will they ever recover from this?
Will they ever recover from this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Let's hope not
No, Legion will be the game's deathknell.
No. You can only play a game so long before it gets boring. Most people have played WoW and are bored of MMOs in general.
If they actually release content and don't jump on modern day garbage ideas for said content maybe.
The second Legion requires me to login daily for some menial 30 minute task or announces a year long content hiatus im out. As always.
Well, it's obvious subs will surge briefly at Legion launch and will likely be more than 5M for a while (although I wouldn't expect 10M peak like in MOP/WOD launch) but besides that, no, the game is rotten to its core and can't be salvaged without relaunch.
Besides that, I'm quite confident official legacy servers would also offer a surge of popularity (I could see a few million players not playing neo-WoW even at launch at least trying them out) but that increase would also be temporary, although going the Runescape route and continuing the game from a state where it wasn't irredeemably fucked might or might not be more sustainable than continuing with neo-WoW.
>le legacy servers will save wow meme xDDD
nostalriusfags, everyone
WoW is not going to die because the game got worse (not saying it didnt. Current WoW is awful). It will die simply because the market now wants a different type of game, as well as prefering games that dont use the pay to play model.
let's not pretend 5 million isn't a lot
They're not really bored of MMOs. They're going from game to game trying to recapture the magic that was their youth.
Do they have to?
There is no point in re-launching WoW.
That's when they stopped reporting subs. If you naively took the downwards trend from since WOD launch and continued it to this day, the subs would be around zero. Of course, this isn't really the case, it's clear there's a number of die-hard Blizzdrones that wouldn't unsub under any conditions for example (as well as some new players trying it out, people who have forgotten they have a sub running etc), but it'd be similarly naive to think the drop stopped at the last reported number.
>people were genuinely excited and willing to give WoW another chance with WoD
>Blizz delivers the worst expansion to date and turns everyone off the game for good
cant make this shit up
>Try to make a WarCraft thread
>Drops off of page 10 with zero replies
>Someone makes a bait thread because they're bitter about WoW not specifically catering to their autism anymore
>500 posts
By relaunch (in the first paragraph) I meant reboot, "WoW 2" that doesn't have to bear the baggage of the old game, like being able to use a modern engine and conveniently being able to forget the most outrageous instances of lore going full retard.
>conveniently being able to forget the most outrageous instances of lore going full retard
yeah like most of the shit that happened in Vanilla like working with the Zandalari against the Zul'Gurub trolls
>you were one of those people
>your friends are all coming back to try legion now because they skipped WoD
>you know legion is going to be more of the same shit but you're going to try it anyway
I don't even know what to do anymore. I probably would have kept playing through WoD's garbage too if Nostalrius hadn't come along and let me revisit better times, but now it's dead so I've got nowhere else to go unless I want to fall for another doomed private server.
>more of the same shit
last I checked they haven't announced anything and then cut it out in favor of something nobody wanted (Bladespire Citadel and Temple of Karabor)
That's true, there doesn't appear to be much cut content. And there are some major changes to the things I care about for better or for worse, which is one of the only things I'm looking forward to. It seems like they're finally giving attention to PvP again after mostly neglecting it for 3 expacs.
>bored of MMOs in general
No, they're sick of the same formula that's been regurgitated over and over and over since 2004.
I get that MMOs are stupidly expensive to make and so nobody wants to take a risk, but this really is a case of developers playing it safe to a fault.
Did you know DQX recently had its 4th year anniversary, and it's still not released in the US?
When asked, SE said they believed the game would have to be 'fundamentally changed to suit western markets.'
They really believe the only game we'll play is this WoW clone garbage that gets released year after year.
WoD was a filler expansion from the start, anyone expecting it to have been anything more got what they deserved. What really annoys me though are the people who missed out on MoP because "KUNG FU PANDAS LMOA"
MoP up through 5.2 was fucking superb. If the Orc part never happened, they just came up with a couple more raids, and Throne of Thunder was the last raid of the expansion, it would have been perfect.
>You can only play a game so long before it gets boring.
