Attorney Online Sup Forumseekend

Come solve crimes, prosecute betas, witness murders, judge trials and find the real murderer along with your anons in Attorney Online!

The Sup Forums server is Attorney Online Vidya, join us now!


>Newfag guide
Best way to learn is playing, here are the controls:

>Give me gameplay footage
twitch tv lawfuldickish

Other urls found in this thread:

Friendly reminders:

You only need to download the base game (500mb) to join, you can download the full 2.3gb (mostly music) later.

If you played ace attorney before you already know how to play this, it is the exact same thing, so just join an area, type /doc and put your name in a role.

Yes, it is actual mystery solving, nothing is scripted or pre-planned other than jotting down some basic setting and evidence before we start.

There are currently two areas building a case.

Case length can vary between 4 and 6 hours, but don't worry, you won't even notice time pass playing this! There are also roles that are only needed for 1 hour or 2 like witness 1

have a bump


Warning that AO trials can get pretty strange.

Post maps.
This one is from a cyberpunk case.


can you spectate this? I'm kinda curious but don't necessarily want to sign up for a 6 hour trial straight up

yeah just pick a character that's not being used and watch without interrupting. Alternatively you can watch the twitch stream.

You're not forced to participate by the game, and there occasionally streams that let you watch cases without even starting up the game

I understand that the idea of a 6 hours trial sounds haunting but it's so much fun. And yes, you can spectate, no problem. You can also be a witness 1 meaning you can leave after your cross examination is over, or a support defense / support prosecution (you can leave at any point you want).

Excellent, downloading.

When you launch the game and join the server, Attorney Online Vidya - Dedicated (if your server list doesn't populate, click on "favourites", yoz should find it there) the first thing you want to do after selecting your character is click on "Master/Server" under the chat to the right to switch to server chat.
You should then enter a name in the name field and you can use the chat after that.
If you need help or want to ask anything you can do so serverwide, just type /g before sending your message.
I also suggest you type /help in the chat to the right (also called ooc, "out of character"), the client will give you a google doc link with all the server commands.
If you have any questions, you can ask here or over at /aog/ or in the client.
There is a great variety of character content on the server.
We have all the characters from every 2D Ace Attorney game, including the Investigations games, and a great number of them from 3D games too.
There is also good 3rd party representation in the game too with characters from series like Zero Escape (June, Seven, Ace), Professor Layton (Layton, Don Paolo, Luke), Persona (Adachi and Elizabeth) and Danganronpa (Gundham, Komaeda, Kirigiri).

Oh, and even if you don't like 6 hours trials, there are many other activities there like mafia, DR trials, ambidex games (from 999) and etc

Tip for any newfriends who might be joining us in casing soon
It's not recommended to do witness or judge before having seen a couple of cases. This includes Detective.
Pick Lead Prosecution/Defense if you still want a challenge though as you can get people to guide you on the bench with you. You can ask these people for advice, as the trial pans out. Remember to check the court record (it's in the googledoc when you type /doc in the gray box.)
Normally a guide would tell you to pick support or co, so take this with a grain of salt and make sure that the support/co know that you're new and that you expect them to guide you, as for example Mia does in the game.
Or you can have a lesser stressing environment as a co or support yourself. This way nobody will expect from you much, unless otherwise implied and you can learn from your lead and other players while casing.
Although Codefense still does a lot of work together with the lead.
Co and Support may not speak over their lead either which means that they shall let their upper rankings ask questions first and raise objections or rebutting first.

An especially important tip is that witness does not know everything, do not mention evidence they may not know about unless it's in an Objection that you have regarding it.

I don't want to be "that guy" but is the link safe?
sorry for being a faggot

yeah it works fine

right just the google warning freaked me out,
again sorry

I'll finish Apollo Justice first
but fuck does that look hard, i'll probably be shit on if i try to join

don't worry about it

play prosecutor and claim everything to be irrelevant, it's what everyone else does.

just pick a support role and learn through that and you'll be fine

do you have to be there when a trial starts?

You can join at any point as long as there are open roles.


Ghost Trick/DR characters also applicable.

Hey you! Yeah you! Do you want to see what this whole lawyer simulator is all about? Want to experience the thrilling courtroom action but you're stuck with a long download? Well check out this handy stream of Area 3's case, starting soon!

twitch tv/lawfuldickish

Why does the text sound a bit crackly? Especially the high pitched text

You mean the audiopopping? Shitty client, that's why.

You can replace the blip if you want

Im currently not at my pc but i would love to play this can i just go to the download page at any time and play the game whenever or is this a event sort of thing that only happens every few months?
This sounds cool as fuck

is it fixable


with what? I mean can I get a non-popping one somewhere
Lowered blips download (Although Lupa said he lowered to at least -10dbz and -25 is quite low.)
You can also turn up the volume of the game completely in client and lower it in the PC settings.
Client pops because it sometimes puts it to full volume. That is client's fault, and we're still waiting for a new one to be coded SoonTM
Wonder if anyone knows something about the progress on that.

