When did you realize that you're not very good at video games?

When did you realize that you're not very good at video games?

When I realized that I have literally never actually beaten a single game in my entire life.

I'm 22, I've been playing games since I was 5, and I've never once made it to the end credits of a game.

Competitive online modes.

i need to enjoy not be good

Stop whining and start practicing you lazy faggot

I have a screenshot of the exact moment.

When I got Bloodborne.
I beat Dark Souls 1 and 2 with only a little difficulty but I cannot play this game. Enemies are too fast and large, I get stressed out and I just cannot perform the moves.

When your sibling continuously reks you at just about anything.

I'm way above the average skill level. Like, nearing savant status.

Casual as fuck friends beat me from time to time in certain games.


that's a lot worse than not very good, you might be the worst gamer ever.

when i started losing interest in video games

After i stopped playing bfê and realized trying hard for stats on a year releasegame series is pointless.

Now I just watch sf/csgo twitch streams and play space games.


>start getting into online modes
>realize you're subpar at video games
>work on my shit, get into speedrunning and competitive
>always focused, always looking for ways to improve
>suddenly realize I can't have fun anymore, even in single player games
>it's just me against the 100% completion, and the fastest way to do that is memorize guides to the best extent, plan the route as best as I can possibly can
>every game became no fun allowed bullshit from then on, everything else is a waste of time and thus not worth it
I'm glad I'm not shit anymore, but sometimes I wish I could go back to the more carefree times.

dumb frogposter

I'm pretty good at video games, but I realized the skill gap between good and top tier when I played against two of the best Destiny PvPers in Trials of Osiris.

when i started playing osu

This. I missed out on the golden era of PCs and was a console shitter for majority of my life, leading to console tier reflexes and not necessarily using team work, just everyone doing their own thing. My cousin would let me play on his PC and show me all the maps he made for U2k4 and when I would visit but that doesnt count.

Go back.
If you didn't start on DOS, you are not a PC gamer.

I hover a rung above average but I'm not amazing at all.

Multiplayer games if it was a 1-10 scale I'm consistently a 6 with moments of clarity allowing me to chew ass and kick bubblegum but that's rare.

This type of complaining is so stupud. You can't be good at "video games". At best you can be a bit above average. Otherwise you can only get good at specific games or genres through a lot of work and dedication. Complaining that you do slightly more poorly than the next guy on your first casual playthrough is pretty pathetic.

You'd be surprised how much better speedrunners are at blindplaythroughs than casual shitters. Superior memorization and hand eye coordination do wonders for that.

You need hard dedication and experience to be at the very top of comp scene, but you can train yourself to be an overall better player as well and work from there.

I've seen plenty of speedrunners play games casually and they aren't really a whole lot better than any experienced player, unless they are playing a game in the same series they run or something extremely similar in which case there's a lot of transferable skills. But even in those cases they're easily outclassed by players of arcade genres like fighters, shmups and beat em ups

When my younger brother kept beating me at everything.

When I'm struggling with simple gameboy games as a kid and realizing they're piss easy as an adult.

When I continuously get rekt online.

When I don't have the patience to ever get end game gear in an RPG and give up at the first sign of trouble.

I've come to terms with the fact that I'm a casual with an unusually high interest in games.

Obviously they're not going to be better than experienced players, but speed with which they learn new things is stupidly higher than casual players who don't know how to manage the time they put into practice.

games are funner when you take it easy

there's nothing to gain from stressing about being proficient at fucking video games

You have to find yourself in a situation where you are stuck with just one game for 3+ months and have nothing else to play. That's when you get good at a fucking game.

This is me irl.
Ive only finished Gun on ps2 and it kind of don't count because we were 2 on it, relaying each others for the whole week end.

Not true. If you're too lax with your playthroughs, you end up forgetting the things you've already completed, and certain games end up shelved indefinitely.

I am ok at FPS. I realized I was shit at RTSs when we started having LAN parties in middle school and the other guys had been actually practicing, rather than just playing, SCBW. I gave it a short burst of effort but quickly realized it wasn't worth it to try to git gud.

But I'm not

Who /topofthescoreboardeverygame/ here

Unless it's a multiplayer game.

Smash 4 really made me realize that I wasn't good at smash bros, my friends were just infinitely worse. Everyone talks about how brain dead for glory is, but I get my shit pushed in all the time

Whenever I play with my brother who hardly ever plays vidya.

I realized I'm mediocre in most games but I think it's part of my fun that I don't get certain parts of a game until I give it a few tries

It's very rare that I'm not in the top 2, it took 900 hours of Dirty Bomb but it made me incredible at every other shooter.

I started playing CoD:WaW for shits and giggles and my k/d is 4.2 and I've never camped.

Seriously try Dirty Bomb if you want to get gud at shooters

when I started playing action games on the hardest difficulty

>tfw no scoreboard in the game

there is more to life than video games. one day you will grow old and your hands will hurt too much to play video games.

when i realised i could play for hundreds/thousands of hours and still be garbagecan tier

feels bad

What are you playing?

originally fps i guess, 2500 hours tf2/250-500cpm/q3 and i still got absolutely trashcanned by pubbers in overwatch

now i just half-ass casual shit i can play on my own because i've embraced my inability to ever be good at anything

>finally get into top 30 for my class for the season
>only because the game is dying and my class is unpopular
I achieved my goal but felt like shit.

Is your sensitivity too high?

