>tfw no RvB Character Pack yet
Someone post the webms of the awful animation.
Why don't you
>inb4 it's a /RWBYg/ on Sup Forums episode
I don't have them saved.
Get out Sup Forums
Your shit show belongs on your board
>buy game in EA thinking it'll get better
>devs show they don't know what they're doing
w-well as long as they listen to the useful feedback they can make it good for release
>release the game out of nowhere and bump the price up to $25
I regret my actions.
I kind of love how much success this has found. It's completely terrible and gives me so much hope for my own terrible ideas.
And they're talking about DLC instead of actually fixing the game.
The only good thing to come out of the RWBY franchise is the porn. Literally everything else about it is shit. Plus it spawned a cancerous fanbase even shittier than the RT fanbase
Because microsoft/343 liscensing?
Porn is a shitty reason, since everything gets porn. Porn with better character designs that don't look like they were drawn by edgy 14-year-olds.
>being elitist about what you fap to
wew lad, that's some primo autismo right there.
They've let RT use their stuff in the past. Hell, The chick who voices Cortana has a role in RWBY. I'm sure they'd let them use the character models.
>release a try to listen to feedback and end up fucking the game up monstrously
>bump it up to $25
>release paid DLC
this game is almost worse than the show itself
welcome to Sup Forums friendo
You have literally the entire internet to fap to, why care about one single series, and why care about bad character designs?
rwby is one of many things I fap to, you dingus. I'm not going to stop stroking my dick to futa yang pics just because some fag tells me the character fashions are absolutely dreadful. what kind of queer doesn't fap to something because of what the characters wear?
God I fucking hate how these threads keep getting deleted. Here I am, just going through the thread saving a few pictures and BAM, deleted.
I'm glad I bought this on sale when it was still EA
At least I didn't spend $15/25 on it
Good, you fags don't actually talk about the game here anyway, go to your /trash/ thread and post there.
the barneyfag of rwby is here now.
>W > R > Y > B
R > Y > W > B
No fuck you. I'm going to stay here whether you like it or not, faggot.
Have fun with the same shitty waifu discussion and trying to convince people that season 3 is good that these rwby Sup Forums threads always get into anyway, autist.
Reminder that RWBY isn't real Japanese anime, even if Japan really loves the series.
This pisses me off. We were promised 3 teams and 3 campaigns @ full release.
Now they broke it up to Jew us.
Didn't realize Remnant was actually Israel.
no, really
I'd rather a JRPG 2bh.