>mfw someone says that videogames are art near me
Mfw someone says that videogames are art near me
But they are
>mfw someone considers Ebert's shitty opinions as legitimate
he wasn't even a real critic retard
Pretty sure that guy is dead. He also did an interview where he basically admitted that he may be wrong but he's too old to ever see games as anything more than toys
Anyway. Anything created by the hand of man is by definition art.
Ebert was to critics what Phil is to doctors
>mfw some old guy complains that vidya are literally killing children
What the fuck happened to Larry David.
They are
What's the point of this thread?
>he wasn't even a real critic retard
Oh boy, here we go, some fag getting so butthurt over one old person's opinion from a different time about videogames that he has to make shit up about the person.
He's a retard, but videogames still aren't art.
Yes they are.
inb4 that webm gets posted
>near me
I don't think so Tim
They have music
Why not is the better question
"the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power."
Sure seems like they're art.
Everyone who thinks they aren't art is just trolling.
Videogames are made for the sole purpose of entertainment. That alone makes them not art.
>10 years after the invention of the video camera A Trip to the Moon was made
>50 years after the invention of video games and they still haven't moved past being garbage marketed towards children
>anything that aspires to be more gets written off as a walking simulator by Sup Forums
>V-V-Videogames are "art" because using this word somehow validates my interest in them
Sup Forumsirgins, everyone
Oh and
>It's pretty and makes me feel things, that surely must mean it's art!
He was a professional critic, just really shit at his job. People listening to critics like they ever know what they're talking about is a great indicator for when someone's a retard.
That just looks disgusting. Why would you do that instead of just covering up your lower face?
its a shame he died before we could objectively prove him wrong
Postmodernists pls go and stay go. You probably think a plain canvas displayed in an art gallery is art.
>some has a discussion about it like it matters near me
>Moon landing
>A gigantic waste of tax payer money
>This is cited as a mark of progress
Why, why did he give Star Wars Ep 3 a good review?
>Implying a dumb weeb would prove the world's most renowned art critic wrong.
how come no one ever posts that he took that back
Do you know how many things you use are a result of research for NASA you stupid nigger?
this kinda plot gets annoying after a while
"haha we're gonna humiliate you by making you get naked"
"aw geeze im so embarrassed, can i go now?"
"oh noooo"
Because the first two were so bad that he was thrown off when the third one was at least somewhat watchable.
>video games
>emotional power
i don't think you know what art means
Bad, unoriginal art, but still art.
That definition was just the definition of "art" anyway, nothing to do with postmodernism.
Can someone explain why games aren't art when they're composed by so many different schools of art and artists?
Are the musicians not artists because the music is in a game?
Is the writing not art because it's for a game and not a book?
The textures that paint the world, is that not art because it's not on a canvas?
The voice acting, because it's a game and not a Disney movie? same with animations.
What gives?
But they are, user they're just 98% not good art or lasting art, and that's the entire quibble that brings in ad clicks and shitposts. Also I'm just posting Space Ghost pics today so enjoy one in the latest iteration of a dumb thread.
>I'm dead and I can listen the living people.
Why does Sup Forums want video games to be art so much.
You guys are pathetic.
Video games aren't art. Real art is something respectable.
because if you look at the literal definition of art they are
Art by definitoin is:
[ a diverse range of human activities in creating visual, auditory or performing artifacts , expressing the author's imaginative or technical skill, intended to be appreciated for their beauty or emotional power.]
Games can be used for all the same goals of art(while toys can't), using practically the same methods(visual,audial,narrative and...interactive. Modern art is all about interaction in lots of cases), just combined. Games quality, is more than often defined by its emotional power and performance in artistical methods described above. So, here is the question :
Why games aren't art? Personal biases doesn't count.
Here's some actual art, Sup Forums.
Maybe drop this childish hobby and make an effort to unpleb yourselves.
Dumb weeb.
People who says Vidya isn't art:
>movie directors
>movie critics
>pretty much every actual artist
People who say Vidya is art:
>Sup Forums
I wonder who's right.
Doubt that anyone really does anymore. But that's besides my point, just enjoy them and have fun instead of seeking some validation for it
Dude atleast give me the artist.
