We've waited so fucking long for this, Wake is gonna be the best shit yet.

The greatest WoW RP server is soon fucking upon us.

Other urls found in this thread:

what the fuck are you talking about fully custom rp server which plays closer to life is feudal or M&B persistent world than to retail. It's going where no private server has gone before.

and which expansions is it

It's been in development for MONTHS and finally the creation zone is being released so characters can be geared, rallied and written. This is big.

It's US, isn't it?
= impossible to play on for the rest of us like me, who actually have some interest. Meh.

US servers aren't that bad for europeans since it's WoW.
Well, unless it's on the west coast, then screw it

3.3.5a, they'd have gone higher but 3.3.5a is the moddable one. They got in HD water and the WoD character models though. In fact their lead developer actually has managed to make it so you can wear proper armour, surcoats and cloaks instead of the shitty WoW versions.

Nah bro the server is hosted in Europe, the connection is always good for me.

The world is HUGE and all the factions are led by player guilds. It's the "MMO" i've been dreaming of.

oh damn i'll def check this out

So are you getting paid for this or do you have some vested interest in the project?

oh and also, noone sane hosts private wow servers in US anymore.

ugh, not sure if I wanna start again, gonna burn out after playing for 14 hours straight for a week

Is there a ''''discussion'''' on /wpsg/?

>plays closer to life is feudal or M&B persistent world than to retail
got me interested user, I know shit about the private server scene, but this is the first time I've seen someone promote a wow server with something original besides "muh vanilla/tbc/wotlk" bullshit
what do I do, website/forum are empty

i've been a long term fan of Wake, I helped them build part of the world so I really want us to get the server out there.

no discussion on /wpsg/ they seem to be just some giant clique talking about the same shit all day

visit and register, you cant view anything without an account. theres no payment or donations. and yeah I get what you mean, wake is totally different to all the other servers, which is why im so fucking hyped. You could make a character, win players onto your side and besiege a player's keep and take it for yourself. it uses modified WoW PvP with realistic stats (so a guy in full plate is hard to kill).

no pls

the community isn't a typical RP community. ERP whores are ostracized and down to earth characters are the norm. on wake your character could be killed by anyone as the conflict resolution is PvP. There's no bullshit *teleports behin u* or consequence evasion.

One hour until files are available and servers are open.

Tell me more about it. Is there a story ? A set universe ? Does it play like normal wow but with less magic ?

I wanna know if it's worth downloading.

I like this

>no discussion on /wpsg/ they seem to be just some giant clique talking about the same shit all day

Been that way for years now too. The only good wow discussion takes place on Sup Forums.

Does anyone have the pasta about the gnome wedding rp?

It's set in Alterac years before the 1st war. Creative liberties have been taken to remove elements that seem a little childish. I'd say Wake hovers around medium to low fantasy.

Mages, Priests and Knights are prestige classes. Mages and Priests require application to play but are set with wrathful stats from the beginning. I believe Mage apps are currently closed but Priests are still good. Dwarves exist in the form of "Bael Mandarr" or the Red Caverns. Knights are chosen by faction leaders, and there can only be 2 per household.

In terms of story the realm has just left a rebellion, many of the counties were rebels and hold great resentment for House Perenolde, whilst others are recovering from the war after supporting the crown. The realm is diseased, destitute and stagnant.

The Knight class falls under the warrior one, but Knights are given a full suit of plate armour whilst regular players without any apps will have rogues, hunters and regular warriors to choose from when making their char.

The faction im in is Rivermark, we're a town set on a river that was given the responsibility of guarding Alterac from Troll incursions from the Hinterlands, however every county has its own story.

I loved life is feudal, this looks really great!

I won't claim Wake is historically accurate, they've made it so good armour is a challenge to come by. But that being said, if you get a couple of your friends you could lead a player Knight into the woods, kill him, and loot his body as if he were an NPC.

Wake is definitely sandbox first, rp server second. As long as it makes sense, the storytellers are cool with anything.

Stop my dick can only get so errect

I want to know about game mechanics, I've taken a quick look at the forums but some things remain unclear.

According to the forums you can't be a priest or mage right away because they're prestige classes.
Can I become one once I start playing and interacting with members from the different "groups" IN-GAME or is it limited to character creation and applied through "forum rp".

Does it follow wow combat mechanics (talents, stats...) or is it all or part custom made?

Also, perma-death is kind of implied some times but not really clear either.