In WoW's case that's, like, a minute max. Your point?
I liked Warhammer Online, it dropped PvE almost completely in favor of open world PvP. The ultimate goals were to conquer the opposing faction's territory by besieging castles and shit. You got better gear by defeating tougher players and each fortress's miniboss NPC leader.
It had a lot of problems but those were some great ideas I'd like to see use elsewhere. EVE Online is also a non-WoW clone success story, but it's no longer really growing since there's still a subscription and some significant learning and economic barriers to new players.
I missed out on MoP because Cataclysm burned me to the point that I didn't think WoW could ever recover. The retarded Pandaren race was just the icing on the cake. I do regret missing MoP gameplay and I do like eastern settings, but I can't take Pandaren seriously (they've been a joke since WC3) and I couldn't go back to WoW so shortly after Cataclysm ruined it.
>I can't take what was originally supposed to be the Alliance race in TBC before they retconned Draenei seriously
Pandaren were ridiculously well done, though. They looked great. They had great animations, voice acting, you name it. They were not a joke race in any sense of the word.
The real joke race is worgen. Blizzard very clearly did not care about them as a race. They get barely any of their own lore(some of which you have to be playing as the opposite faction to experience!), they get a shitty tree in Darnassus to call a "home," and their models were shit out a few months before release after a ton of complaints came in that they were 'too furry.'
The new worgen female is literally the old one's body with a shitty chihuahua head.
Cataclysm was fucking horrendous and uninspired, they just pointed at the dragon with the big jaw and said "there's your bad guy go get him".
Pandaren and Pandaria in general unironically made me enjoy the game again. I can't remember the last time I had as much fun questing as I did the first time I leveled through Pandaria. I was 90 halfway through Townlong Steppes because I did 100% of every single zone before that, and kept going until I had done every zone completely.
Considering that story-wise TBC was an absolute shitfest of an expansion that doesn't surprise me.
They're alright in MoP. I don't actually mind Pandaren nowadays so much as I do Pandaren players, who are all either furries, retards, or both. It's rare to find a Pandaren player who doesn't fall into those categories, they're almost as bad as belf DKs used to be.
Worgen truly are the worst race in the game though, and never should have been playable especially if so little effort was going to be put into them.
Personally I liked that the conflict (Outside of Garrosh being meme'd into the big bad for no real good reason) wasn't "stop the end of the world!". Instead, we got some cool insights to the various races of the region, how the Titans tried to make right and fucked up, that sort of stuff. Made the world feel just a bit more alive again.
>but what about vanilla
Every time.
If you look at the WoW documentary released before WoD came out, they talk about how, with MoP, they wanted to go 'back to the game's roots' and release an expansion that did not follow the WC3 storyline.
Everything in it would be new, and they would focus on providing a new world for the player to explore and learn about.
That, to me, is half of why Pandaria was good. It was so full of secrets and surprises. The story going on in the background was alright, but that's not as important as the focus on discovery.
I hope Legion does something similar, but I doubt it will.
All that's left is the carebear audience. Legion is looking very good for them. Free legendaries everywhere.
hating a player based on what race they play shouldn't matter as much as how good they actually are at the game.
You could say that all Male Draenei players are horrendous at the game because that tank in a low level dungeon that has no idea what he's doing is usually one, but that wouldn't be true of every Male Draenei player.
The last earnings call said Legion sales were on par with WoD sales. That would imply the game is pretty close to 10 million potential subs.
Which is funny, because WoD went back to WC1/2 but they were like "No it's totally different" except it wasn't. And none of it mattered. They seriously need to stop sucking Gul'Dan dick. He has already had like three full character arcs, just let him die off.
>just let him die off
he dies in the first tier of raid content
I don't hate every Pandaren player, I hate the bad ones and the furries. Coincidentally those are almost all of the Pandaren I actually encountered when playing WoD, just like how back in Wrath almost every belf DK I met was an idiot. That's not the same as saying all belf DKs were idiots, just that the vast majority were.
