What MMO are you playing?

What MMO are you playing?

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SWTOR please no bully

10/10 character editor
0/10 gameplay

I preferred android zombie madmax

It can be fun, honestly.

Xenoblade Chronicles X

is "no MMO" a decent answer?

until there's an mmo that doesn't rely on loot and shit like "better stats" to win, I have no interest.

That's dead senpai.

I've been enjoying these MMO talks, but the pics always hurt.


Casually, I don't raid.

Loved this game. I miss it so much. NCsoft can suck a bag of dicks.

Is it fun if I play it like a single player rpg?

Yeah, tell me about it. Been trying to find something to fill the void. Being nostalgic about old games and disappointed in new games has been fun.

If you had to pick between TERA, Blade and Soul and getting back into Dragon Nest what would you pick?

I love it, you have to do dungeons to progress the story but the crafting system alone makes the game for me. Just level up craters and gathers, gather items, make your own gear, rinse and repeat till you have the best shit then sell HQ items to ppl for mad gil.

>tfw way more money than I'll ever need because ppl are lazy or gil buyers

I play with a couple friends, but probably. The game is very set up so you never have to speak to anyone unless you plan on raiding. Heavensward is a great story but ARR grates on a lot of people.

Ehh, TERA is the most "mmo-like" of the three, but it and BnS run like hot garbage because of their engines. Dragon Nest is a lobby game, though, so it's not quite the same.

I'm subbed to WoW but waiting for the new content.

It's probably going to be shit.

Anarchy Online

It's great fun, reliving my younger years.

but this time with no childhood friend

Albion online bby

Mabinogi and Tera

It's my full loot PvP goodness I've been craving, and believe it or not the devs actually care about their game

I see the barneyfag of mmo threads hasn't shown up yet.

These threads have been Barney-free the last few days desu

>is "no MMO" a decent answer?
yes. i haven't really played an mmo in about 10 years, because they're all too similar and don't do anything very well. also instances ruin them. i get annoyed when someone says vindictus is an mmo.

hopefully a good mmo will come out for vr in a few years.

FFXIV right now. I enjoy it, but I've been spending too much of my free time on it lately. It also kind of really settles into a grind if you're not doing the MSQ.

Will probably go check out Legion once it's out.
Really doubt I'll stay longer than my initial sub month though.


Because Vindictus and games like it are lobby games. They have the same character building progression an MMO does, but they lack the world that typically goes with it.
You could technically call it an MMO because it is online and lots of people play at once, but without the persistent world, something is missing from the experience.

im looking to get into pso2
and i have friends that are willing to play with me
is it fun and worth playing?

EverQuest Next

The MMO genre is bleak as all hell right now.

Maybe I'll buy into Albion, but B2P with a premium sub makes me nervous, even if you can pay your sub ingame.

Plus real money to currency is dicks.

Anybody know if I can play a healer in it, anyways? I know nothing about it besides the shit people bitch about.

Let's continue the discussion we had yesterday.

Why don't people seem to want to play together anymore?
The selling point of these games is playing together... with other people. So why, then, are they consistently built with solo-friendly options, and full to the brim with antisocial people who want to play by themselves and just use dungeon finder and other matchmaking tools?

Is it an issue with the style of game, like how FFXIV has a lengthy single player story, or is it an issue with the playerbase - who would try to play solo even in a highly player driven multiplayer sandbox?


According to this article, the differences in japanese and english-speaking FFXIV servers are profound. People come together to play, in japanese servers. Guilds do things together - if someone asks for help in guild chat, someone generally goes to help them. If there's a group activity, like a treasure hunt, people join in.

But on english servers, people tend to continue to play by themselves in guild, and use guild chat as a sort of chatroom separate from the actual game. They come together for raiding and not much else.

So it is truly the games to blame for peoples solo style of play? Or is it a cultural difference?

when will this healslut meme die

wont ever die on this site, way too many faggots

When people stop bullying when I mess up healing.

>this was shutdown for Aion and GW2

as soon as people stop believing that healing is a subservient role that is the 'sidekick' or somesuch to the tank


its the peoples fault, they got lazy

devs just went with it. money talks

>I haven't really played an MMO in 10 years
>continues to voice opinion about present day MMO's

hahahaha yeah okay, faggotshitter

With how good these past few threads have been going, I think it'd be interesting to get everyone in a group in WoW or something, but that'd probably be enjoyable for all but 10 minutes before drama started, unfortunately.

I don't know too much about Japanese culture in terms of how they're expected to treat one another, but they do seem more open to helping others. Nearly every time I've run HFC 90% of the time was spent with people in the chat screaming about how much the group sucked, with the other 10% actually running.