I've played on a wow RP server before. It didn't last long due to corruption and was shut down. It was later reborn only to be shut down again.

You made a character, no stats on items, you could pick a few free items to customize your character and for every hour logged in you got a coin item which was used to trade with other players.

You could learn professions to make lots of custom items. Writing books etc.

I was with the Dalaran faction in Silverpine Forest. We were a good 20+ mages who were divided into various divisions and ranks. We had the south eastern dalaran npc base for ourselves with custom objects and buildings.

We would take turns on guard duty and had to deal with passerby's who tried to sneak in or get inside to steal our shit.

Autistic as fuck but also quite a lot of fun. Here's hoping this RP server will last.

So what do i need to get it set up?

Id be interested in trying it out.

On another RP server you used forum RP to get access to prestige classes. The one i played on had several custom ones like necromancers, lich etc.

when you died you had a 24 hour debuff. If you died withing those 24 you perma died. Priests could learn an ability to cure it with a massive cooldown.

No idea about this server though.


A connection guide will be soon but it uses Wotlk (Old) you just need to add in the patches when they are released on Wake. for the downlaod

t. wake shills

whoa whoa whoa, mount and blade ? i need info on this. you mean the economy or the gameplay is from MB ?

When you create your character and get in game you'll have to speak with the character background NPCs where they ask you your history, depending on what you choose you'll get minor bonuses to certain things. So for example if you said your father was a blacksmith, and then you became a blacksmith later down the line you'd have a slight bonus in your work compared to players who jsut picked it up. There's also how every player is attackable by default, how you can loot dead players. Then there's professions, I can't remember all of them but inscription is one, it's not like in game I think it's more based around languages and magical tomes. So if you were a dwarf scribe you could write a series of notes which you could sell to a human, and if he used them he'd gain skill in the dwarven language.

You can't be a priest or mage right away, yeah, but you can apply to priest as apps are still open. They're trying to keep numbers realistic, but yes, if you were dedicated as a mage apprentice for example and a player mage spent time teaching you the ways then eventually you'd progress into a proper mage, just like how a squire could progress into becoming a Knight. By application I mean writing a character biography, you wouldn't need to do any cringy shit like *walks into mage school looking nervous*.

It does follow 3.3.5a combat mechanics, but the stat part is custom. There are 5 tiers, deadly, wrathful, relentless, hateful, and furious (not in that order). Prestige classes get the highest stats, soldiers get round about mid tier, and fresh peasants get low. The other layer is equipment, if you wear full plate you'll have a ton of armour, but if you have no shield and only a leather tunic you wont have a lot at all.

And perma death is how it is, yes, it wouldn't make sense for a character to walk around after getting his head cut off.

I'll admit im spreading the word of wake, but im the only one here. The server is totally unique, it's worth the attention.

This sounds interesting, where do I go to be a priestly man

nah M&B inspired, we also got a lot of mount and blade helmets and weapons as well as custom models for buildings. The economy and character creation (once youre in game) as well as how the server operates resembles a survival game rather than a cruddy RP server.

I registered on the forums, where do I DL when its released?

wow RP ?? never seen one of those... anyway ill be checking it out

So I can kill someone and take all of their stuff?

Is this gonna be a kill on sight PvP mess or will people spare you and shit if you surrender?

"Team Private Discussion" with a fleshed out character biography. I suggest you check out other biographies and how long they are and follow the same layout and style.

also, can i just attack anybody ? with consequences of course.

>forum RP
Damn, I hate that shit, takes me out of the world.
I'd rather walk into a priest player or GM or whatever and make friends with them up to the point I could get into their "organization" after some IN-GAME interaction, but I guess this would be hard to accomplish from a development point of view.

>it uses Wotlk (Old)
Can I find this on my usual torrent site.
I do have original wotlk install dvd though, but not really sure if it will be okay.

Neither, just some imported items from M&B.

This thread is so fucking cringey. I've played Wake and it's okay. It has a fairly small community of decent roleplayers. It's been up several times, and each time it's died within about a month or so because of the shitty admins (one of whom is probably taking the role of the cringey hyper in this thread) messing things up (seriously, they're some of the most incompetent band of leaders I've ever had the displeasure of playing under).

For those unfamiliar with the WoW RP community, the launch of this server is not a "big deal" or "the best thing yet". It's yet another server in a long stream of WoW RP servers that regularly disappoint.