I think this is true. They really need to de-emphasize the whole globalism and inter-factional cooperation angle they've been pushing since mid-Wrath. Bring back faction conflict, make the story more about individual areas than about the entire world. If you look at vanilla and MoP, most zones had their own story that might have been connected to the one next to it but for the most part was separate from the continent as a whole. You've got the Defias as the regional story/threat for Elwynn, Westfall, and Duskwood. You've got the black dragons and their allies in Searing Gorge, Redridge, and the Burning Steppes. When Cata came along, anywhere in the world you went you'd be against Deathwing in some form or another. That's bad design and bad writing, and something I doubt legion can avoid.
>no cut content
>dalaran recycle
>DH has two specs
>no new spells
>no new talent tiers
Legion will sell shitloads, and have a dip when people leave. Game will still be miles ahead of XIV.
>something I doubt Legion can avoid
honestly if they meet the status quo by having another Eredar like Kil'Jaeden (now with legs!) be the final boss I doubt we'll see him much before that.
That aside the revisiting of Night Elf lore with Suramar and the Nightborne looks interesting, even though they look like the Wendigos from Until Dawn, and Vrykul lore in Stormheim should be great especially if you're a Warrior since you get to annoy the hell out of King Ymiron
>it's a retard who thinks DH should have three specs episode
Always love this
I don't know what you're trying to say there user.
None of that is cut content. Cut content is when something is added during production but then removed before release. DH never had a third spec, and there were never new spells or talent tiers being planned.
That might be a lack of content, but it is by definition not cut content.
The game is 11 fucking years old.
The fact that 5+ million people still play it is amazing. I dropped it for good 5 years ago. No clue how or why people are still playing?
Yeah they should.
yeah you're right Demon Hunters should be able to heal, too
that way there can be 3 leather classes that are full hybrids
Ah yes, I remember the ranged demon hunters from WC3/BC, and who could forget the healing Demon Hunters!
A second melee DPS spec would be some carbon copy bullshit and you know it
2 mil are chinese btw and those include the people who are in prison farming gold for the government to re sell, no joke.
>Implying 5 mil people are gonna just stop playing after what looks like the best xpac since wrath
That's your best argument? "Blizz cant make two distinct melee specs"? Fucking hell.
That's your best argument? "They should have a third spec because I say so"? Fucking hell.
Seems like you don't keep up with the news. Blizzard moved China to tradiational subscription methods about a couple of weeks ago. Whoops :3
They should have three specs because every other class has three and three make for a good degree of variety withing a class and there is no good reason for them to only have two.
> Implying people weren't saying the same shit about WoD.
>It's a blizzshill defends lazy business practices episode
Priests have 2 healing trees
Lots of pure DPS classes have 3x dps talent trees and all of them play incredibly differently and have different purposes, DHs are just lazily as fuck done, kys shill, just kys.
How does that change anything?
Dont druids have 4?
It balances out
anyone with a brain didn't have high hopes for WoD when you knew out of the gate that
>there'd only be 2 raid tiers
>Karabor and Bladespire were cut in favor of hubs on Trashcan that re-used Garrison assets
>only one possible location for your Garrison
>the final boss would be Grommash whoops meant Archimonde mt
They also said that since cata, you might want to look at OP's graph.
Fucking soulless game. Theres no adventure it's just repeating the same dungeon with minimal interaction until you win some purple shit in a dice roll. Rinse and repeat.
They started out with 3 and ended up with 4 by well, not accident, but as a side-effect of the changing game mechanics.
So is Legion going to be MoP tier on content? If it is I'll probably pick it up but if it's just going to be like WoD and be barebones I'll just skip it.
Nope :3, DH is a good spec choice. Sorry you're assblasted kike
When did you quit? Argent Tournament for me. That shit was fucking awful and the hope that ICC was good wasn't enough anymore.
I almost resubbed for Cata though. I am surprised WoD's peak matched the launch of Mists.
Played from vanilla until Cata, about a week before they added the Firelands stuff. Came back for WoD, stayed 2 months, and left. Might try Legion out.
join a guild. the interaction is there, you just have to bother to look for it.
>Argent Tournament for me.
