Where are the trees?

Where are the trees?

What does everyone eat? Cram and Nukacola? There are crops everywhere in the other Fallouts.

Why does everything look like it was bombed yesterday? Fallout 1 & 2 had trees and grass and working cities built from scratch.

Why are there people living around an unexploded bomb? Why does the biggest city have 25 people in it?

What are the super mutants even doing in DC? What's their goal?

Why does nothing in this game make any sense?

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>bethesda writing


Evade the Emil

Right here dreamboy

>He is best known for being the lead designer and the lead writer of Fallout 3, for which he received the Best Writing award at the 2008 Game Developers Choice Awards

>Why does the biggest city have 25 people in it?
Is that true?

There's a ton of food
This is fallout 3
It's inactive , people travel and die a lot.
They have no ''goal'' . they're just weapons that were sent to China , and the ones in DC just shoot any human on sight.
Because you're a n00b

It's 28

The FO3 super mutant strain is different from the west coast variant. They are the product of vault 87 experimenting with FEV, and their goal is to find more fev to breed more mutants, and probably food.

Shit writing, shit art direction and shit engine

>Where are the trees?
Trees are at the top of the map in the middle. It's called Oasis and it has a pretty cool quest.

>What does everyone eat? Cram and Nukacola? There are crops everywhere in the other Fallouts.
Yes everyone in Fallout 3 pretty much either eats canned pre-war goods like Cram, or they hunt for food like radroach meat, brahmin steaks, etc. The land is still too irradiated to grow anything of use. If you actually play the fucking game you will see why the ability to grow fresh crops is a big deal. There are crops in New Vegas & Fallout 4.

>Why does everything look like it was bombed yesterday? Fallout 1 & 2 had trees and grass and working cities built from scratch.
The DC wasteland was one of the hardest-hit areas. So many nukes were dropped that it basically leveled the whole area and made it too irradiated to be sustainable for a very long time, hence why hardly anything has been rebuilt. That being said, Megaton, you know the city you come across in the first 5 minutes of the game, is a fully functioning city made from scratch. There are several such settlements. Try actually playing the fucking game and you might find them, you massive faggot.

>Why are there people living around an unexploded bomb? Why does the biggest city have 25 people in it?
Jesus Christ did you pay attention to anything anyone said in Megaton? The children of Atom worship the bomb. And it's not even functional at the start of the game unless the player works to activate it. To the people of Megaton it's just a landmark. As to why there aren't that many people in big cities, it's because there aren't that many people in the DC Wasteland to begin with, shitlord.

>What are the super mutants even doing in DC? What's their goal?
Try playing the goddamn game and paying attention to the plot you piece of human filth.

>Why does nothing in this game make any sense?
Kill yourself

Hey Todd

y u mad tho

How does Todd's cock taste?

>The DC wasteland was one of the hardest-hit areas

Why does everyone always say this? The majority of the city is still there. If it was really hit hard the White House etc. wouldn't be there anymore. In FO1 the Boneyard got nuked to shit and it's still lived in.

>Where are the trees
Nothing grows in irradiated soil

>What does everyone eat?
Anything edible

>Why does everything look like it was bombed yesterday
Genuinely don't know

>Fallout 1 & 2
Budddy, don't even

>Why are there people living around an unexploded bomb
They think the bomb is a divine entity

>Why does the biggest city have 25 people in it
Housing is limited and expensive

>What are the super mutants even doing in DC
They can't stand New Orleans

>What are the super mutants even doing in DC? What's their goal?

They took over Vault 87 after mutating as a result of a strain of FEV and then expanded into the wastelands. searching for more sources of the FEV.
The White House isn't there, it's a crater, as a result of direct impact.

>Nothing grows in irradiated soil

Full retard

The White House is literally a crater. Most of the Washington Mall and DC itself is heavily damaged. And yet, people still live there like they did in LA.


How's life in Zenimax's online PR department?

