ITT: Games you wish were discussed more on Sup Forums

ITT: Games you wish were discussed more on Sup Forums

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Any of the four would be nice.

Easily one of, if not my favorite game OP. Where the fuck is ZoE3?

never ever

Never Dead

i mean, i make threads all the time, but still


"Put on hold while the future of the franchise is discussed" because Konami were retards and outsourced the HD collection to the guys who made the conduit, rushed them, and it ran at sub 30 on every machine for both games and weren't even 1080p. Then they only patched the 2nd runner on the ps3 version. So because Konami are retarded, The Enders Project was cancelled basically.

What is there to discuss?
The story was short and anticlimactic.


Great taste

I want to see Ristar brought up more

Back before MGSV came out and a lot of people were new to Kojima we used to have lots of ZoE threads, this was like summer/fall 2015.
After MGSV talk of his other games kinda died down.

How long is the first game?

I stopped when I had to backtrack from one identical energy plant to another and back, just to press switches to open doors on the other map yada yada. Confused the hell out of me and stopped playing, but I really wanted to beat both games

Not very long at all.
Both games are short and can be beaten in less than 2 hrs

>way of the samurai

That's some pleb taste you have, faggot


No one but me even mentions it's. *sigh*

The only decent one was the first. This is a fact

Not even close. Try again faggot.

was all about the sick 1v1 mech battles with my brother for hours

I'm not the one who like a shit game gaylord

>posting a pic of your legs
>calling someone else a gaylord

Something seems off here faggot

>not mentioning the ground beef patties
What the fuck, man

finishes on a to be continued.....
never got a sequel.

>looking at a man's legs
>calling the man who owns the legs a faggot

I don't think you understand what the word faggot means you stupid fuck

See this user knows where to look

I was more concerned about shoes on the bed.

>non American

I'm concerned about you

Fuck, why didn't I notice that?
God damnit

I fucking hate Zone of Enders and Im pretty sure the "fans" are fucking robots still shilling it after more than a decade of release.

I regret ever buying it.
The voice acting is shit, the combat is tedious and way easier than the cunt "fans" said it would be, it's short (which was good for me because I forced myself to get my money's worth), there's way too much fucking focus on the story and reeks of Kojima. The most fun I had was the protecting objectives missions from a swarm of enemies. Everything else was just "dude, corridors, lmao"

Why the fuck do you need so much mayo and garlic? I bet you put mayo on your grilled cheese sandwiches, shoefag


When 4 was released on PC there were a few days where a thread was always up

You have really poor taste and should feel bad

don't summon him

>bio-androids will never be a playable race in Xenoverse

>Not liking shit is bad taste
Im willing to sacrifice good taste then.


meant for
But on another note do you have a torrent or something to XIII? I remembered it last week and I haven't found much luck.

Well, I'm not sure user. Maybe it is my will, or maybe it is a hell of your own creation. Finding out how is your burden. Go now, my son. I exist where space turns into time and you will find me.

>that much

What the fuck are you talking about? Those are the smaller jars and grilled cheese sandwiches are gross.

I do like mixing the mayo and garlic together and putting them on fries. Nothing better than creamy garlic fries, especially when the fries are crispy

Hm, did you try here?

or here?

I'm not sure, I played XIII on the xbox back in the day.

fuck, you just took it from gross to some kind of twisted hedonistic degeneracy. Also, shave your legs, faggot


This game was so fucking good, one of the few games i put more than 350 hours into. There was a nice thread about it a few days ago but i whish they were more common

>shave your legs

Why would I do that?

>mayo garlic fties

My nigga!

new Onimusha when

Do I need to play the first one or the two stories are barely related?

Klonoa (non-furry)

You don't need to play any, they are shit

The stories are kinda related but I honestly wouldn't waste my time with the first game. The second is an improvement in all aspects, including story and cutscenes. All you need to know is that your mech belonged to the previous protagonist which you'll fight later on the game. (Also they wanna fuck each other. )

More like, game series I wish didn't get a shit HD port and then, because of it, thrown in the trash completely.

God fucking dammit, Konami.

So you want to talk about Klonoa, eh?


How hairy is your ass??

Serious question

extreme sports games in general

How was the HD collection?
Want to replay and not sure which versions to get

It's on gog now

Its a shame that it emulates beautifully until I get close to an enemy in which it dips into 10 fps