40 hour a week wage slave

>40 hour a week wage slave
>Tons of errands on the weekend to catch up on
>Decide to use what little free time I have to play The Witcher 3 because I haven't played the expansions yet
>See this

Every fucking time. I used to support patches because I lived through shitty broken games being permanent but goddamn.

Other urls found in this thread:


>40 hours /week
>8 hours a day for 5 days
>8 hours free time
>8 hours sleep

Nigga you got plenty of time. Learn to time management

That shit happened to me with gran turismo 6 every time. I stopped playing it.

>wake up
>1 hour to get shaved and ready for work while eating breakfast
>1 hour 30 minute "commute to work" once the bus arrives
>work for 8 hours
>1 hour 30 minutes to get back home on a bus with smelly people
>get home
>1 hour to take a bath
>2 hours to prep food, and eat and wash plates
>1 hour to do laundry and iron uniform
>1 hour to take care of bills
>1 hour to do shopping for groceries and other shit
>6 hours of sleep

welcome to reality "nigga"

You suck at time management.

Also, thats what sleep mode is for nigga. It downloda for you.

OR disconnect your ps4 from the internet so you dont need an update. Mindblowing!

>1 hour to take care of bills
>1 hour to take a bath
>2 fucking hours to eat dinner
>1 god damn hour per day on laundry

you're a fucking train wreck

I work 11.5 hours a god damn day and I still manage to be worthless piece of vidya playing shit.


you're retarded champ

>2 hours to prep food, and eat and wash plates
Cook on a weekend and store food for the week
>1 hour to take a bath
take a shower, cut that time in half
>take care of bills
daily? bullshit.
bullshit or haha, you have few possessions.
>6 hours
you only need 4

hour to do shopping for groceries and other shit
>1 hour to do laundry
>1 hour to take care of bills

You don't do these things daily though.
There, that's 3 hours of videogames a day for you.

>1 hour to take a bath

I take long fucking showers and even I don't use 1 hour for them.


Hahahahahaha get a load of this homo

Does your boyfriend join you?


Just don't download the update, you fucking retard.

>pull out phone during hour and a half long bus ride
>open up ps4 app
>hop on the ps store and download this shit so it's ready for you when you get home


Download it while in sleep mode. It saves power and by the time you get back home it should have finished and installed.

the actual funny part is that you thought it was that funny

You tell him, baby.

You'd complain if it were a broken mess, or the menus were the way they were before Patch 1.2. Patches take time, and are a necessity.

To complain because you can't manage time or have the patience to devote one night to patching/downloading shows you still have some growing up and learning to do.

Sometimes I will work close to 50 hours a week if needed. I still have time for leisurely activities.

And this is why I chose the glorious NEET life. For a while I was getting bored of it but now you reminded me of the alternative.

Poor wagecucks

>1 hour for work prep
seems fair
>hour and a half commute
could be worse but assume you cant change that
>1 hour bath
nigger what take a shower that should last 20 minutes MAX
>2 hours for food and cleaning dishes
either cook in advanced and store it or cook meals with less prep time alot of shit can be cooked in half an hour
>1 hour laundry
not terrible could get extra uniforms if thats a possibility
>1 hour for bills
every day? maybe once or twice a month thats an excuse but not valid for every day
>grocery shopping
again every day? shop for all your shit you need for that week at once
>6 hours of sleep
you could bump it up by cutting some of the dumb shit above down

welcome to improved time management nigger

Do you have your PS4 in rest mode?
That shit is the best for my wageslave lifestyle - it downloads updates while the PS4 is "turned off", suspend mode for applications is cool as fuck too

Fuck, I didn't post that image. I don't even have that. Wierd that it is witcher 3 though

Is Clover still having image swap problem?
>Inb4 phone poster.

Same fucking thing here OP. Same fucking thing here.

But don't just blame the game, blame this fucking shitty generation of hardware.

Top kek

If you take baths you're a faggot

The only exception is if, say, you're a rugby player, and the shower's broken, and you gotta wash cos you're caked in mud

Otherwise you're a faggot

haha hows that shitty infrastructure feeling?

Do you light candles for your bath or is it an innuendo for anal play with your dragon dildo?


How do you cope with knowing that you are draining the life away from whoever supports you?

You can launch the application while the update downloads in the background, idiot
It isn't like the PS3



>Stay connected to internet while in rest mode
>Download settings
>Download updates whilst in rest modes

Problem solved

And before you ask
And have millions of people all complain at once about their internet cap going over? Yeah, no you fucking cuck

Look at this wageslave and laugh.

Your schedule is fucked dude, why do you have an hour every day to 'take care of bills'? Why so much time each day dedicated to doing laundry and shit? Are you retarded??