>So many nukes were dropped that it basically leveled the whole area
What's with all the buildings then?

>The best place to grab food I'd a prewar grocery store that already had people scavenging in it.


M-mom there's a Todd in my closet...

There's a lot of unexplained "why"s behind Fallout 3, but a lot of yours can be chalked up to the saturation of radiation. The game revolves around Project Purity because the DC wasteland is supposed to be much more irradiated than any other Fallout.

There's no trees because there's too much radiation (there's a fairly significant sidequest devoted to the one place in the wasteland that does have healthy trees).

No one can grow major crops because the soil and water is too irradiated to grow things in major quantities. There are a few Brahmin ranches scattered around, so I assume most people's diet is a combination of that and game.

Everything looks like it was bombed yesterday because everything is The Glow lite.

People live around an unexploded bomb because they couldn't build the city without the help of the Church of Atom or whatever it was called. By the time of the game it's been 200 years, so it's not unreasonable to just assume it's never going to go off if it hasn't already. The low number of NPCs on screen is just an abstraction; why does Vault 13 have about a dozen living quarters and 25 inhabitants?

The super mutants want to make more super mutants. I don't know if they have a goal in mind besides building up their own army.

Make sure you guys buy the collector's edition!

Megaton was just added for shock value. The logic behind it is retarded. No sane person would build their homes close to a bomb that could be tinkered with at any moment. It's shock for the sake of shock, terrible writing.

How can things be too irradiated after over 200 years? Shit grows in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and that was bombed less than 100 years ago.

Why does everyone complain about radiation so much? I mean obviously radiation in the fallout universe is no where near what it is in the real world. In fallout, it doesn't cause cancer, it causes mutations on an unprecedented scale, zombies, and god knows what else. It could just as well be called magic instead of radiation. Not supporting shitty bethesda writing, but FO rads and real world radiation are not equivalent.

>its fantasy so its okay!
fucking hell, I thought the west was above weeaboo excuses.

Yeah and that's why you can walk inside the structure itself.
If the entire building was bombed to shit then they're wouldn't be anything around it. like this picture implies, a bomb was dropped on the White House. This would have completely destroyed it, but because of "PLAYER IMMERSION AND WORLDBUILDING" it's still around.

reminder that there is a godamn functioning grocery store in the Mojave Desert.

But it's literally a core concept in the games lore. Like it or not, that's how radiation works in fallout. Do you go also complain about barrels not overheating in cod, and resurrections in wow?


I hope you got your money ready for Fallout 3 Remastered Edition and four REMASTERED DLC!

>Water purifiers a thing in FO4

>FO3's main plot point was about getting a water purifier in working order and pointed out how many hobos need clean water

Fun fact: Bottlecaps are based on the value of water. Meaning that Project Eden and the ability of building a water purifier actually fucks over the worth of bottlecaps on the east coast.

>questioning bethesda writing

How fucking hard can it be for the creators themselves know their game, when any fan can be completely up to date in day? Lazy shits

Fallout 4 capital wasteland weapons pack is now avalible for 30$

You will gain access to unique qeapons from fallout 3
>Lincoln's repeater
>Victory Rifle

And to those that will buy DLC before it's released SPECIAL REMASTERED VAULT 101 SUIT!

I believe project purity is about getting purified water on an industrial scale, something which is unheard of on the east coast. And I also think bethesda used caps as currency just because, and it's not actually based on anything like in the previous games.

Isn't it heavily implied that the children have a tradition of breeding the girls to maintain their numbers?

when you fire the original people who build the game and lore only to replace them with people who go for max profit then you get shit like this.

>nothing grows in irradiated soil

This is a picture of Chernobyl, you're retarded.

I mean, that water is still seawater
Even if you remove radiation, it's undrinkable

that was one nuclear bomb, and a very very very early test one at that

Recent mod

yes I do all that. Also the core concept of the game doesn't discredit anything people have complained about.

the fact you go to a strawman to point out how we should remember fallout is weeaboo trash so we should just accept anything they throw at us is absolutely disgusting and you should kill yourself.

