What was the straw that broke the camel's back for you?
Hard mode: anything other than the Wii U as a whole.
What was the straw that broke the camel's back for you?
Hard mode: anything other than the Wii U as a whole.
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Zelda delayed to release on NX + no NX at E3
I still do enjoy Nintendo games because even some of the recent ones are pretty good. That's all I'm concerned with.
I personally still love Nintendo. I dunno. I will admit that there are a ton of faults, but they are practically the only name in couch co-op anymore.
Also, I fucking love Mario games, be it the Kart games or the 3D platformers or the 2D platformers.
To be fair, all it took for the Wii U was waiting for games and them not coming.
Censoring their games
Memes in their games
Shitty Mc Donalds toys
Literally no games for the rest of the year
Underpowered and overpriced hardware
Wanting the casual audience
That might be accurate for the market if they had decent amounts of online co-op and competitive play. Unfortunately, couch play can't be super relevant because not everybody has buddies over 24/7.
Region Locking. Seriously, fuck you for killing player enthusiasm just to get more money for retailers.
A close one are the god awful localisations, but with the exception of MHGen it hasn't affected me personally.
I still like the 3ds and bought a new one to hack it not so long ago, but if the NX leaks are true, the 3ds will be the last non-meme console from them (see: WiiU, NX).
All the fucking gimmicks.
the Wii was terrible
Nothing. The Wii U didn't fill any particular desire I had so I didn't get it. I hope their next console is better.
There's no need to be so reactionary and childish about these things.
>I love that Reggie dick!
Thankfully today region lock on Nintendo systems is nearly a non-issue due to easy CFW.
Smash 4's shittiness and the gall to charge DLC.
The controllers for the N64 and them dropping the development on the console with Sony.
Timestamp your ID.
Amiibos. Overpriced DLC.
Amiibo locked content.
I was fine with the AI buddies in Smash and I didn't mind the skins but they kept locking more content behind Amiibo and designing newer Amiibo for exclusive content.
The selling point of Amiibo is that one can unlock stuff in multiple games, why can't Smash Link unlock the Wolf Link Dungeon or Smash Kirby unlock UFO Kirby?
I really hope NX flops hard and they go third party
The Wii and all its shitty motion control games.
ocarina of time remake wasted on a fucking handheld
Camel's back is fine. I'm not pleased with a lot of things they've done over the last few years but that doesn't mean I'm on your meme train, or that I haven't enjoyed the good games the Wii U did have to offer.
They've shown some positive signs of finally listening to fan feedback recently, so I'm crossing my fingers it'll continue. Even if it doesn't, as long as the best version of BotW is on NX, they've already got me buying that day 1.
The NX just sounds bad. That's why everyone accepted the WiiU getting shit and Zelda being delayed. Cause of the NX. Now it sounds like the NX is going to a handheld with some sort of home console dock. Unless I can buy the handheld by itself or the full NX experience is dirt cheap, I won't give a fuck. The NX is Nintendo tacitly giving up on the home console market, from which we were brought games like Breath of the Wind, Splatoon, Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2. The NX won't give you the technological room to continue those types of advances. We've essentially continued Nintendo's handheld lineage from the 3DS and killed off it's home console line at the WiiU.
Your (you).
Call me crazy, but I think Region Locking was the catalyst for 3ds hacking.
If you give your customer base a good console, they have less incentive to hack. If you tell them "WELL GUESS YOU'LL HAVE TO WAIT A YEAR FOR RHYTHM HEAVEN!" they'll try to exploit your machine.
Because they make kiddie games. They need to go third party and release their games on the PS4.
Nintendo is so fucking stupid
I dislike them a lot
They just bring shitty gimmicks to the industry
I want them to go third party
Fuck Reggie
Fuck Bill
Fuck everyone
Prices. Shit is too expensive and Nintendo rarely discounts shit. Buy 4 games from other developers for the price of a Nintendo title.
Couple of that with few original IPs.
Don't forget that their games aren't even cross-buy
And Virtual Console a shit
Just hope some good games come
It wasn't one instance, just a gradual piling up of things. Mostly it's how they treat their fans and customers. It's like a constant condescending attitude, as if they're talking down to everyone and treating them like idiots who don't have things like the internet.
>discriminating against gays
E3 2015 when they gave up on the Wii U.
Splatoon was actually pushing consoles and at E3 instead of riding the momentum it gained they "Transformed" into Amiibo Festival
bunch of stupid spineless morons
Wtf I hate sony now
Virtual console has supplied some of the best emulators ever.