>having to commute for one hour and thirty minutes to a job that doesn't allow you to afford a car
>1 hour to bath
>bathing daily
>2 whole fucking hours to make food and clean up
what the fuck? how fat are you, goddamn son you're literally retarded if it takes you that long to make your dinner each night
>doing laundry daily
>ironing, every day, the uniform for the job that makes you live your shitty life
>bills that require they be dealt with on a daily basis
>doing groceries every day

you really are full of shit or you're full retard

Just leave the console on standby mode or something so it could download shit like this during the weekdays. I know the PS3 had a custom setting where you could tell it to download any updates at a specific time, I had mine set to 1-3 AM in the morning.

>Walmart cashier
>clock in
>drive back home and play vidya
>make sure to drive back for lunch time and clock out and back in
>go back to my place and keep playing vidya
>drive back and clock out

Lots of people do this at work, we alternate doing this, this is why you see so many lines at Walmart and just two or three registers open.

It has nothing to do with him being a wage slave. He's just fucking terrible at time management.

I want to call bullshit, my csm was on my ass to assign me a lane and we all clocked in at the front as walmart cashiers

work is tiring retard

taking a bath soothes my body

i'm already standing most of the day why the fuck would i stand while bathing

>don't call me "baby"
>I'm nearly 30 years old
post it

What's it feel like to be so fat you can't stand for 5 minutes to bathe yourself and then use that extra 55 minutes for your hobbies?

You had a shit csm my man.

>download 80gbs on PC
90 minutes
>download 5gbs on console
>3 hours

why do they put the shitest wifi in consoles. Do they think everyone wants to run 50metre RJ45s from their office to the fucking lounge room

no one forced CDPR to make 17GB patches, there are tons of PS4 and Xbox One games that have small patches or none at all because they work fine from day 1

OP, this is why you leave your system in rest mode.

>tfw not this fat or poorly employed

>White people problems

What's it feel like to be a fucking spider

Why didn't you let it download while your doing other shit? Why don't you just not download the update?

Are you mentally handicapped?

don't you work at mcdonalds cuck

You commute an hour and a half via public transport to work a job where you stand all day? Couldn't you just work at a McDonald's closer to your house?

How about that feel when you come home after 8 hours of wageslaving and you sit down on your sofa and crack open that can of Coca Cola and take that first sip? Feels good man.

I still don't buy it unless you're in the absolute backwoods of the south

With the 3-4 csms we had we would have eventually got caught or seen by management, especially since cashiers sign in at the front in most places now

If you were in gardening I'd buy it because they never do anything but cashier is the one spot where it's hardest to dodge your job at walmart

Where did this meme of me working at Mcdonalds come from?

>why do they put the shitest wifi in consoles

My shit is hardwired and it's still bad. Blame the consoles themselves.


That's your retort? Stop being a baby, you can sit down for 55 minutes AND do your hobby, or you can sit down for an hour and bitch about how you have no time for your hobbies. Your pick.

hour to take a bath

>get up 15 minutes before work
>put on yesterdays clothes
>25 minute ride to work
>Work 10 Hours
>25 minute ride home
>Play vidya and browse
>Sleep 6-8 hours

>all these yurocucks who don't take baths

Fucking barbaric degenerates, baths is patrician tier while a plain shower is poorfag pleb tier.

>not download the update
>on xbone
I don't think you can do this

>tfw I have a 31m (100ft) cat6 cable from my router to my desktop.

What the fuck do you do on your 2 days off?


he might be a wagecuck but he retains some dignity by taking baths

Obviously shitpost on Sup Forums.

>soaking in your own filth

vidya all day/shitpost here

but that's 5 days of being someone's bitch

i also didn't mention how i have to transfer 2 busses and there's poor people begging me for change but never anyone else

so fucking annoying

oh well 35 more years until i can retire

Poorfag detected.

So many damn games to play bruh and I have more on the way

>The Division
>Gundam Breaker 3
>Shove Knight

Playing Yakuza 5 too

>wake up at noon (takes 30 minutes to get out of bed)
>heat up a tombstone pizza (40 minutes because I like it burnt)
>continue to not bathe myself for the remainder of the week (0 minutes)
>cry while looking at pictures of my waifu (CANNOT SKIP 2 HOURS MANDATORY)
>stand on the porch to make sure nobody is looking at my pile of garbage bags (thirty seconds)
>stare at a blank word document (1 hour)
>have a hard cry in the dark (30 minutes)
>get my work done (??? time)
>email it out
>get a rejection letter (two weeks)
>go to bed and have nightmares (ten hours)

If I was 30 and in your position id just kill myself

10 mins waiting to fill and rinsing
10 mins washing long-ish hair
10 mins teeth cleaning
10 mins drying off and dressing
10 mins drying long-ish
10 mins on 4chins because I can't help myself

Easy, desu

Can't you keep your PS4 in rest mode and this stuff will do itself?

I don't know why but i fuckin laughed.

How can this motherfucker lose a whole hour to laundry? Put in the washer and WALK AWAY. DO SOMETHING ELSE WHILE IT WASHES.

