What are you ashamed of in your vidya collection?
I'm Sup Forums as fuck and I still have some Nintendo games
What are you ashamed of in your vidya collection?
I'm Sup Forums as fuck and I still have some Nintendo games
I'm upset that the word "gamer" is still a thing. I don't want to be lumped in with white cis males, fuck labels.
>I'm Sup Forums as fuck
Stop forcing this meme, normalfag.
I'm kinda ashamed I fell for the Wii U meme
at least it's hackable and I get to play Zelda: BotW for free
>cancerous frogposter
>awful fucking thread
>razer headset
>I'm Sup Forums as fuck
What did he mean by this
I bought it when I was 14 cause it was half price. I'm 19 now and it still works well.
You can't be that ashamed if you kept buying new games for it.
>tfw not ashamed of my vidya collection in the slightest
>I'm Sup Forums as fuck
what is this meme?
The Escapists.
I thought it was that Prison Architect game
post it
nothing. Why would I buy something I'd be ashamed of? That sounds dumb.
You guys realize OP only made this thread to screencap it and post it on /r/Sup Forums, right?
Nothing. Why would I be ashamed of a video game?
haha what are you channers up to this time?
>not Photon masterrace
Shit taste.
didn't mean to quote
meant for
Doesn't mean we can't have an actual discusion of videogames on the videogames board, regardless as to how Reddit OP is or what his motives are
Im ashamed i gave into the darksouls hype
sucha piece of shit game
>I'm Sup Forums as fuck
>"I'm Sup Forums as fuck"
just...just stop.
>not Sup Forums as fuck
baited fools
I think it's safe to say over 80% of the thread is Reddit
You just wanted someone to reply you
>burning your eyes
didn't you?
I'm onto you.
>So desperate to fit in on an anonymous imageboard he thinks owning games is shameful
Fuck off
i'm Sup Forums as fuck but even I get a bit disgusted when I buy a weeb game?
>fell for a wii u meme
>owns more games on it than the ps4
Which one is the real meme user?
You know image.jpg is mobileposting right? Not that it's much better.
^ all me ^
It's actually Appleposting.
I often rename my images image.jpg for bait posts.
Not really. Android does this too.
>"">this thread"
Not my Samsung S6.
look, i'm Sup Forums as fuck but what did he mean by this?
My Xperia m4 aqua does.
>it's a tumblr comes to Sup Forums thread
Kill yourself
>meme vigilante
>meme crusade
I'm not even mad
>m-muh secret club
fuck off faggot
so...this is the power of... frogposting
angry tumblrite detected
you have to be 18 to post here
I'll take "Things you will regret in 5 years" for 400 Alex.
>It's a "I cant refrain from posting things for attention even when it involves incriminating a family member" post