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So is this like Spore or something?
Is this shit spore ? Or no man's Buy?
Nu Male's Sky looks amazing, stop this shitposting AT ONCE!
the latter
the average Sup Forums poster
Shit like this makes me nauseous. Looks like some congenital defect abomination from a Lovecraft story. Looks like I won't be picking up this game afterall.
>mix n' match CREACHURS around human sized
What a cuntload of AIDS.
the fucking eyes man
>Not "body once toast me"
life is beautiful you shitlords
you're not funny
That is literally one of the aliens from doctor who.
>Its literally fucking Spore again
I shall call it The Chinchillazoth.
I just want to explore a beautiful universe full of wondrous, imaginative fauna and creatures. Not this.
It's me
We know your mom is a massive cow, but was your dad Yoda?
Literally WHAT THE FUCK did you except?
No, a chubby gremlin.
A revolutionary game
The fucking eternal sadness in his eyes.
i mean, just look that those developers.
swiggity swooty I'm coming for that booty
>No Goy's Sky
>Still not understanding how water works.
>No Man's Buy
>Eight years gone and you're still no wiser
Do the visuals remind anyone else of Outcast?
this shit is hilarious t͏bh f͏am
glad to see gamegrumps really go places, never thought they'd add susie as an NPC.
>shoes with velcro straps
>on a non retard
The human race is getting lazier and lazier.
i hope there will be more shitty monsters like this one
>No ice anywhere
>No ice anywhere
ah yes the prolapsed anus monster
majestic creatures
Install gentoo
>fatties are lazy
>news at 11
damn you stupid
Is it weird that this game kinda makes me want to play Spore?
Oh shit. Reinstalling.
Tumor lives matter.
>Doesn't understand how basic physics works
Hard to believe it's an ""indie"" game
Boy, Impossible Creatures 2 looks great
So, is every planet just random coloured dirt ground with some grass and trees about?
Shouldn't you be embarrassed if minecraft does biomes better than you?
Enema Elephant
Psy? Duck?
what did they do to yoshi
>what are pressure??
>tfw no girlfriend
Neat, you found Raxacoricofallapatorius.
>Nu Male's Sky
okay I usually hate all these shitty Sup Forums attack memes, but this one made me laugh
will pic rleated happen in no mans sky?
Holy shit his mantits have turned into a cape of fat around his chest.
Where have you been for the last 4 months? That meme started when they posted a picture of the team.
I'm dying
It already has. you just have to find the planet XD
leaked creature ability, guys
Do you know how to read that? Water clearly can be a vapor at both -40 and -20
>There will never be a 2016 spore reboot with actual gameplay
>procedural generation is bad
When will devs learn that procedural generation is worse than careful design in almost all areas?
Oh man. That game was baller.
>tfw making walking shark mortars to back up your army
-20 yes
-40 no
Also that is an extremely small range for -20.
I never paid them any money, but this still hurts me for some reason.
I'm fucking cracking up holy shit
oy vey
I can't breathe
I unironically like this song.
This is actually a really catchy song
its literally part of his costume you retard
the only disturbing part is that people that old think thats funny
No they just have to actually put in a lot of time and effort to make sure that their algorithms aren't shit.
Look how long E:D is taking
If it takes a large studio years to come out with a presentable space game, there is no way in hell that an indie studio can do it in less time.
200K is -73 C.
I think that with enough time and technology, procedural generation can do amazing things. The issue is that this is a low budget indie game that was heavily marketed for some reason, so it lacked the ability to actually take the procedural generation to somewhere interesting.