>there are people alive on this planet right now who genuinely believe that Joel did something wrong
There are people alive on this planet right now who genuinely believe that Joel did something wrong
>there are people that believe Joel did nothing wrong
>hurr, saving a girl and fucking over mankind against her will was okay, durr
>implying he fucked over mankind
>implying the Fireflies would have successfully been able to develop a vaccine when they've failed so many times before
>implying the Fireflies would have successfully been able to distribute a vaccine across the world
>implying they wouldn't just keep it for themselves and use it as leverage
Kill yourself.
>coal burning lesbian modeled after ellen page
>sacrificing human life to save a degenerate
The game should have ended with Joel carrying her out of the hospital and at the last minute, she would get shot through the neck, the bullet would go through his lung, and the last thing he'd see would be a few more shots going through her chest before a gun was placed to his face and the trigger pulled. Roll credits.
That's still a better chance than no chance, you dumbass
He didn't. Game is still shit though.
They should have at least given you a choice. I swear I spend an hour trying to figure out different solutions in the operation room.
Self preservation > the world
It's not a chance at all, you retard. You're going to kill one of the last genuinely-good, moral people left in the world just to fulfill some stupid ideological pipe dream that's destined to fail. You really think the shattered remnants of a group of rag-tag militiamen, most of whom have died crossing the country, have the capacity to distribute a vaccine across the entire fucking world? You really think the military would just let bygones be bygones and put their blood feud with the Fireflies aside for the good of humanity? You really think all the hunters and bandits and cannibals living out in the sticks are going to lay down their guns and form neat, little lines at the Firefly hospitals to get a shot and a lollipop? You really think the infected are anything more than a catalyst and a carte blanche for people to act as selfish and shitty to one another as they want with no repercussions? You really think the Fireflies wouldn't hoard a vaccine and use it as a weapon to get everyone to obey them? Do you honestly believe that, if by some miracle the Fireflies were able to successfully develop a vaccine, it would change a single fucking thing, you naive fucking embarrassment?
The world was fucked, the chaos that comes with a post-apocalyptic scenario only made humans show their true nature, civilized society was long gone. There was nothing to save.
Joel's brother had the right idea, forming small communities was the way to go. Big warmongering organizations, like the fireflies, only bring more problems.
wow a fellow vinesaucer! i love joel too! GRAND. DAD. FLEENTSTONES?! XD
Well his only appearance was in a shit movie. That could be construed as "wrong."
great meme.
Hahaha oh man that's clever, you won the internet today sir ;)
>game has the best, most innovative team-based multiplayer to come out in the past decade
>"hurr movie XD"
Just stop posting.
Hello Ayn
Then you're wrong and an idiot, my man.
>le 10 mins of gameplay and 9 hours of cutscenes Reddit the Game
Honestly stop posting this game. It angers me to no end.
Here, have all my gold, good sir.
Fuck off reddit.
It's a 15 hour game with only 1.5 hours of cutscenes and a multiplayer mode that's still active today, you colossal faggot, and you would know that if you had the capacity to form opinions for yourself instead of blindly parroting memes that you think will make you fit in.
>hurr durr Reddit Maymay
Serious leave my board.
This. Metal Gear fags need to fuck off to Sup Forums.