If the game is 19 quintillion planets or whatever the fuck why would you need to wipe the servers before the game is...

If the game is 19 quintillion planets or whatever the fuck why would you need to wipe the servers before the game is properly released? No one would find your planets if its that big.

Game's a piece of complete shit. Congrats to all the retards who bought it.

>No one would find your planets if its that big.
My thoughts exactly

Pretty sure everyone begins in the same tiny, shit galaxy and then at the center you can jump to any of the other 99.99999999999999999% of other tiny, shit galaxies. Really looking forward to this flopping.

Are you complaining that a developer is wiping online date for the game's release date?

Why do you people keep making threads if you hate it so much?

Who wouldn't though? Even in betas for MMOs many devs let players keep their progress, and it even makes sense because it alleviates the congestion of the beginner zones.

The only reason you'd wipe data in a game like this is to perpetuate the illusion that there's some massive "race to the center" that starts on launch day, when it's already well known that the big surprise is jack shit.

No, retard. I'm complaining about the implication that there is a need to wipe data considering there are quintillions of planets meaning, statistically speaking, literally no one will ever find any planet you encounter.

That is, unless of course they are being deceptive and/or the actual game map you will be spending the majority of your time in is super small.

Yes because those games are usually F2P trash where open beta has literally no meaning except to protect the devs if something happens

>it even makes sense because it alleviates the congestion of the beginner zones.
Played launch day starting zones and that does nothing.
>perpetuate the illusion that there's some massive "race to the center" that starts on launch day
will will stil race to the center
>actual game map you will be spending the majority of your time in is super small.
Galaxy map is there from the start.

Whelp, I'm the retard then. No surprise here.

>will will stil race to the center
People will still race to the center.

does the game even have MP?

they are probably changing the seeds, so all they kinda have to.

If anyone comes within your area of play you can "interact" with each other.Its kind of like Destiny's lobby system but you can shoot each other.

>neo Sup Forums is so desperate to experience Tortanic that they try to get angry about every little thing about No Man's Sky

I have literally no interest in buying the game but Jesus I feel like buying a copy just to annoy you fuckers.

I just want this to come out and disappoint everyone then be forgotten. Luckily we are very close. These threads will stop

while you're at it, buy gone home too. that'll teach 'em.

I don't understand why this game has servers or even needs to be wiped. There is no online content.

Buying stuff out of spite is fucking retarded, don't be a contrarian faggot like the same people that hate this shit game. This board's obssession with this mediocre overpriced game is strange and reeks of desperation. Also calling it "Nu males sky" is cringey as fuck.

Send me your second copy, that will make the trolls realy mad.

i have no interest in this game and didn't before everything started but all signs are pointing to something being wrong, they have literally thrown every excuse they can as to why the leaked version isn't Representative of the version everyone is gonna get on day 1. they can patch out the bugs and some problems that the leakers have pointed out yea but you don't go into hyper defensive mode throwing out excuse after excuse like the devs have unless you're hiding something.

Sonyponies quite literally beta testing. Your efforts are greatly appreciated as usual fellas. Sorry that you'll be sick of it before the final release months from now.

>mfw the game is getting released on gog
pirate day 1

man i dont care if you pirate games but please dont make it seems like you only pirate games because its on a good service that doesnt fuck over its consumers and discourage developers from making their titles drm free

Pic related is happening isn't it?

The question is whether the game journos will cover it up!

Spoiler: They will!

Prediction: No Man's Sky will be the media's GOTY for a month and then not make the top 10 lists at the end of the year.

kek, they pretty much sell cracked games, except the newer ones, all the old ones are confirmed to be just cracked games with a gog installer slapped on them

The media's opinion will always go where the money flows. Always.

>I have no interest in this game
>Has clearly been following the leaks intensely

>Every person who played the leaked copies were either positives or indifferents about the game
Why do we try to make it Tortanic #2 again?

what else is there to do

the games are drm free in the end, even annoying shit in dos games like manual gates before each game is patched out and they provide everything from wallpapers to ost downloads free. at least they try to maintain compatibility, half the old games i have on steam dont fucking work at all with windows 7+ like all the star wars games, unless of course you use all the patches already used in the gog version. what is the better alternative, and if there is one why would you pirate the gog game if its worse in the end?

