What does Sup Forums think about Klonoa?
What does Sup Forums think about Klonoa?
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Hipster game.
>1 poster
he's cute
I don't give a shit about the game, but the cat thing makes some sweet porn
Played only the first one.
Great atmospere, great gameplay. Only downside was the bosses were too easy.
Klonoa 1 was 7/10
Klonoa 2 is one of my favorite games of all time
has a game ever made you cry, Sup Forums?
F-fuck off. Klonoa w-wasn't that sad.
I wished I experienced it first in japanese instead of english though. The dub just doesn't hold a candle for that ending
Furfags gtfo. I don't care if it's 2016 I still hate you.
What dub? The Klonoa games had their own proprietary spoken languages.
he's talking about the wii remake where they had characters speak actual language and gave klonoa a distinctly male voice
it had the gibberish option with original voice actress though
Klonoa 1 had a remake on wii which was my first time playing it. That was dubbed but it also did have the option to use the original PS1 language and acting which I used on my 2nd playthrough which made things much better.
Oh fucking icky. Why would anyone submit themselves to that?
we jammin' now
Why is there so much gay porn for that thing anyway?
nah, we're calm now
Cute Shota Furry
its asriel levels of femboy material
you can't just " not " prosper off a goldmine of god teir porn
Klonoa's cute and the games are fun and sad
I didn't know any better. The remake ain't bad at all, I can't remember what additions it made though. I think there were new levels added in as post-game content. Due to the remakes failure commercially, we'll never ever get a Klonoa 3
They probably did it to try to appeal to an american audience more, just like that terrible redesign they were considering
This is what they think.
>no rita
desu both designs are shit
he should've had no clothes at all
BandNamc is literally the eastern equivalent of activision.
also source?
wtf i hate klonoa now
Did someone say Shaolin Bones?
>not acceptable
>furry, underage, AND male
It's like hitting all my bad sides at once.
>Sup Forums makes a decent meme
>Sup Forums starts spamming it on unrelated crap
asriel is average in the furry shota world at best, kys
Some typical non existent furfag discussion proving how fucking braindead and autistic they all are.
>that weird fuck who commissions macro klonoa pics
Absolutely based
remove these furfags
Well it makes sense here, given the mass amount of contrarianism and general closed-mindedness of this board.
I'd fuck it
Why so negative?
Remember Klonoa's webcomic? It was C U T E
complete now with butthurt memes
thanks for proving me right
>thinks I care
i want to facefuck klonoa
Renamon is old guard. I don't even know if that can count anymore.
That's why your replying right? You've even got your own reaction pictures to show everyone your a furry, like that somehow makes you look better. Textbook faggot
God you fags are pathetic
post lewd asriel
>It doesn't have any fur
good that we can get all the degenerates in one thread
Fuck man I just played through Shivering Isles a few hours ago, truth is I'm just scraping the bottom of the barrel for ways to entertain myself atm.
Raping your dog usually entertains you
keep posting until b&
Dogs aren't anthro enough for me bruh
me looking at these furries
aye aye captain
yeah I'm sure faggot
yeah you are a sure faggot
Why is FFM loli threesome so fucking rare?
at least I get laid
High quality thread
hahaha no you fucking don't
gay sex counts ;)
how new
fucking christ how much of a nigger do you have to be to get this butthurt
not with an animal
you're the one trying to prove to me you get laid, a bit pathetic
Trying to fit in are we furfag?
furry genocide best day of my life
Furry Shota
Enough said.
just because he sometimes wears a partial suit does not mean that he isn't human
This is a list for normies, Sup Forums atleast has better taste
you can stop pretending now
don't worry you all gonna get killed once Hillary is sitting on the nukes, your wish might be fulfilled before you know it.
you spent all this time in the thread with these furfaggots
are you insecure about yourself
I'm not pretending yet
wheres marty?
I really do want a new Klonoa game. Though the first game had a crazy difficulty spike for me at the end.
Just telling them to fuck off
Why the yet? What does that even mean you stupid faggot
I haven't started with the RP
How is that anatomically accurate?
Your autism seems to have developed its own way of communicating and I can no longer understand you
neck yourself, gayfag