Go check it out for the cool modding (big props to that). Leave before the edgy community and incompetent admins have time to fuck it up.

oh and, will there be a penalty system ? like if a retard keeps slaying low levels, can we put a bounty on him and hunt his ass ?

The actual act of fighting someone is resolved through World of Warcraft PVP, there's a certain etiquitte as well where you need to come at them with an emote declaring your intent to attack, and waiting for them to respond in some way (emoting back, buffing themselves, attempting to run).

My advice if you do want to try and slay some chumps, screenshot everything because people will attempt to revoke their deaths by whining to GMs quite a lot, if you have evidence you followed the rules properly then they don't got shit.

Thanks guy, this looks pretty cool.

A connection guide will be appearing in the "Information" forum once they're uploaded, we're really close. ( im in the wake skype chat for info)

Yes, but that could invoke the revenge from the charater's friends, so you might be better off robbing them for it instead.

Nah, this is an RP server too. People need to act in character. That being said, bandits and dangers do exist. If you decide to walk into the dark woods alone kitted out in full plate armour don't be surprised when you're ambushed by a group of player bandits looking for quick coin. While I say that, players tend to only kill you if you refuse to cooperate or you try and act hard after being beaten in a fight.

so is this shit free, do you need WoW installed or what?

>the community isn't a typical RP community. ERP whores are ostracized and down to earth characters are the norm.
Man, I do remember when "RP" actually meant "roleplay" by default, and not ERP.

Fucking dropped. That's some lame ass shit.

Are there "safezones" or can killing happen wherever?

>play on a server where you can't play a caster until an admin decides he likes your special snowflake enough to allow the "privilege"

Why in the fuck would I do that? Who the fuck wants to be some shitty fucking peasant or whatever it is they make you play as.

Depends on the person, if you don't act humble and not like a cocky "fuck you ill take you all on" sorta guy you might end up alright in the end.

Everyone is able to be attacked, besides NPCs, which you'd need to arrange a thing with a GM for.

Also you can find the WoTLK 3.3.5a client on the warmane website.

Sure. There's no "low levels" though if it's anything like other private RP realms, everyone starts at 80 and power progression is done through earning higher tiers of PvP stats (which are generally entirely clumped into one item like a necklace or such so you can wear whatever you please)

Can anyone post the interiors of those buildings?

yes, the "old" in the name is just there to indicate it's the original WoTLK version because warmane also offers the one with updated character models.
most of the ones on torrent sites should be okay as long as they don't have custom shit

I only wish they could import M&B combat into a Warcraft server, that'd be the tits mane.

So this is 'Human only?'

If you've RPed in retail, you'd quickly get sick of all the Valudriel Hypercocks, Master Runesage/Dragonblooded/Half-Demon/Omegamancers, though the opposite end of the spectrum where everyone is a slum shit rolling in the mud isn't much better. A proper balance is good.

looks dead af

You can become a priest by befriending priest players and working under them, definitely. And you can find wotlk old through warmane download.

I'm not Dunril (seriously lmao) and this Wake is bigger than the last iterations you must have played, there's more content, a more complete and denser world, and the admins are led as a board rather than by a singular figure (dunril).

This server is and will remain the best RP server out there, simply due to the content and community.

You can do that, if some guy keeps hunting others nothing is stopping you from posting a "Wanted" thread on the forums for people to read.

You need WotLK (old) installed, you can find it on warmane download section.

It can happen wherever, but each faction has a lot of players playing as soldiers/guards so if someone tries something in town chances are they'll end up getting beaten to shit behind a barn by the enforcers.

Priests and Mages are rare in Alterac, it's a form of quality control not a way to keep the admin's friends in good positions. It carries a huge responsibility since as a mage you are pretty much the most powerful unit in the game since they counter warriors.

Nope, Dwarves and Elves are present, there are only 4 elves on the server since apps for them closed. Dwarves are still free and have no restriction so if you want Dwarf RP check out the Ingotshield Clan.

pic related

Humans, Dwarves and (ugh) High Elves.

I can't say I'm a fan of the 2:1 ratio of fags to decent lads.

usually the word "shills" gets tossed around but this thread is legitimately full of wake shills. its pretty funny actually seeing how hard they are trying to advertise their game here.