Nu male: the game

You can escape your life for hours collecting ore on barren landscapes....so that you can go somewhere else and collect more ore...so you can....uninstall it

They keep making this same game and people keep buying it for some reason. But this time there's space travel guys

>that passive-aggressive jab at the guy who spent $1300 on a leaked copy on eBay

I love how people hate this guy for telling the truth about the game.

name one way how the game being developed by 'nu-males' will influence the gameplay negatively

and how's that clear? there's a thread about it every time the dev comes out with another excuse, one of those is more than enough to catch you up on the current happenings of the leak.

me two man 60 bux down the drain but what the hell get them (you)s am I right senpai?

>I love how people hate this guy for telling the truth about the game.
Or making fun of the guy for paying $1300 on a game that releases in a week.

It will be sterile and inoffensive. Nothing will be in the game that might trigger someone so it'll basically be nothing: the game

>Have no interest in the game
>Still come into the threads

Whatever you say hun.

cause the dev is throwing out millions of excuses as to why the leaked copy isn't representative of the final game which really makes it look like he's hiding something. combine this with the claims of it'll take you 5 gorillion years to explore the game and you've got a pretty good reason to be suspicious.

>shills actually affording the games they shill

What the fuck do you think is the first lesson of Shitposting 101?

>Even in betas for MMOs many devs let players keep their progress
you have never played a mmo beta you fuckin idiot, you shit posters are grabbing at straws so hard before release its pathetic maybe you should try playing games for once since shitposting not your forte

>will will stil race to the center

Why does Will care so much?

nice goalpost move, like i said i know shit all about the game but it's gonna be fun seeing how this turns out since all i do know about it is the dev saying it'll take a billion years to fully explore the game and then panicking when the game leaks and telling people not to watch the leaks.

Stop lying, Sean.

He shills this game. For free. For no reason except to justify paying money for it by convincing other people they should but it to so he doesn't look like a desperate loser when it fails. He does this with every shitty """indie""" sandbox release

gog's awesome I agree

Guy probably has stupid amounts of throwing around money if he's willing to pay that much for an early copy of a game. It looks like he got everything he wanted out of it too.

I mean, it's been stated that everyone starts on a random planet.

idk, this seems like SOP to me.

So did this game finally get actually accommodating multiplayer features, god forbid split-screen? Or will it just be another piteous shit in the dark (not a typo).

>not paying $1300 to secure yourself as a meme king in the annals of internet history

>cause the dev is throwing out millions of excuses as to why the leaked copy isn't representative of the final game
I've only seen the tweets about a day 1 patch being planned, what are thoses others excuses?

> Even in betas for MMOs many devs let players keep their progress
Which MMOs?

>Even in betas for MMOs
that's not what this is.
>many devs
so not all? or even most?

I love elite dangerous and this game looks like a fun little side step for a while, I'm not expecting it to hold my attention for as long as ED has ( about 250 hours at this point ) but I'm gonna give it a shot, if it can hold me for 30-40 hours I'll be pretty happy.

>someone, somewhere, must be offended for me to enjoy that thing


Feels good knowing that me just simply purchasing this game triggers millions of autists. What a time to be alive.

Reminder that if you went to the gym instead of wasting hours on this garbage you'd get fit and get a girlfriend

welcome to any non-physical hobby

But this game didn't have a beta so all players with progress are pirates. Wiping the servers is a clear punishment towards them.

That being said, the game looks like shit.

wow what a revelation, thanks user

I like to wank off little boys.