>b-but paying for ROMs
Nobody is forcing you to do that in 2016. Hack your Wii (U) like a normal human being.
>Wii (completely skipped out on it)
>dont like the 3DS (only have it for Monster Hunter)
>3DS breaks twice on me, poor quality compared to previous handhelds
>Amiibo shit
>No crossbuy for virtual console games
>Region locking
>Shit from them is always expensive and out-of-stock
Seriously, fuck this company. I'd honestly be glad if they went third-party
This shitstain.
when they stole invizimals ideas and were meanie doo doo heads
Disappointment with the Wii U.
Honestly? Despite complains, the Wii was rather good. It was mostly good thanks to its non-Nintendo lineup, which probably says something, but it was still a nice system to have. The Wii U, while having some good games, just didn't feel worth the price. Mind you, PS4/Xbone is even worse, but we're not talking why other systems are even more disappointing.
3DS has been remarkably good, though. I have a big handful of 3DS games and am looking at picking up more. But, again, that doesn't have much to do with Nintendo.
The only thinks I'm interested in are the new Zelda (one last chance, Nintendo) and seeing if the good 3DS games move over to the NX. Other than that, I'd be happy with just using PC as my console of choice with the occasional handheld system to complement it.
fuck Nintendo
>I hope somebody reads my post: the thread
>The NX just sounds bad
See, I don't get this because we know literally FUCKING NOTHING about it that's verifiable. All we have is rumors and hearsay beyond the fact that it exists and is in development.
Gamecube had an amazing library in retrospect. It should have had dvd and not launched in purple. Would have sold twice as much. Wiimote should have been a gamecube add on.
gamecube was the only console from that generation i didn't have break multiple times
thing is near indestructible and had a dank library
The announcement of the NX and the drought that began E3 2015. As well as their miserable shows these,last two years, and how shit XCX, SMM, Fatal Frame V, and Smash WiiU wound up being.
All of that combined with their deception during the Wii era.
Fuck Nintendo, I'm so fucking done.
t. Longtime fan since the NES.
>WiiU in general
>Localization becoming straight-up censorship
>DLC in every game
>Estreme casualisation for every single new game
>Everything they did with Fire Emblem starting with Awakening
Mario Kart 8 was the last thing I enjoyed from nintendo as a first party.
3DS is saved only by the few series it didn't brutally murder yet.
3d world
here have more of a lazy, safe handheld game as your flagship title on your new home console, it has transparent pipes and catsuits isn't it fun?? meow is nyaa in japanese!
>Not leaving Nintendo once they created the shitty Wii
I feel sorry for Nintendo dick suckers real talk. Here on Playstation consoles, we don't have to beg Nintendo or other companies to put more games. The games come naturally to us.
Wtf I hate sony now
goddamn how transparent are you going to be about wanting Nintendo games
I wholeheartedly enjoy Nintendo. But at the series time I really hate how deaf they are to their customers. I'm still confused to why we never got an Animal Crossing for Wii U. It's like they hate money. Pokemon GO came out and they made decent money, bug surprise it was something people wanted for a long time.
These guys are desperately hoping it's going to be something they hate so they can have a big shitstorm about it, so they've happily latched onto the rumor as the whole story.
>Gamecube had an amazing library in retrospect
>missed out on MGS2/3 and GTA
Eh, it was okay. It had the best version of RE4, Killer7 and Wind Waker/Twilight Princess though.
The Wii U as a whole.
Other M
you mean the weeb machine?
I'm still on board, but if more of their franchises get the Paper Mario and Metroid treatment, I'm out.
I bought a Wii and every game was shit.
I bought a 3DS and every game was censored or ugly.
When Nintendo announces it and it turns out to be nothing like the rumors and hearsay and is something awesome and great, I'll cheer it the fuck on. Until then, it sounds like complete garbage.
When I was a kid my first gamecube did actually break. It was out of warranty, too.
I called Nintendo (I think it was the first time I ever called a company call center myself) and described the problem to see if there was anything I could do about it, and the guy put me on hold for a while and then basically said "the warranty is up, but we'll get it fixed for you anyway." He gave me a repair place to take it to, we did, and they footed the bill.
Nintendo was a really cool company back then. Smart, too. We bought a hell of a lot of GameCube games, those repairs pretty much paid for themselves.
I never supported them in the first place. I've always been sony and pc. Also nec.
The Treehouse
>faggots get paid more for the more they have to change
>they're going overboard changing shit just to get paid more
>Western fans get a watered down experience literally just because some fags are taking advantage of Nintendo's practices
NoJ need to fire the entire treehouse and force translators to work under their eyes or get English-speaking Japs to do the majority of the translating then get Westerners to iron out the Engrish
And the fucking memes. They'd be funny if they weren't something thats gone out of style before the game is even released.