I quit PvE with toc after clearing 4/5 of it HC 25 because it was boring as fuck then totally quit the game in in the first quarter of cata because it was a mess.
Currently started playing on a bc private server.
Comfiest inns ever added in an expansion
>there are people who don't play Gnome Hunter
I don't think I could ever go back. Anyone have that image of how long patches last? IIRC Mists and WoD have had ridiculously long patches and were content-drought till the expansion.
I hope they don't. Fuck Blizzard, fuck Mike Morhaime and fuck Chris Metzen. You personally ruined the warcraft franchise. I hope all your cash cows burn to the ground in the next 5 years.
I've stopped and started numerous times, but the only time I've quit playing for over a year without coming back is mid-WoD.
Fucking trash expansion. Added nothing while making the rest of the game worse.
Well the game has always been about PvP first and raiding second for me so it's not as critical that new PvE content comes out regularly. That said, WoD has taken the cake for both least content and longest period between content patches.
It wont die for a long while
it'll keep going and going
if legion succeeds it'll go longer
if legion flops they'll drop the sub model for b2p
it'll keep going
No. Hell, Blizzard decided to stop announcing sub numbers altogether after that plunge. With Legion pvp being absolute garbage for the first season and the artifact weapon grind locking people into a single spec along with the general dumbing down of classes WoW will be back down to end of WoD numbers in a couple months, no doubt about it.
Can you really recover from making 3bil dollars profit every year with barely any investment?
Metzens coke habit alone probably sets them back at least 500 mil a year
It definitely isn't MoP tier for content, but it doesn't seem as barebones as WoD either.
And is still easily covered by putting out a single new cash shop mount.
>DH only have two specs
>But it's ok because we can make the DPS spec play drastically different depending on your talent selection!
They tried this same shit with DK talent trees allowing them to tank/dps and then abandoned it as soon as it got a little hard to balance. DHs will be doomed as soon as Legion is over.
Will we get Warcraft 4 after WoW dies?
It's on the way out, but it probably won't ever get discontinued completely.
Best case scenario they make WoW 2 or some shit to try and revitalize things.
Worst case scenario they take this as their queue to just keep it as mediocre as possible while they funnel the monies it makes into other casual games.
Diversifying was very smart of them, regardless of how you feel about the games. But WoW as we know it is fucking done.
>Worst case scenario they take this as their queue to just keep it as mediocre as possible while they funnel the monies it makes into other casual games.
You know this is what's going to end up happening. Hell they've already got more than 3x the WoW userbase on Overwatch and their last quarterly report had Hearthstone and HotS making more profit than WoW.
I loved that design of any tree can tank. With the current talent system it wouldn't work at all.
They announced Legion preorder sales are now matched with WoD. That implies at least as big of a sub spike.
I also see quest zones filled.
The demonelf meme and special snowflake weapons are turning out to work.
>after WoW dies
in a non-delusional world when would that be
>Pandaren face on the warglaives
I don't mind learning curves, matter of fact, I appreciate that.
The reason I can't get into EVE is just because I don't like the little player societies that have arisen.
No, I don't want to fucking play a game where 70% of the people you communicate with are hardcore dweebs with no social skills that have been playing for 5 years longer than you that also happen to be on an ego trip.
Fuck that.
Good concept, but not worth playing if you weren't there at the start or if you don't know someone that can get you in on the ground floor of some non-autistic shit.
Yeah but look at what happened within 2 months of WoD.
They can GET subs easily enough, KEEPING them is the hard part.
>quit WoW for good during warlords
>recently started playing LOTRO
>actually having fun
Does it matter?
They get their shekels and proof people will eat shit. That's what matters. It will only stop when people stop buying shit expansions.
Maybe Blizzard could get off their lazy fucking asses and hire people to make content.
It's been 12 years and they haven't done that yet. It's never going to happen.
Wasn't some of the massive drops due to banning lot of connections from China due to gold farmers?
That and the pussies upset about no flying.
i don't really follow this shit, i thought WoW was officially ending? isn't WOD confirmed the last expansion?