Perhaps it is also an industrial scale desalinator? Which I supposed would make whoever controls it incredibly powerful. A source of salt and fresh water would be invaluable in a setting like FO3.

But I'm not an American, so I don't know if the Potomac has run into the ocean by the time it reaches project purity.

Why the hell are you baiting with this copypasta?
It has already been established long time ago that FO3 makes no fucking sense in terms of logic and lore. Nothing new here and no point to bring it up again.

There were far greater amounts of nuclear saturation at Chernobyl, which was only about 30 years ago, and there's a fucking forest growing around it.

inbreeding and dying from childbirth would have stoped that.
Fucking bethesda...

That's an anomaly

You are right

World doesnt make sense without plenty of plants

Whole game is full of predators
How do they survive? There must be even more herbivores that have stable source of food

Otherwise whole enviroment doesnt make sense

the radiation levels emitted by nuclear meltdown are far higher than nuclear ordnance. considering the state of chernobyl and that jap city that got rekt in an earthquake in 2011 and both of those are lush and green now.

Desaliniations in very inefficient, you do it if there's no other way of getting water

Purifying water from river makes more sense, but from the map it looks like they take water from ocean

Why haven't the traps and levers and puzzles in this massively popular tourist attraction been activated ages before Lara went there?

TR fans don't ask themselves these questions and just enjoy the game. It seems that autism is more common in the Fallout community.

No I'm saying you cannot equate real world radiation to fallout radiation. I don't even think there is a difference between gamma and alfa radiation in fallout. It is literally some other kind of force that might as well be called magic, and probably should be, so people would stop thinking they are the same.

While Fallout 3 is inferior to NV in literally every way
>Why are there people living around an unexploded bomb?
Is a shitty complaint I see really often only given by really ass-blasted Fallout fans.

They explain from the get go the religious nuts were forming around there from the start and as they got more trade and shit more and more travelers decided to stay and add on the the camp before long it transformed into a whole fucking town
>inb4 That's dumb.
Fallout was becoming sorta dumb by 2.

It's retarded to play on consoles when this is possible on PC

They are far higher, but that also means half-life of isotopes is much shorter

Basically, even ground zero of nuclear strike would be safe to enter IRL

>by safe I mean you would not suffer from radiation exposure. Getting cancer 10 years later is still possible.

its a game silly. Of course the writing doesn't matter.

I can't tell if you're just retarded or trying to make an unfunny stalker joke.

fuck, they dont even try to act as if they care.

But all those fucked up mutants in fallout were created by FEV experiments, not by mutation. Only "magical" effect of radiation in Fallouts are Ghouls.

And the fact that you can somehow "accumulate" radiation in your body

>we should call it magic so we stop complaining

requires the 'devs who give a shit' DLC

I don't want to be that guy but
>Most people never heard or cared about Fallout before 3
>Most people will buy their game and claim it to be GOAT no matter what out of sheer loyalty
>Most people either hate or thought NV is inferior to 3
Why would they?


That'll be 15.99$

>heavily implied

Yeah, if you take Tvtropes-tier analysis of 'hurr these pixels near character A's chest are like this one ancient culture's symbol so if you take the amount of loose items found and multiply it by the amount of haircuts, it reaches a date where there was a population boom and clearly the makers knew we would figure it out so it must be true that they tie all the girls up in rape centers'

ITT: Bethdrones defending plotholes and contradictions with fan theories and headcanon

Doesn't the protag grow new digits in FO3 during the moira quest due to radiation exposure?

bethesda apologizer

I think that was an effect of her "experimental radiation treatment" not the radiation itself


In fallout 2 you grow new toe after stepping too much into green goo

Which is heavily implied to be FEV

This is the main reason why I'm so mad Bethesda owns Fallout. They never needed that franchise. They could have made their own post-apocalyptic ES reskin and people would eat that shit up the same.
I'd rather Fallout remained dormant until someone decided to dig up Van Buren.