Basically their entire method from the Gamecube onwards.
>consistently underpowered hardware compared to competitors
>little to no third party support
>constant intrusive gimmicks
>region locking
>poor online platform
>poor handling of first party titles
The Wii U's bad outweighed the good, but there was still enough good to make it worthwhile to me. The NX will probably make or break them for me or most likely be another lukewarm "eh, I guess there's enough"
>poor online platform
That's an understatement.
>Virtual console has supplied some of the best emulators ever.
This is what Nincucks actually believe
VC emulation is fuckin shit m8, that input lag and frame rate
Lol Nintendo's a better company than either sony or microsoft.
Eh, they're okay in comparison.
Wii and Wii U's absolute shit third party support
shit marketing all around. had no clue the 3ds + Wii u was out for a long time because of shit marketing. also, releasing the wiiu and acting like its "next gen" even though it's getting replaced already.
>Everybody who disagrees with me is a memer.
>yfw the Wii missed out on RDR and the NX is gonna miss out on RD3
>no proper account system
I don't know why this isn't considered more of a problem.
Overpriced weak ass hardware
No proper account system
Treehouse and their autism
Nintendo and their fucking many mistakes as of late
Some of their first party titles are taking a drop in quality
Also Wii-U was doing good too, but NoJ and NoA just had to fuck it shit up.
Also the nintendo fanbase is fucking horrible.
From what madness do you spring the idea that Wii U was doing well? Financial failure and games so fucking weak you have people clinging to Mario 3D World as if it were above decent.
"Every 3DS game is censored and ugly" is a Bravely Default/Fire Emblem Fates meme.
Not being capable of finding a good Wii game is just incompetence, but that one isn't a meme.
It doesn't matter if it'll look favorable or not. There will be constant "NINTENDO IS FINISHED" threads after the reveal because this is Sup Forums
I'm talking about the library.
They fucked it up badly this year. Twilight Princess HD...Pokken, then the SJWhouse fucking butchered #FE.
Now all we have to look forward to is Sticker Star 2 and Zelda U (also on NX)
Sup Forums was nintengaf for the longest time
This only reason Sup Forums is shitting on nintendo as of late is because they been fucking horrible
Every weekend.
>Financial failure
>Nintendo Wii U is a failure
>Nintendo report to their investors
>Wii U has made a profit
desu i dont know who to believe. the people that have repeatedly published rumors about nintendo or the people that are legally obligated to publish their earnings
Anyone who say otherwise is a fucking newfag and wasn't here before last summer 2015.
E3 2008 was when I stopped being a fanboy.
I've kept being a fan, following mostly Nintendo games, but it was in 2008 things really changed for me. Since then, I've just gradually started to dislike them more, with all the bad things they do.
Yes they are. The Wii U had games. My bone and piss4 are dust collectors
Vita has a better library than the Wii-U.
Wii-U is a pretty big failure.
if there was some wacky way to make someone obligated to post their games library whenever they posted on Sup Forums it would be an interesting world.
I guess you weren't around for the 3DS launch or the entire first 2 years of the Wii U's life. Shitposters go for the easiest target
>gradual piling up of things
Pretty much this.
>Other M
>Waifu Emblem
>Smash 4
Different standards.
Wii U made a profit, as did every Nintendo console. This is because Nintendo always sells their consoles at a profit, so no matter how poorly it does, it will still bring a profit to the company. Compare this to Sony and Mircosoft, who sell their consoles at a loss and expect to get a profitable return through game licenses and sales. It's the reason that Sony reports a loss half the time and that Xbox has only had a single profitable year, despite the 360's success, and generally decent selling of all their systems.
Nintendo's Wii U didn't sell up to expectations, either for Nintendo's prediction or to "other standards" that it was placed on. In that case, it could be thought of as a failure. Not selling to Nintendo's expectations is probably the biggest concern out of everything. I would be wary about relying on video game newsites too much for the "other standards", though. The last I heard, all three consoles were underselling compared to previous generations and so Wii U's lower sales weren't that unusual compared to the market. Then again, I've not seen any hard data so that information could be out of date, or possibly inaccurate at this point.
>Wii U doesn't have a good library.
I can name 10+ games that are amazing and I purchased day 1 for the Wii U that are exclusive you faggot.
that's a 3 month period, and the wii u is partially subsidized by the sale of first party games.
E3 2015, more specifically Federation Force and Mario-wank.