It might just be the way society has changed. Back when MMOs really shined, the internet was still somewhat new. So, in a way, you had to co-operate with other people in order to make any substantial progess. Where as now, at least in the case of WoW, Raid finder makes it easier than ever to make decent progress without really needing to properly work together with anyone. Leveling is just zerging dungeons with randoms, too.

So yeah I dunno

Gw2 and it's still _fun after 4 years.

They were looking for any excuse to put CoH on the chopping block. It wasn't that it wasn't profitable - it even had had an expansion not long before it was axed.
NC Soft was in a legal battle with Paragon at the time, iirc, but I don't know the full details.

You're invited!

Can anyone post their thoughts on ESO? Curious how that holds up....

I prepurchased Legion and am currently lvling my shadow priest to 100. At 99 atm

It's ok nothing mindblowing.

Tera... and im getting really tired of it, but there's still no game that gives the same feeling of it.

>You could technically call it an MMO because it is online and lots of people play at once
then pretty much every online game is an mmo. i see league of legends listed as an mmo but it clearly isn't.

i've tried pretty much every mmo, but didn't play them for long. sorry if i wasn't explicitly clear enough for you.

>tfw Imagine is dead

So i already bought albion, played for like 5 mins, felt like I was playing a really bad mobile game that somehow got ported to pc, does it get any better?

>It might just be the way society has changed. Back when MMOs really shined, the internet was still somewhat new. So, in a way, you had to co-operate with other people in order to make any substantial progess.
Not just WoW, but it feels as though, now, on the internet, people are sort of disposable. Take social media for instance - it's this an endless shouting match of people trying to provide more interesting or eye-catching content than other people, in an attempt to be noticed. There is ironically not much reason to try to talk to people - chances are good they won't even hear you over their unending twitter feed.

But especially with the way dungeon finder works there's no incentive to try and meet people. You'll never talk to any of these people again.

Maybe they feel the same way about guildmates, to a lesser extent. Yeah, these are people you have to 'deal' with, but only a couple times a week when you go to raid.

Makes me just want to play regular skyrim

I'm gonna cry

Sounds like they're having a blast playing.

Its not bad or anything but its like, extremely mediocre, bought it, played it for like 1-2 weeks and then realized it wasnt worth investing my time on.

Man I've been wanting to play a real fun Superhero MMO but Marvel Heroes gets boring after a week and I've played DCUO so much i think im completely burned out from it, Champions Online is a dead game and not fun anymore

I'm not playing any MMO right now but if I did it'd be Marvel Heroes

Fuck you op.

It is pretty sad, yeah. I've met people I genuinely enjoyed playing with in Dungeon Finder that I'll never see again.
Even if there's an MMO that perfectly captures the way the start felt like, it probably won't last for long. People'll just complain and it'll get made into a singleplayer RPG.

>Marvel Heroes gets boring after a week
I thought it was alright, but I'm waiting for Beast to come out.

I'm surprised the game's still in service.

That's pretty bizarre, because from what I understand Japanese society has a pretty competitive spirit, and I thought that sort of mentality would drive their MMO communities to the ground as the metagaming/top player mentality wears out these games pretty quickly.

Imperial Agent story is 10/10. Sith warrior light side is 9/10 because you can be the smarmiest jackass the galaxy has ever known. Jeki knight is 8/10 for the first 2/3'rds of the game then goes of the rails.

I leveled like 10 heroes up to level 60 and saw no point in going on, Is beast confirmed? I thought No mutant or FF4 characters were being added anymore because of the Marvel/Fox Feud

It should have just been KoTOR 3. It doesn't function well as an MMO.

He's coming out soon, but I think they would go with his current form as a default and have the cat ones be cash shop.

FFXIV. Almost through the quests to get into Ishgard.

I was playing FFXIV, finally got through enough main quests that I could leave the desert and go to the fishing city and learn to be an angler.

But I just put it down because MMO's aren't fun and despite everyone saying the best part is exploring you literally can't in any of them because of the monster levels that aggro from across the world if you try and "sequence break" to get to new regions. They're boring. I just played ARR because I like FF and it was like $10.

Dirty Bomb and Warframe

I want to play UO again but EA "lost" my ancient account and I've probably lost everything in my grandfathered castle by now. Don't want to play a freeshard.

I just want to play Archeage without all the P2W shit, is it too much to ask?

Thats exactly were I quit, Hope it lives up to the hype for you.

Got lucky and found a decent guild right from the start, shit is fun with friends.

Mainly want to get to Ishgard to Keep Fucking Fishing! Main job is Scholar at 53, fishing is 55. I want my new fishing locations!