>medium-low fantasy
>can't start as mage
>mage requires application
>applications closed
nah fuck this I want to roll with the wizzards yo

Generally a shill refuses to acknowledge their actual involvement with a project. And is also paid. But yes, it is advertising.

last time an interesting looking RP server was shilled here it moderators closed the forum and stopped applications for it after like a day

If you want to play a mage hit up one of the mage players, it's encouraged that mages take on apprentices.

The server is getting its name out there, yea, but it's something Sup Forums could easily get on board with and start a group of their own. Heck, I've lurked this board for years now.

If you don't like the concept of it thats cool, it's a WoW server, its not gonna be for everyone, but if I can get a few more people on board the experience is just gonna be better.

So, Sup Forums group when?

This looks super interesting, what do? just download the game and play?

there's literally one guy here shilling it while the rest are interested in it, since every fucking private server is a piece of shit.
Sorry for not being able to let go of this fucking game and still needing my fix

>but it's something Sup Forums could easily get on board with and start a group of their own. Heck, I've lurked this board for years now.

>something Sup Forums could easily get on board
>I've lurked this board for years now.

fucking bullshit.

hopefully never, if /wpsg/ decides to shill this for whatever reason I won't even bother

lmao if I was some cuckold redditor I wouldn't want Sup Forumstards on a server I play on.

check out the connction guide

I wouldn't say 'every'. There are other decent more traditionalistic alternatives out there.

I presume you've never heard of the Slaves of Armok then.

>You will never play a RP server based during the Lordaeron period from the rise and fall.

Kind wrecking my balls here man. Are Trolls just decided to not be allowed and remain NPC's?

Kinda ruins the buzz of playing something that isn't human.

I'll be around in 6 or so years when you decide to do the First war and make Orcs playable

fuck off cathán


>There are other decent more traditionalistic alternatives out there

no, here's the deal, every private server is atleast one of these:
-pay to win
-foreign language prevalent
-buggy as fuck

Trolls are gonna be OP as shit when Humans fight, they have Alterac Valley completely custom made which is basically the Trolls foothold in Alterac, anyone who goes in will probably end up butchered and eaten. Staff wanted to avoid players memeing about as Trolls making them a common enemy instead of a supernatural threat.

im not cathan either lmao

Nice girlfriend Cathan

lego head or what jordan

so what do you actually do


>RP server
>somehow makes the game even uglier than Retail Vanilla was

how? and are people actually excited for this shit?

someone stream this, I fucking deleted my wow 3.3.5 and it's gonna take ages to download it again

This sorta reminds me of that one WoW RP server that was modded to be some sort of Naruto Ninja Academy.

>human dwarf and elf only

Might as well add in Draeni so all the ERPers don't end up flooding the forums 2 weeks from now about "muh waifus"

I cant seem to make an account for some reason

And I am staff on one that I don't consider any of those four. You probably know exactly which as well, but I won't drop a shill-line in your thread about it. I'm by and large Neutral-Positive towards Wake, it's not my usual cup of tea but my friends want to try a concept on it and so I'm obliged to support it when I have time to.

The people who took the screens have shit comps

also the server is up

>too much of an ERP retard for argent dawn
>make a private server to jack off to

hey cathan :P

>gets ousted as a incest pedo erper
>indulges in shitty low fantasy so he can pretend he is westorosi
>people are interested

how the fuck can you trust this? this server will die within a week and they will be back on retail

>. You probably know exactly which as well
no I don't but you can tell me if it's one of these:
Also forgot to mention, no funservers allowed

still looks ugly as shit

the "new" textures (which are garbage in themselves) clash so bad with the old polygonal WoW textures that it's just a massive eyesore.

The colors between them are all off, the lighting and shading don't match, and all the armor/cosmetic stuff on players is _significantly_ worse than what blizzard managed to do by just painting textures onto the models

It's the one that was just risen back from the dead into its old form after the sister-server it turned into tore itself down thanks to a certain bananamancer. That's about as specific as I'll get.

Hey OP nice RP profile

Why is Wake advertising on Sup Forums? You guys are finally done advertising on camwhore twitch streamers websites then?

The admin who leads this project is a complete sperg who has forced the project to close down and restart what has to be at least half a dozen times now.

Not to mention the GM's have no interest in playing in the warcraft setting as its writers intended and at one point actually considered making a FOTM Game of Thrones server.

Ignore this shill thread, these guys are literally shilling to advertise, notice how there are only 42 posters in a 80 post thread.

Report, hide and sage.