You can replace the blip with literally any sound you want including a non-popping one

Thanks. One last question: I'm downloading the full game, and it says this in the document
>download “Full game” and any updates not contained by it (their background will be purple) for all the content
but there's nothing with purple background, so does that mean they're all in the pack

Based document

Yup, the server is up 24/7, although you may have a harder time finding a case at some times rather than others

They're all in the pack yes, it was updated last update to commemorate for Sup Forumseekend.

Alright sounds good ill join tommorow

there's not even a case going on and i'm still getting quite a few laughs from this stream

Why are you guys still doing this?

The one true defense Edgey is not coming back.

t. Butzzzzz

Trials take some time to build, if you start downloading the base game now you'll be able to join it!

Is the document they are using, if you are interested in watching.

fuck that seems complicated as hell
who did the story for this case?

Everyone builds it on the spot around 30 minutes before the case starts. The craziest scenarios can come up, yesterday we had a trial where one witness chased Hitler with a cannon.

>posting the case doc in a thread

Nice job, retard.

Oh and by the way, only the premise and the evidence are built beforehand, everything else is doing ad lib (improvised) during the trial, feels like real AA.

This is Sup Forums, not /vg/. It'll be fine.

Doesn't that end up with a huge ass clusterfuck

Ah, was wondering how can you defend/prosecute if the verdict is premade

>a huge ass clusterfuck
Usually, but it's so much fun


It's back up

>french servers

okay i'm afraid that if I join somewhere i'll fuck the entire case up
i don't want to do anything, just spectate

What are some notable non-AA characters that have appeared AAO?

God and satan

Pick a character and don't talk.
That's how spectating works

it crashed again

This is the first time the server shits up and a trial dies

I mean, the server shits a lot of time, but not THIS much

>game completely breaks if you use windows classic
>decide fuck it I'll just swap back and forth from default to classic as needed
>accidentally forget to switch back to classic and launch some random game
>screen tearing is now gone
Thank you AO god

Can I expand my client's size somehow?

>all those updates
I don't feel like downloading all that shit since I've had the game for a couple months and have no clue what I'm missing.

Not yet but a new, better client is being worked on and it is close to release, that one will be expandable

Just download the full game then? We get one update every week usually.

this seems pretty cool desu

Might as well.

What's up with the lack of a purple background and there being some unexplained orange background that's just slightly different from the yellow? Is the guy that made the doc colorblind or something?

Every update is currently in the full game. Usually it takes the man months to upload a new full game. Just yesterday half of those updates were purple.

It means the full game has all updates.

As for the different tones, go eat shit if you feel entitled to complain about that.

For now you can rely on a zooming software online though, if you really really want.

Does the case actually flow for 6 hours? How, if there's no script?


You must experience it to see, it's basically as if the trial was being done in Ace Attorney.

Since when was questioning something the same as complaining about it?

Download something like ZoomPlus and set the area it's supposed to zoom to be bigger

I see, thanks! I'll try!

Is this game impossible to play with lag? My internet is acting funny today. Also do we have a discord or a voice chat?

>Is the game impossible to play with lag?
Perfectly possible, might be annoying to you though. The game is all in all a glorified chatroom so you shouldn't notice much.

>Do we have a discord or a voice chat?
No, we did not reach those levels of circlejerk yet. There is an unofficial discord though.

Note that most of you are joining during the times when the game is the most empty (usually stabilizes at around ~25 or 30 people during night times), it would be at its peak around 3 hours ago.

Can you hit me up with the discord? Also please dont bully

I'm not part of it so I don't have the link. It is also very infamous among our general (we have a general at /vg/, /aog/) since that general is one of the most anti-circlejerk generals I've ever seen.

It says the 4 vidya servers are all offline. there's a mod exam, temporary, athena addition, and dedicated...

Mod exam, temporary and athena are all offline forever.

The online one is "Dedicated". Click it and wait one second or two for the player count to show up, then join it. Or try using the public server list instead of the favorites, either will do.

fuck I'm a tard disregard this. I totally forgot my lag so it took a bit to refresh which one was online.

What could go wrong?
Note, it's by no means official since as says, anti-circlejerk is strong enough to be a shitposting circlejerk in and of itself.

Due to the instability of the server, the stream will not be streaming a case. Instead, it'll be streaming one of the other games played on the server, mafia

twitch tv/lawfuldickish

>server lags like shit on a Sup Forumseekend
how fun

You realize you're in trouble, right defense?

Oh shit, it's the Payne train

Server seems stable, building in area 2 newfriends.


Ya'll niggas got custom characters?

Third party characters from Danganronpa, Persona, 999 and some OCs
Also 2nd Party, Ghost Trick
as well as Layton and Birdman






Will the Sup Forumseekend die here?

Well, we at least salvaged something.
