Well Sup Forums?
Well Sup Forums?
The latest female protagonist is just weird.
Possibly one of the worst ever.
Only on Sup Forums.
What does a vagina feel like bros?
I am tho
Too bad I always play as a male
i'm a boy, but pretending to be a girl is so much fun!
She's cute though, go be gay somewhere else.
It's pretty warm and overally nice.
She looks like a smaller, more compact May. I'm really just bored by how similar she is.
'They do exist'
i'm guessing this end up with him being raped?
She's kinda grown on me over time, though the chicken hat is still stupid. I think I'm gonna pick the female trainer in Sun/Moon because the boy is just as bland as can be. And the girl looks cute doing the hula dances when activating the Z Moves, whereas the boy looks like a total homo.
I'm 27 years old and have yet to kiss a girl. I'd like to know the answer to this as well.
As a straight male, would you ever play as a male character unless it's a date sim/galge?
God I wish I was a rich degenerate white girl.
That's a good point. Guess I'll have to pick girl too.
Are hair clips a thing for guys in japan?
I want to be a Braixen(male)!
>you will never have a feminine body and voice
>you will never pretend to be a girl online to get attention and flirty comments
why live?
No. The author is probably trying to reel in closet-cases.
it's like vicodin for your dick
wish i could be a trainer and take care of my pokemon when they're in heat
But I see Len and Kaito wear them all the time in fanart.
the dialogue in this doujin is fucking hilarious, I couldn't fap to it
28 here friend we'll never make it and we should kill ourselves
There you go. Fans are fags.
Why did they make touko so lewd? How was she allowed?
how new?
I do this in mmos and online games. I never use my mic either.
What's the name of this one? Flipping through pages in sad and I'm going to guess it's in an anthology and I'm missing it.
Buy an onahole and find out.
nooo don't do it you're almost a wizard. honestly you're better off. I was much happier when I didn't know what I was missing.
How would you take care of your needy pets user?
>This thread has been pruned or deleted
I want to be Hilda.
>we will never have a pokegirl this lewd ever again
Feel the inside of your cheek.
Fuck her she's the reason I have cum stains on my floor and bed
Warm and wet. Not as great as playing a cute loli slut in a children's RPG though.
Just get one of these
shit feels like the real thing; it's a good way to practice lasting longer
I don't know, my porn folder is too big
it looks like chinzurina
Fuck off, Sup Forums. The only vocaloid is Miku.
I think I'll need to see some of the boy's clothing options before I let the posing influence my decision. Question is, will I look like a stupid faggot, or a glorious faggot?
i'm not doing this with you
but you can keep posting lewd pokeymans
why did they have to give her such an ugly name, are you telling me they couldn't find better sounding male/female counterpart names than fucking hilda / hilbert
>reverse image search
>a bunch of random images and 2 links to fucking cartoon network
Me too.
Nah, just went through that one. I'll keep searching, danke though.
I was interested but now im just playing classic CN flash games.
That's so disappointing user.
God I hate that artist.
Same shit over and over and over and over
These threads really turned into shitposting grounds.
Any guy can do a feminine voice. Swallow with nothing in your mouth and feel how your adam's apple moves, try to use your throat muscles to keep it forced up like how it moves while swallowing, its a little uncomfortable at first but with practice it feels pretty normal.
please sauce
Who is the best Poke girl and why is it always Dawn?
>Same shit over and over and over and over
Yes, and?
>C-section fags
[fk696] Boku wa Online-jou no Hime! (Otoko no Ko-llection!)
Platinum Dawn is the best dawn. That coat is comfy as fuck.
Chicken chan looks nice
Lyra is good, but I don't really like most of the main pokegirls
w2c shirt
Oh fuck link the Dexter's Lab ones
Thanks, user
I'm 32. Didn't get close to a woman until I was 30, but it happened. Went from never been on a date to spending an entire weekend in bed doing kinky stuff with a girl I met online. You can make it.
you won't be thanking him when you lose your boner to that dialogue
>Not wanting to play the summer adventure one
It's even (mostly) still summer, user
how did ya meet online?
I'm gonna be a girl!
Give me 20 reasons why you don't like her
They are sometimes worn by more flamboyant males. The bishounen types that are popular actors do it sometimes. Also hairbands and stuff.
>Though I have to admit, the way that one guy talks as if it's online is maximum autist. That alone isn't a problem, but seeing an autist like that getting to fuck a qt trap makes me really jealous. Meh. It's still quite good. The ending is great too.
It can't be worse than any of the generic I'M GONNA IMPREGNATE YOUR BUTT type shit.
I've already played that shit to death. Gimme the one that was like Chip's Challenge or some shit. Inject me those flashes
1.- Fuck off henry
2.- Fuck off henry
3.- Fuck off henry
4.- Fuck off henry
5.- Fuck off henry
6.- Fuck off henry
7.- Fuck off henry
8.- Fuck off henry
9.- Fuck off henry
10.- Fuck off henry
11.- Fuck off henry
12.- Fuck off henry
13.- Fuck off henry
14.- Fuck off henry
15.- Fuck off henry
16.- Fuck off henry
17.- Fuck off henry
18.- Fuck off henry
19.- Fuck off henry
20 .- Fuck off henry
>LOL! and :) in the dialogue
For what purpose
She's not hot like the past three trainers
I'll tell you why, but first we need to talk about best girl
I can't think of a single one
anyone have the thickened version?
i forgot to save it
Those games are both amazing. Im playing Samurai Jack: Way of the Warrior.
>He has a technique for this
anyone who believes leaf isn't the hottest and best female trainer is a faggot
can you stop posting shit girls?
Does the graphics in Sun/Moon look better to you guys? I'm kind of torn, - does it use the exact same battle models?
What's so homo about him?
I want to cuddle with Hilda's Mom
Jesus Christ... I was busy at work all week. What pokemon news did I miss? Why is he posing?
I'm a boy, and I'm going to fug new best girl.
She has that girl next door vibe to her, Shes probably the coziest of the female protags to be around