Nigga will be forgotten in two weeks.


like i said i haven't been following it too closely but the ones ive seen are
the excuses
>the copy he got is probably a alpha/beta version of the game
>don't review our game without the day 1 update it's not what the players will see
the pleas
>we've spent years filling the game, don't spoil it for yourself
>don't watch the streams
>take a break from watching vids and reading about it, you'll be able to play it soon
like i said i haven't followed it outside the threads so this is all stuff ive seen from them tweeting

so you've followed it from the threads?

fuck, you're one thick cunt.

Instead of collecting 20 iron ore do 20 pushups

Instead of wandering around batten landscapes for 20 hours why not do 20 situps

Instead of flying around to 20 planets do a 20 minute jog

I promise your life will improve doing this and i guarantee your life week be even worse after playing this game

For a game that is supposed to suck, I see a lot of threads about it. Is this some kind of CoD boycott repeat situation?

because you're a faggot

like with a cloth?

again you're moving the goal post, i said i didn't follow the game and don't know shit about it outside the threads after the leak started and even then i didn't follow the leak just the excuses the dev was throwing out like a machine gun. like i said i know jack shit about the game besides what i read in the threads so i have a very vague picture of what the game actually is.

>i only get my info from Sup Forums so it's guaranteed to be 100% truthful and non-biased
can you imagine how warped your worldview would be if you only experienced things from the viewpoint of one relatively small community

>games not out yet
>but it's a piece of shit

Joyless cunt

I was just trolling you kiddo, relax.

Yes, lots of water will be involved too. One of the best ways to clean a server is by fully submerging it in water!

>got a game that sucks i see a lot of shills for it

>CoD boycott repeat

You mean that one image of one group of shitters pretending they would boycott the game and then not doing it?

Literally like 20 people, in one image ever, that had nothing to do with Sup Forums, and was only posted in image format to make fun of them?

Why would you compare this to something so completely specific and different that has nothing to do with one another?

Yes op we get it, the game is shitty. No one's actually buying it dude. We're just memeing

Instead of writing 20 shitposts, do 20 pushups

Instead of memeing around batten threads for 20 hours why not do 20 situps

Instead of replying to 20 anons, do a 20 minute jog

I promise your life will improve doing this and i guarantee your life week be even worse after posting on this board

You're just too newfag to remember.

I'm never going to buy this game and don't care about anyone that cares about it while being retarded enough to be in this thread.

What's the "surprise" and how lacklustre is it?

>wah wah wah I don't like the thing!!

>relatively small
2nd biggest board on Sup Forums iirc. but that's beside the point, like i said in the post most of those excuses where in tweet form from the devs so i don't know how you can dispute that those are excuse being thrown out in response to a leak. it seems to me like you're trying to divert instead of talking about those serious red flags the dev is waving around.

>they pretty much sell cracked games
>drm free

jesus christ you fucking moron, you can't crack something that was never there.

you kids are so fucking dense. Drawing conclusions with your underage brains that fit only your narrow thoughts. Every game server ever starts fresh when a game is released.

doesn't make it big now does it?

Then how come neither the game box nor the steam page for it lists multiplayer as a feature? Is there even an ESRB disclaimer that online features aren't rated?

thats not even remotely close to being true you retard

you shouldn't pretend to be someone you're not user

>2nd biggest board on Sup Forums iirc
you know how many people exist in the world right?

>Literally like 20 people
You gave me a good chuckle, that alone is worth the reply.

>not buying something automatically makes it an organized boycott
No, it's called common sense when the devs are backpedalling and in damage control. Avoiding games (or anything) that don't allow review copies is common practice.

Bruh, it just didn't happen. That whole DEDICATED SERVER OR BOYCOTT. Just didn't happen on Sup Forums, it was on reddit, and gamefaqs, but like COD just doesn't really get posted on Sup Forums, I can't remember the last time I saw a CoD thread, like maybe Mw2 was the last time I saw Sup Forums thread for CoD games.

Maybe a few stray threads making fun of E3 trailers.



Fuck off newfag. No one speaks for all of Sup Forums.

This place isn't a hive mind like neofags.

Looks like you never played a beta retard

You're trying too hard to fit in.

>reddit spacing

>trying this hard to save face

We all make mistakes, user.