smug asshole.
But often there's no other way.
it's better to try to improve yourself instead of expecting a hug after every in game fuckup you make.

>being this issuesome

ugh fecesbaron

Holy shit
There he goes again
He said it once again!
Isn't he just the funniest, coolest guy around?
Git gud! Git gud! Git gud! X--DDD oh man am I fucking champion for telling someone they're bad at a videogame
Oh boy I'm gunna tell my Skype group about this one after we finish watching My Little Pony
Kill your self FAGGOT

Git gud is legitimate advice for Dark Souls. The game is simple as fuck.

It's just the popular iteration of the same sentiment that has always existed

"You suck and are complaining instead of improving".

Cry more, git gud, QQ, gg no re, ez, whatever.


Procure proficiency


geez yeah I fucking hate this too I always BG BG SG (Shit Game) and spazz out

I guess it's all context

DaS isn't even challenging, it's just trial and error. Once you've beaten the game once it becomes a cakewalk since you know ever ambush, boss pattern, enemy attacks, etc.

Nice meme, mind if I borrow it?

>can't git gud
back to tumblr op

>it's just trial and error

That image is true for the first game which is impeccably balanced, but DaS2 and 3 are full of completely unfair "gotcha" moments.

Acquire skill

in my view its an exasperated response to noob questions

don't wanna be told to get good? don't complain about shit like the Capra Demon when it's not hard at all to beat it

> comic was made after he fell for the trap

What a save!
Nice shot!
I only did bad bc teammate is worthless

git gud is the best because it triggers people who try to be smart by analyzing the art assets in a fuckin video game

the kind of people who still cant do special moves in fighting games

Or they dont know how to block.

>plays vidya
>considers himself an "adventurer"

ok bro

Locate exceptionalism

I can't believe people are being rude to me on the internet it's not fucking fair.

No op the most toxic phrase in the industry is "fuck you you stupid nigger If you take my cs 1 more time I swear I'll feed"

git gud in not getting mad familia

>being this dumb
ok kid

GG after being pubstomped is bearable.
GG EZ, on the other hand...

>Never played a real sport in their lives and never will.
>Lacking the basic understanding that two teams compete against each otherr and shake it out after after the match has ended.
>A complete lack of understanding that the "good game" is a sign of good faith for the opportunity to challenge an equal number of opponents in a fair match without cheating or outside interference

Plebs, the lot of you.

The whining is shitty, of course, but jumping headfirst into the unknown is a perfectly fine way of playing a souls game.

>but DaS2 and 3 are full of completely unfair "gotcha" moments.
I agree with 2 but I can't remember any bullshit moments in 3.

I see it more as encouragement, and you know what, it DOES feel good when you 'git' 'gud'.
I almost want to say thanks to all the people that told me to git gud when I was having trouble getting started with Bloodborne, because now that is officially my second favourite game now.
It sure as hell beats 'lol just give up and sell it".
Toughen up pussy and got fucking gud.
Trust me, the only way to get into the git gud club is to git gud, and once you do git gud, it feels like such an accomplishment.

Damn, those grammar errors, I should go to sleep now.

Because in a lot of cases it's honestly just a matter of someone being shit. There's no mechanics left to be explained, there's no hidden strategy, you just need to git gud.

It's friendlier than saying "stop fucking suck and ask for the content to be nerfed just because you're shit".

Git gud continues to exist because idiots like this guy...
...continue to get furious about it. It is the "u mad bro" of 2016.

People are going to unironically use toxic henceforth.

gg team ws bad

t. Destructoid

Or just spam > Good game every time something good or bad or even neutral happens to you in game

did destructoid go full cuck too?

I don't really look at gaming journalism sites anymore

>playing enemy territory 10 years ago
>comfy 20 player server
>map ends
>everybody flinging shit at everybody else
>gloating, blaming, insulting
>nobody gives a shit
>next map starts
>everyone just playing again
Better times.

>gl hf

Yes but complaining about being caught off guard by a trap or ambush and blaming it on muh trial and error gameplay after jumping headfirst into the unknown just makes you look like a fucking tit

It's the best thing to come out of Souls besides the games.

Is there any point in 'gg'?

If the game was bad, you wouldn't be playing it.

They have two staffers there, Jed and Steven, who are pure cancer.

>lack aptitude
>refuse to expend the effort needed to acquire some
>continue getting your soppy cunt kicked in because you obstinately won't take advice that a retard could understand

Whiny blockheaded shitters are the very definition of achieving nothing.

Are you autistic?
> Why are they saying "good match" after the soccer game? If they didn't like it they could just have left the field.

Wow you sure convinced me with those false equivalencies.


>we win
>shittiest person on the team who kept collecting deaths says "gg ez"


The whole point is to show good sportsmanship and remember it's all in good spirit.

>they won with a feeding player
Damn right thats ez

>go full cuck

What did he mean by this?

What the fuck does toxic even mean?

I feel like it is one of these cases were shitty slacktivists needed to invite a new Word to attack "Problematic" things.



Popularized by Riot who referred to people insulting each other in LoL as "toxic"


> Wow you sure convinced me with those false equivalencies.
Wow you sure sound convincing considering you're not showing why it's a false equivalence.

toxic is used mostly in mobas
Toxic is used to describe a type of behavior that is abusive and can be called harrasment.

>implying it's possible to be abuse over text
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is E-Abuse Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

become proficient

>Posting vaati dogshit

did you forget when you first encounter seath?
basically forfeit all those souls

It's much easier to type than "games don't need to become more casualized and be made objectively worse due to your unwillingness to make any effort to play them well - you need to develop an attitude that allows you to rise to a challenge and succeed at video games and, indeed, life in general."

>implying some of you retards don't start doxxing, sending irl threats and SWAT-ing

that's already illegal and most people realize it's unacceptable
however 99.9% of the uses of "abusive" with regard to language are utterly retarded
no matter what i type here barring personal information, i cannot "abuse" you via text on a screen that you can close

acquire aptitude


Go back to League and stay there.

just eat shit and die in a fire you triggered retard

git gud

I always says GG EZ, even if the game was actually even. It's a powerful weapon: it increases morale of your team by downplaying the game, because other members also think 'maybe it wasn't so hard after all' and it also makes the opponent pissed off, which in turn makes them make more mistakes and makes the next game even easier.

Something to consider especially when it's a ladder game.

Buzzword used by sanctimonious sissies to stomp out hyper competitive behavior and turn everything into one big insincere back slap fest.

This ferret rapist is correct.

>Achieves nothing

Not my fault you didn't heed the advice.

this would make more sense if gg wasnt something to say when the game is already over

What pisses me off more is that it's not acceptable to complain about anything hard in Souls games, but other games (usually much easier games) it's perfectly fine to bitch. Yeah I know not a hivemind but there has to be some overlap here.

It's more just the elitism of the fanbase that annoys me.

Why do people get so triggered if you say gg after winning? I say it if I win or lose, it's not some sort of passive aggressive insult, I swear.

best player says "bg for me"

if anyone continues to endure you "constant barrage of abuse" under these specific circumstances they are doing so willingly

if it's email it's sorta different but if you know the sender is abusive, it's better just not to open the email, at which point it just become harassment, if anything

were you around when xcom2 was released and everyone bitched about muh artificial difficulty and timers?


What happened to just saying 'cancer' instead?

what did you find hard in the souls games?