So we all agree OverWatch is 2016's Official Game of the Year, right?

So we all agree OverWatch is 2016's Official Game of the Year, right?

I'm fine with this


it's top 2016 'lose all faith in humanity' game.

I want to cuddle with Hana.

because the games you play are oh-so-sophisticated

Kek, nice try Blizzdrone.

I want to make little mechs with her


>Sup Forums hates tf2 because of paying for hats and shit
>Meanwhile overwatch is the same shit but has waifus and/v/ not only supports it but buys their shitty loot boxes for lewd costumes

That's not Persona 5


robobot is superior

Nah, I still think that reward goes to DOOM.



Sup Forums is filled with virgins

Choose your waifu


Why doesn't Symettra have her diaper on?, though Tracer or Pharah will do in the pinch.

I'm grateful it snatched up all the annoying kids that post here and contained them into these threads, but no. It's not even as good as Stardew Valley to me.

Man, 2015 was so shit.

You realize that she shits in a street, not a diaper?

they cant even get memes right

You meant Dark Souls 3?

No, this is


op = fag


No, because Tardwatch and its waifufaggot playerbase is cancer.
Back to your containment general please.

>You will never take Hana on a date to see the movie she starred in

Why even live

>Dark Souls GOTY



no, the matchmaking is total garbage. lazy 50 w/l ratio horseshit.

mei is most plump

I think he's talking about how everyone else in solo queue is retarded.
Even though that's just confirmation bias and that other fallacy where you believe you're above average in everything.

I want to fuck that bunny


>TFW no one talks about slutty trapbot.

from these drawings? tracer

>multiplayer trash

lol, no

>being this antisocial


>tfw approximately one CHROMED image on Paheal
I really thought this meme would take off.


People you know through the internet aren't real firends.

>12 free loot boxes
>no USA Mcree
I'm mad.



>a PS2 port is your goty

Wow it's worse than I thought for Sonydrones, isn't it.

lol no

Warhammer is better, Rimworld is better, Parkitect is better. Road to Canada is better. King of Fighters will be better.


You' ve spelled "Dark Souls 3" wrong, you mong.

I want to marry Symmetra. I bet she'd vote for Trump too.

I know two people who met their wives through MOBA games and MMOs, a few other guys dating someone they met over games like this.

I met a 14 year old girl
I'm 25

Just because she's from India doesn't mean she automatically poops on the streets, not every Indian poops on the streets.
Also she's from a superpower

yeah literally no other person on planet earth except you thinks this

Don't talk to me, bitch

It's the biggest meme game this year so I'm sure it will get goty.

That if No Man's Sky isn't that horribly disgraced.

take it easy there gabriel



How would you know?

>I want to marry Symmetra. I bet she'd vote for Trump too.

Well, she is autistic.

Only autists think she is because of one line in a comic that has nothing to do with autism. Spectrum doesn't automatically mean the autistic spectrum you fucking retards.

>cheek peek

It's the game I've been having the most fun with this year.

>Spectrum doesn't automatically mean the autistic spectrum you fucking retards.
What else would it fucking mean you idiot.

She's literally autistic.

Sorry your poo in loo waifu is a sperg.

You can go and find the writer's twitter too if you want.

Based on butts definitely Tracer.

Until skyrim remastered comes out that is

Stardew Valley was fun for a week or so.

You are an autistic retard.

Why else would they bother to put that there or phrased that way?

Why does mind instantly go to autism? You do know she was using a well known phrase right? Why the fuck would she be saying "How autistic am I?"

Don't search for
pitykitty on chaturbate


that's a pretty rare todd

>open loot box
>2 sprays an Icon and a voice clip
This is why I will never ever use micro transactions. The possibility of paying real money and ending up with that shit. That just isn't happening.

Symmetry and autism go together like white on rice.

For you

I've been grinding boxes since the Summer Games update hit and I haven't got a single skin. Best thing I found so far is the spray of Roadhog in his Speedos.

fucking kill me now

I keep getting all the none legendary ones, I've opened like 20 boxes, all I want is Zarya.
I've also noticed a lack of team work lately, I wonder if its because of people only going for xp for the summer boxes.

>OverGenji as GOTY any year

Whichever team has the best Genji and supports their Genji the most, wins. There's shit all you can do to prevent a team wipe against a nanoboosted Zarya-shielded ulting Genji, and with his mobility and (bullshit high damage) shurikens he's never more than thirty seconds away from his next ult.

The one I want the most is Mercy's red Swiss skin. It's not even legendary yet I can't find it.

When I get it I'm going to treasure it while I wait for a time where she isn't completely unviable like she is now

>You do know she was using a well known phrase right? Why the fuck would she be saying "How autistic am I?"
maybe because her name is "symmetrical" and she seems to be super obsessed with order

>it's a "genji/hog think they're hot shit until a based Lucio out schools them and they rage quit" match

>blizzdrones will gobble anything

nothing new, plebs remain plebs

It's less that than there's been nothing significantly better to come out this year.

Remember goys, they aren't special and unique if you can just get them!

We'll happily take hundreds of your dollars for the chance, though!

so far, yes

I actually want to know what you think Lucio can do against a Genji. He sure as shit can't outheal his damage, and his wubwub gun is the worst weapon in the game.

You won't be getting any environmental kills against him either.

Unless you meant his ult, which takes at least twice as long to charge as Genjis.

how do we buff Mercy? she's very outclassed now that all of the other supports have got 9999 buffs

We don't. Keep her as F class so I don't have to hear HEAD ESTABLISHED every 2 minutes

I guess when people said blizzard would pull this shit I did not believe them lol sigh Sup Forums is correct again I just wish they weren't all the time

>deflect "Drop the Beat"
>Genji gives himself and team a shitton of shields
>Lucio fucking dies after he slams the wubgun into the ground

Doom Ancient Aliens is

Get rid of the pistol. Allow the staff to drain health but not much.

>Deflect lucio's ult

I don't really care, skins don't make the game any more fun to play. Blizzard have been convincing nerds to jizz money at them for years, so long as they don't charge for anything extra that influences gameplay they can add as many time-limited cosmetics as they like.


>1 weapon limit (lol)
>in lieu of pickups and a wide variety of weapons you have abilities on long cooldowns so that fighting happens in bursts before combatants skitter back to their corners
>move speed and finesse required make Halo look like competitive Quake
>awful balance
>instead of giving characters goofy backstories just for fun like Valve did with TF2, every hero in Overwatch is a walking page
>community, as expected of Blizzard fanboys, is utter ass cancer and uses "toxic" unironically

>in general is simpler to play than taking a shit and is the closest an FPS game has ever come to playing itself

I unironically want to watch the lesbian robot movie

This is my game of the year.

The main reason I'm upset is because they set up a very clear system at the beginning.

You get loot boxes with random shit, but if you never get what you want you can eventually build up overbux from dupes or random drops and buy what you want.

Now they've just completely thrown that out the window and you aren't allowed to spend overbux on anything that isn't stock for the character.

It's pretty jew-y but the INSANELY jew part of it is that it was a bait and switch.

If they just had this system from the beginning it wouldn't be as bad, though this system in itself is pretty horse shit.