>1 hour 30 minutes commute
Sucks to be you, city slicker

Holy shit nigga i can lock all that down in about 2 hours easy. 5 minute shower 10 minutes to prep food laundry takes make 15 minutes that includes washing drying etc. bills takes 5 minutes shop one day a week on a weekend for an hour. How fucking hard is it are you autistic?

>30 seconds to heat up water
>3 minutes doing fuck all in the water (OPTIONAL)
>5 minutes washing hair
>2 minutes washing body
>1 minute rinse off.
>5 minutes drying
why the fuck does it take you 10 fucking minutes to brush your teeth? Holy shit, this got me hook line and sinker.

Or you could just get a car you fucking faggot.

Why don't you leave the stupid thing in sleep mode? If your overly conscientious about your electric bill running up then that 40Hr job is shit; and you should worry more about getting a better one than playing video games.

Clean your teeth while you wait for the bath to fill.
You really are bad at time management.

Just wait until you have kids.

>three kids
>they all three ride different buses at different times
>have to be there at each bus stop
>each bus has an arrival time with up to 2 hours leeway for arriving late

My wife gave birth in the bathtub and even that didn't take an hour.

Get your fucking life together.

>why the fuck does it take you 10 fucking minutes to brush your teeth?
>not taking extra time to brush, floss, and rinse so you don't have shit-tier teeth
But the rest of that shit is inexcusable. 20 minutes to dry off after a bath holy shit.

haha holy shit i do most of that and im in the bathroom for 10 minutes tops i even get dressed in there. I hate to break this to you but you are a women trapped in a mans body.


>40 hours a week
>No time to play vidya
Nigga, I work 60+ hour weeks and still play vidya.

>1 hour to take a bath
15 minutes tops in the shower.
>2 hours to prep food, and eat and wash plates
You could probably do this in 30 minutes, an hour at most.
>1 hour to do laundry and iron uniform
Set laundry for last day of the week you work.
>1 hour to take care of bills
What the fuck could you possibly pay daily to have an hour set up for that.
>1 hour to do shopping for groceries and other shit
Do you just shop for food for the day? That's fucking retarded.

Get your shit together.
Also get a vehicle.

>work 40 hour week.
>8:00-6:30, Fri/Sat/Sun/Monday
>wake up at 6-7, take 15-20 minute shower
>drink coffee and browse net til 7:30
>work til 6:30
>get home at 7
>make quick dinner, no more than 30 minutes
>eat, play games, do whatever til 10:30
>clean up, wash dishes, take meds, go to bed from 10:30-11:30
>repeat for 4 days.

>Days off (three of them)
>pay bills and clean house/laundry and grocery shop, something that should never take more than 6 hours total tops for any human
>plenty of me time for me and my bf

You have atrocious time management, you can be a wage slave and still have plenty of time.

Even with Ethernet it still downloads slower than consoles. I think Sony servers are just shit in general, or SATA 2 is fucking shit and can't max out my internet speed due to SATA 2 being ancient as fuck and having slow read/write speeds.

>work 40-50 hours a week
>still have time to play vidya
>still have time to hang with friends/coworkers on weekends
>still have time to play 40k every now and then

>Not kneeling in your shower like the Terminator and turning the shower's hot water to full blast while you bash out the notes to the Terminator theme, letting the steam rise off of your scalding hot frame instead of drying off with a towel

How can you honestly say you're living?

Don't be an idiot. When people say they have no time they mean they have little energy to do so.

>no job
>no friends
>plenty of time to play vidya
>can't bring myself to actually start a game
>bored after 10 minutes if I ever do
>time goes by
>it's already late evening
>managed to have a single meal
>literally did nothing else
>still feel exhausted
Is it time I finally kill myself?

Yes do it so that there can be one less depressed fuck.

Dude, if you work at a place that requires a uniform but doesn't pay enough to allow you to afford a car then it's not a job you need to fucking iron your uniform for.

I work at Tim Hortons which is fucking discount starbucks and I ironed my shirt once. I usually do laundry once every two weeks since if I'm careful not to get my clothes dirty as fuck I can wear a single shirt and pair of pants for a week straight.

>Showering should only take 20 minutes max
>Bullshit you take care of bills daily.
>Bullshit you go grocery shopping every day

Also get a job closer to home home holy shit. I used to work at a Tims a n hour away by bus and I just transferred to one that's a five minute bike ride from my house and I've basically added on 2 hours to my day.



>one hour bath

OP is this retarded and he just happens to play multiplats on his consoles. What a coincidence.

>plays shit console games
>spends 3 hours on commute and doesn't play superior games on 3ds/vita or just read a book
My commute is 1 1/2hr total and I play Monster Hunter Gen on the way there and back and by the time I come home I don't even want to play that much more. Git gud

Fuck that. You can always improve your life. And even if you think you can't, just spend it volunteering so you can other people's lives.

Maybe he gets paid weekly?