I recommend about 1 360 per long swipe across your mousepad, it's too hard to aim above that.
I personally use lower sens than that but it's a good starting point.

some ppl are just fated to be rubbish cans at vidya. as long as you enjoy yourself, its fine

It took me about a year of constant playing to get decent at TLOU of multiplayer. Before that I never really played shooters on consoles so I had to learn the basics. I just started Rainbow 6 Siege and I fucking suck balls.

>tfw pure garbage at strategy games
I am not good with lots of little details

~28cm/360, overwatch made me realise team stuff isn't for me anymore anyway - it feels like the type of people who gravitate towards team based games just do it to have people to gravitate blame to

i'd much rather play duels all day, at least if something goes poorly i can reasonably blame myself for everything like usual.

that's the idea, videogames are for fun, i'm casualtrash now.

I just did a quick conversion and I'm running about 35, but 28 should be low enough.

and seriously recommend Dirty Bomb if you don't like games that require good teammates. The skill cap is high enough to allow one good player to shit on the entire enemy team by himself.
I agree with you about 1v1, I love being able to say "that was my fault" after losing and DB's skill cap allows for exactly that. You can nearly every fight by having better aim

you can win* nearly every fight

Kek, I know what you mean.

i'm in a terrible region for vidya in general, kinda wish i was euro/na so i could play arena fps at least a little

australia sucks


This, you people act like it's some genetic trait that you missed out on when you were born. If you're not good at something then practice and get better.

the only redeeming quality of being here is that it's easy to leave

When I realized I didn't actually want to become the best. There's too much pressure to that, what people expect of you and what you'd have to do to defend your title of "the best", and I don't see (nor want to see) videogames as anything other than a hobby.

>been playing fighting games for 20 years and still have < 20% win percentage

feels bad man. I don't know why I even bother anymore.

I'm really good at video games but I'm entirely inept at RTS games and that bugs me. I can do apm and my thinking is fine but all that multi-tasking just freezes me up because I have a one track mind

when I spent 3.5k hours on dota and couldn't get to 4k, when I play street fighter for hundreds of hours yet can't get clean inputs and lose to shitters

When I noticed I relied on savestates overmuch.

What if you have shitty reflexes?

>have been playing FPS games my whole life
>played Cs 1.6 in a highly competitive environment
>automatically aims for head in every shooter
>Would consider my flicks skills and reflexes to be top notch
>carries over really well to other fps games

Playing games like OW with hitscan characters and RS6 is pretty great. Took half a year break from Siege and when I came back in my first match i clutched against 4 people.

Post games/genres you are good at

The only games I'm autismo good at are racers, particularly GT and other like minded games.

I'm excellent at arcadey racers as well but not as much.

>get a bunch of emulators
>load up some NES and SNES games
>only finished like two games the rest are impossible
>don't even bother playing anymore

When I was 5 probably. I beat very few games in the NES/SNES era. I only beat games now because they are made for casuals.

i excel in fps, fighters, action games, and arcade style games (bmups, shmups, etc). Am ok/fairly decent at everything else.

When my friend beat me at Mortal Kombat 4 after I bragged at how good I was.

Right here.

suck it losers
im great at racing and shooters

are you me?

Reflexes aren't all that important in most games because there's a huge amount of anticipation involved.

This is lies, pushing yourself to the limit in everything including videogames is the best thing.

Why would you care? Do you really have respect for people who are good at something as worthless as video games? Sure, being good at video games is better than being good at nothing, but it's worthless either way.

And just being good? I would get if you wanted to achieve mastery at the very least but just being good is completely worthless.

When I was playing WoW during Wrath (16) I thought I was hot shit for being arena rated over 2200 in a pvp-oriented private server, then playing retail later and unable to break 1850 even with better teammates

I wish I could go back to farming brazilians on the p-server.

The first time I watched a speedrun.

>family member watches me play
>suddenly I'm the worst player in the world

fucking these

Who /rhythm games/ here?
Most satisfying genre to git gud at, and an alright amount of skills transfers between them all. Shame about the scene being mostly arcade only still though.

I remember having a dank ratio in CS 1.6 and CS:S
But now when I play FPS I'm just 1:1 or 1.5:1

still have a cobalt flux pad from years ago, haven't played in a while tho.

Not always. I enjoyed playing NuD44M on Ultra-Nightmare, the lower difficulties were just boring and higher difficulty and skill kept me on edge and lots of fun.

It all depends on the game I guess.

im awful at reaction games like shooters
>took reaction test
>0.4 seconds with 0.25 being the worldwide average

>Nova 2 in csgo
>44-50 in Overwatch
>silver in R6Siege

Next time someone brings up the quote "spend 1000 hours in thing to master it" I'm going to kill him.

This is me but only on multiplayer fps.

After I spent like 500 hrs actually tryharding in TF2 (MGE, PUGS, lobbies, all that shit) and I never made it past being a Steel 6's Scout.

First person shooters and Street Fighter. I'd body each of you.

i hate being bad at competitive games which is why i cling to one game at a time and play the fuck out of it

I didn't.

I've always had a shit sense of direction in vidya. I was that kid who get lost in any level of DOOM for thirty minutes or any game really. I could pass by the goal mulitple times and not notice it.

>First time I played Half-Life 2
>Just finished helicoptor battle with most of my health gone
>Get stuck in that area for about five whole minutes
>Don't notice latter that opens get to go onward despite directly looking at said gate multiple times
>Notice branch looks like a ramp
>Notice by the far side of the fence is broken
>Your obviously not supposed to go that way
>I try to ramp up there anyway
>Somehow just barely made it through on my first try
>Continued the game onward with barely any health and ammo
>mfw I missed an entire area that you literally have to go through to continue playing the game that basically gives you like 20 health packs, full shields and grants you full ammo for all your weapons