>People who says Vidya isn't art:
Nice sources there, chum...p
This, he didn't even know what true art was. He gave the Star Wars prequels high ratings for fucks sake.
Vidya is not art. Get over it.
Porn isn't art (^:
By the way, wiki also states that it is normal for art to be created solely for entertainment. So, this argument is invalid.
>People who says Vidya isn't art:
Don't forget
>people who actual make games
Muh shitty JRPGs are art! ART I TELL YOU!
Can you imagine him practicing smiling in the mirror before he'd make public appearances towards the end? Trying to get the eyes right?
I miss when Sup Forums didn't give a shit about vidya being art but now we step over our own balls trying to prove it's art.
This, but it seems like nowadays most people out there seek to validate their love for video games to the masses like it matters.
>Video games are art!
>Video games are sports!
>(playing) Video games is a profession!
And lo and behold, we got the horrible modern gaming scene we have today.
>Sup Forums
Vidya is art in the sense that there's an art to how the game mechanics, the music, and the visuals all mesh together.
It's a different beast than painting, movies, etc, but it's still art.
When people say, that games arent art, I have ever heard any valid arguments. The only argument they ever have is someone's biased opinion or some bullshit, that doesnt have any arguments, but only degrading statements towards opponent. Show me the arguments guys, and I may change my opinion. But right now, there is not a single reason, why games shouldn't be an art.
>make one comment years ago
>kids are still butthurt to this day
Nice work Ebert.
stupid phone poster
Naturally someone like Wu would like validation for his poor life decisions
Someone post that webm
>mfw i have no jaw
Why give an argument when you can just say "They aren't art because I said so" and continue to get (you)s like these.
I argue that video games can, in a sense, be art, but when it puts some artistic value and deep message over play and entertainment, it cannot be called a "game" anymore.
They need to be put into their own separate cattegory. As it is now, "interactive art" is the best that can describe it. I don't mind that they exist and in a way I'm glad they do, but when people try to lump this medium with genuine video games, the ones that prioritize in entertainment and fun value, both sides of the coin suffer - art lovers are stigmatized and their medium is invalidated for being deemed as "games", whereas fans of video games see their hobby flodded with products that are hardly games anymore.
In short, there should be a clear cut distinction so "art games" and "real games" can have their own separate scene and audience without having to be grouped together and suffer for it.
jesus fuck i couldn't help but scratch my throat while watching that, what happened to him?
You might be the dumbest mother fucker alive.
Ebert mentions this actually
>One obvious difference between art and games is that you can win a game. It has rules, points, objectives, and an outcome. Santiago might cite a immersive game without points or rules, but I would say then it ceases to be a game and becomes a representation of a story, a novel, a play, dance, a film. Those are things you cannot win; you can only experience them.
So yeah a walking simulator is closer to being a film than a game
Is this what happens to your face when you suck so much Jew dick?
God that's so creepy, jaw removed so he just has his lower mouth hanging off his face.
> interactive art
Most of the Scandinavian modern art. I mean, that kind of art that is put in museums.
are you seriously this retarded? do you know how much technology has come out of NASA
They have contributed to the advancement of tech more than capitalisim
they pretty much removed everything and they are sucking out shit building up there after he eats
>Champion of Nurgle
Beat me to it
was he a heavy smoker or something like that?
>it's not art because is bad!!
every fucking time. people have an idealized concept about what "art" is.
>Sup Forums
>Video games are not art because they have objectives
That's the most arbitrary reason I've ever heard, what a moron
Precisely. I think a major key in defining a game is the challange and one of two outcomes: winning or losing. Not to mention an element of challenge or, in some cases, luck.
Hopscotch is a game because you either win by jumping all the squares, or losing by missing a step.
Football is a game because you can either win by scoring most points or losing by scoring the least.
Poker is a game because you either win with the best hand or lose by not having the best hand.
In a typical video game, IE, Mario Bros, you win by beating the level, or lose by falling into a pit or hitting an enemy.
Etc. etc.
BUT, and this is to add to fuel to the debate - where does this put adventure games, like Monkey Island and Myst? They cannot be "lost" per say, yer they're considered games nonetheless. Perhaps a different definition is needed.