Will you be giving it a shot?
Why or why not?
Will you be giving it a shot?
Why or why not?
Only trolls and Adventurefags shit on this, the rest of us are either exited or neutral towards it.
I will be getting it, since it looks good and is made by the fans who actually know what the fuck they are doing. Praise Taxman
No, because sonic was never good and only poorfags had genesis
As for why I'm excited, you'd have to have zero insight into the devs not to know. Taxman, Stealth, PagodaWest. They don't need to prove themselves any further.
Absolutely. Looks ace.
have a (You), it's free
Pretty sad it's digital only. I would have loved a collectors edition with it just being a Genesis case with a manual and a poster.
Yes. I never got into the Sonic cycle and now seems like the time to go all in. If this sucks, I will let it all go.
It will the first Sonic I play since Sonic 3 & Knuckles, and maybe the last.
>Only trolls and Adventurefags shit on this
Nice strawman faggot. I've been playing sonic since the first game and while it looks nice, I'm simply indifferent. There is no magic pulling me into the game like any other previous Sonic games. I was excited for Unleashed and Generations even though I haven't beaten either of them due to boredom but I'm just not feeling Mania.
>the rest of us are either exited or neutral
>I'm simply indifferent.
>Nice strawman
Sure. Taxman is behind this so it's guaranteed to not be Sonic 4
Looks like I've got brain problems
Those are falseflaggers. Adventurefags shouldn't have a single beef with this because it's not from Sonic Team.
At least you own up to it.
>The success of the phone ports is what lead to this moment
>It doesn't have a mobile release
no because the music is like sonic cd and they added the shields from 3 & K
Obviously not everybody fall into those fields either, It's a hyperbole statement.
However, most negative comments and opinions are either "IT'S NOT SONIC ADVENTURE 3 REEEEE" or "IT WILL NEVER BE AS GOOD AS S3&K/S2" etc.
The more rational posters understand that this game might be a gateway to more classic Sonic titles if it's a success. And like I said, the devs are probably the most apt at developing classic Sonic games right now.
Actually, I think a good few of them are pissed about being led on by the sonic twitter and/or because classic sonic is in project 2017 so they're lashing out against everyone
Well they shouldn't get their hopes up by a literal shitposter
These are bad things?
Like that would ever happen even if there was a physical release.
I could see physical happening for this down the road anyway. Definitely not without precedent at this point.
>runs official mario twitter
>makes jokes and memes
>starts dropping hints about Super Mario 128
>it doesn't happen
I dunno user
>only poorfags had genesis
The consoles and games had the same price tags.
No, really, you shouldn't take social media so seriously.
Even then, we don't know anything about the 2017 project yet, things he hinted on Twitter may be applicable there.