>Pete "goofballs" Hines.
>Not interested in discussion.
There's a reason why.

But that's not even what I said.

his mouth is shaped just like a super mutant with lip vices

This is one of the taller buildings in Hiroshima pictured after the bombing, still intact but destroyed, about the same size as the white house. A nuclear impact does not automatically turn everything around it into a perfectly flat desert.

You're right about that.

This page is so unintentionally funny. Even the autistic children of that site realized none of the game makes any damn sense

>What does everyone eat? Cram and Nukacola? There are crops everywhere in the other Fallouts.

They raid the local Super Duper Mart every Sunday.

Suspension of disbelief declares you set the rules of a world then follow them. You can make shit bananas and the audience will follow along gleefully, as long as it's introduced properly and established early. But once you break your own bananas rules, it causes suspension of disbelief to crash into a brick wall. Which is why people can follow along to a game with talking mutant and ghouls in a series with a long history of them but not to sudden self-sustaining ghoul.

dude this is a hundred pages long

I aint reading that meme shit

>Nearly everything else is flattened.
Sure, there were exceptions. The great majority of standing structures were flattened though. You would have made a better point in reminding people that the bombs in Fallout were built more to throw radiation everywhere than they were to flatten things.That's what Fallout lore tells us anyway.

They wait for the area respawn.

Before you two get heavily invested in this discussion, I don't think neither Hiroshima nor Nagasaki, most of which was probably built before long the war, conformed to modern build standards.

Seems the entire US in fallout is built using reinforced concrete, which is fairly strong.

>Fallout 4
>An entire town made entirely of wooden buildings
>Still perfectly intact 200 years after a hydrogen bomb was dropped on it

Which only proves his point that DC really wasn't hit hard enough to still look like shit after 200 years if the damage is comparable to Hiroshima.

Describe a Fallout 3 companion without saying what they look like, what they wore, or what their professions are

>you can't
>you can't even remember a single one besides Butch or Dogmeat

>not interested in discussing realism when confronted about lack of consistency
He didn't lie about his attention span.

I watched that fallout video on youtube too OP!

>200 years later
>nothing new is built
>everything looks like it spent a month unattended

God I wish I knew someone to land an idea guy gig in the video game industry

there's literally zero quality control, you can do anything

I mean Deus Ex fuckers are trotting out "aug lives matter" with a straight face, as a social commentary

threads on Sup Forums have more serious concepts

There was the edgy guy, the other edgy guy, the retard, the slut and the toaster.


>In the year 1945, my great-great grandfather, serving in the army, wondered when he'd get to go home to his wife and the son he'd never seen. He got his wish when the US ended World War II by dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


>Nuka-Cola was invented in 2044 by John-Caleb Bradberton. Its unique taste gained widespread popularity, quickly becoming the most popular soft drink in the United States with an extremely dedicated following. The widely known dazzling blue bottle color was adopted as standard in 2052, after market research programs indicated that the blue color was the favorite in 86 people out of 100 polled.

I remember a ghoul who didn't seem to like me and that "JUSTCE!" mutant who literally refused to break a major plot device until he had a change of heart in the DLC.

Some mememan the other day while I was arguing in a west vs east thread that got pruned and deleted mentioned something interesting to me.

He said japan makes more good quality games because the director has a shitload of control over there while in the west there is a committee in where people voice their opinions and shit.

And when you think about it really hard it might make sense for the west to work like that, and if that was the case. Then idea guys like you that would go "no, that doesn't make sense" would get instantly banned from said committee as you would reject most ideas and never move the committee forward.

Todd probably wants people to simply tell him about fun things to put here and there, he doesn't give a damn about realism, he just wants a way to fill up this empty space of land inside the game. I would like to believe most western directors are like that and everyone else has to flow and give ideas that sound cool and are fast to implement even if it makes 0 sense in-context.