TERA, seems to be keeping a stable population now as well so thats nice

MMORPGs seemed so promising, everyone was sure they were the future.

When you remove player responsibility for their actions, the shit hits the fan. Let's take LFG tools, the most whined-about bullshit by nostalgiafaggots.

Back in the day™, if you pulled disgusting anti-social shit, you'd get ignored by the majority of the server, barring your way into endgame. I know, I used to be one.

With the ability to effectively get n-1 henchmen with IQ < 50 to roll a dungeon/faceroll raid with, you just don't give a fuck.

I can't honestly say which is the better thing - spamming /LFG for hours to find your team or effectively play with bots.

>two thousand fucking sixteen
>playing MMOs

When will you fucks ever learn?

Jumped back on Haven, having a blast somehow.

Will prolly copycat the game in the future.

i think the market for a vr mmo will become competitive which produces something good, instead of how it is now with most mmo games just trying to ride off the success of world of warcraft.

They were until WoW showed up.

Something weird happened with City of Heroes.

I signed up for like a 3 month subscription. I was about to run out, when I achieved some sort of medal for loyalty/playtime, and got an extra month free?

And I swear every month I got a new one of these and an extra month free. All I know was, I wasn't paying for more playtime and could still play.

Did it go F2P at some point? Or did I put my card in wrong and it was charging somebody else?

I've wondered about this for years.

These games tend to be kind of shallow due to their netcode. Half the draw is interacting with other people.
So I would definitely say being forced to use LFG is better than playing by yourself with bots.

It went F2P

>Read this thread
>Nostalgia about EQ
>Remember getting ready for Plane of Hate
>Guild leader manages to bring one of the best tanks on the raiding scene on our server in as a replacement for our regular tank
>Guild goes nuts
>Rides the high all the way through the run

On one hand, it was awesome when someones reputation preceded them, both good and bad. But, it also sucked when you were trying to do regular content, and you couldn't find even another person to help you. LFG finder may have its issues, but I'd hate to go back to the old ways.

Didnt the game go p2p, with only like 40 people (35 being russian) and their 100 alts playing? Man what a waste, if they removed the retarded curiosity system and went f2p, that game could become the new SS13 in terms of complexity.

It went f2p after a time, and then it got the axe.

>if they removed the retarded curiosity system
lol fucking no I'd never jump back on it if they went back to the old system

I go back to it from time to time, they just released a new boss.

Recently went through the effort of getting Dragons Dogma Online working.
Obviously the experience is significantly stunted seeing as i dont speak jap but its definitely a solid game. Some aspects seem a little shallow and need to be worked on especially for western audiences but i also havent really gotten to far into the game so i cant say for sure. the game is really fun, has some of the most fun combat and controls standing up to many single player games and some really fun classes. it has a level of polish lots of MMOs seem to ignore and runs very well. seeing as the license got extended im hoping to see it in the next year or 2. that being said the jap version isnt worth the hassle to become an actual MMO for me.

Fascinating. When did it go F2P? How long was I completely unaware that I was playing a free game and thinking I'd cheated somehow?

Also, who else here went to that "roleplay bar" in the Hero segment of that Tiki Dance Club? Some bitch gave me a fortune that I never fully spent just for roleplaying with her. Shit was so cash.

Someone post that comparison of a ffxiv rotation to a WoW one

around 2011

Honestly yeah. A Realm Reborn's story wasn't too good, but Heavensward was fucking fantastic. Almost made me wish Heavensward was a spinoff FF game.

.>be respected by top guilds because I'm a god among tanks
>be hated by shitters because I regularly went full Gordon at stupid mistakes
Such was the life.

Is that fucking Haven & Hearth?

There used to be a Sup Forums village, I recall. Wasn't long before some Bearskin-wearing Russians came and burned the place to cinders.

There was an absurd amount of hoops you had to jump through to get metal ore. I remember every time we thought we were there, there was something else we had to do next, like get more wood, or get more timber, or get some other bullshit.

I had a whole backstory written for my character on the villain side. He was a stone melee/willpower bruiser, and he started off in the gangs as a brick who went off on his own. Started off wearing the generic clothes that the bricks wore, and as I leveled up and got clothing slots, I made him dress better, to show how he was rising. So he went from t-shirt and jeans to jeans and a leaher jacket, then slacks and a blazer with a dress shirt unbuttoned, then to a pinstripe suit with wing tips, and finally a tux for special occasions.


What about the rest? Is the game as dead as it seems? I mean its not like you could ever find another player but still 150 players seems like way to little for this type of game.

2011? no way! thats when i started fucking BBC