DYKG jumps on the lie wagon


The game is not even OUT, why are they even releasing a video?. This is a 7 minute trailer, doesn't matter if it's a fan trailer. At 2:00 it stops sounding like trivia and they start selling the same fucking catchphrases the official trailers. Hell, they name drop people like Elon Musk and Spielberg to make it even cooler.

For those that don't wanna watch, here are some of the highlight Moleynoux level promimses:
>The 50 hundred thousand bombuzillion planets tagline, along with the same "they designed automatic probes" the trailer uses.
>The sky is green because it calcualtes the diffraction of the elements in the atmosphere.
>They have their own periodic table and orbitational physics to make it all immersive.
>Changing the color of a creature can alter the sea level, and everything is interconnected.

How can they drop so many lies one week away from launch? Are there people who still believe this scam?

Other urls found in this thread:


more like No Man's Buy

It's sonys big experiment to see if they can sell indie games for the price of AAA games. They've gotta go all out to shill it.

every man's sky a best

>>It's sonys big experiment
>PC release

If my high school math isn't wrong, that's already 98 unique planets.

Use the whole RGB spectrum, slap in more creatures and you easily get the "Seventy Peptillion" figure.

This game needs to come out already so everyone can move on about it. The only people that will be disappointed are the ones who fall for the hype and shilling.

No Man's Sky? More like No One's Buy!

Thank you, I'll be here all forever.
Don't forget to tip over your waitress.

But it's coming out for PC (and Xbox one year later) as well.

>Rest of the internet
>"Hey this game looks neat"
>Game is mediocre/bad
>"Dang. I'll just return it for a refund"
>Game is good
>"I am having fun and am content with my purchase!"

>Sup Forums
>"game is shit. Hey guys did you hear the game is shit? Cause it is. Did you see that the devs have beards? Fuckin' nu males right? Gonna be the TORtanic all over again"
>Game is mediocre/bad
>Game is good

That's why you should only come here for early news and shitposting. Anything beyond that is a load of bullshit.

Dude just wait for the game to come out, then we'll see if it's crap or not.

Not true, just take everything here with a grain of salt and form your own opinions. Quite a few people have good insight into games.

dumb animeposter

How much do you earn per post and where can I apply for your job?

I'm serious, my needs are simple, I bet I could live a comfortable life with the money your job earns. Just tell me where to go.


So the game is good, I take it?

Call me anything you want, but I honestly prefer a hate jerk over the shilling.

I'm not saying it's gonna be bad, but compare the discussion for Mankind Divided to NMS.

The hate jerk actually gives you things to discuss, while for Deus Ex all threads have boiled down to "Hype?" "Yea, GOTY contender" "[Mention another hype game]".

Seeing No Man's Sky crash and burn is the best thing to do, a reminder to never fall for hype. Forgetting it will just make people fall for the next trap.

I wouldn't know, it looked like pallete swap simulator 2016 when I saw a trailer once but people are really excited for it so maybe I'll buy it in a few years when it's cheap.

Seriously who do I contact.

Work in a vidya company or know the guy personally.

If the former, apply for a bullshit job like social marketing or PR, and say you're experienced in Sup Forums

If the latter, suck Hello Games' dick.

Sources to prove them wrong for each of your points?
Otherwise Delete Yourself

The thousand of streams, gameplay videos and leaks that have been coming out from early purchasers.

Are you telling me you still believe they simulate the individual atoms. Fuck off.

I was hoping I could just email a company that specializes in it or something. Oh well.

OP, I was about to call you a faggot and tell you that you're exaggerating, because the video shows facts all the time.

And indeed it does.

But at the end, all that PLay Station shit triggered me, this clearly looks sponsored.




Just a reminder, this galaxy also would take 80 full years to explore if 5 people did it at the same time :^ )

he is right tbqh

Correction, most of the early purchases weren't intentional but through an accidental early shipping by Amazon for UK players.

Is he on crack?

Good job user, you figured it all out.
Sup Forums, and most of this websites board, fucking love shadenfreude. They love seeing things fail when big promises are made and dev egos being stroked.
I won't deny that I can't stop laughing every time I see a Battleborn thread, even though I'd take a good succesful game over a failed one any day.

99% of people who dont like a game don't refund though



Nigga even the top voted youtube comments are calling it shit

The thing is that due to muh 6 million planets they can just say "you haven't discovered it yet" for every missing feature

Post link to the video

It's literally in the OP

Why does Sup Forums care about this game so much, fuck off

Holy shit the lies

Dude hates him some Joe Danger. And loves him some meth.

sony literally saved the devs when their studio washed away in a flood

who are you quoting

if you hate it here so much just leave

you wont be missed

At 44:38 "I'd give the game a 9 out of 10, it started off as an 8, but this is pretty incredible.

At the End of the Video: "Definitely recommend you buy it" This coming from someone who's been playing the game for 8 hours so far.


Salty OP?




Because they're getting paid for it.


Wow, so salty it's causing a brain infection.

>go to literally anywhere else
>"what this game looks bad? fuck you it looks great I'm just glad we're getting anything at all you're so entitled

>come to Sup Forums
>cynical funposting

Think I'd rather stay on Sup Forums desu

>cynical funposting
Is that what we're calling it now

More like Gnome Ann's Pie.

>How can they drop so many lies one week away from launch
LOL none of that is even difficult from a programmers perspective, what makes you think that it's an outright lie

mfw nu male tears

jesus christ this game attracts the biggest autists on Sup Forums I've seen since Indivisible

Does someone have the original of this?

life is simply unfair

in short, Sup Forums is full of frustrated, semi-depressed young adults and teenagers that love to shit on other people's fun and the things they like and bring those down a notch in order to appear superior to them and that makes them feel better about themselves

if you call them out they start getting defensive about you "not being able to handle different opinions" and of course the classic "you're just a shill"

it's all harmless delusion for the most part, at times I do wonder what kind of lives the anons that post these things live

and either way there are still threads Sup Forums gets together for once in a blue moon

>Did you know that you could fit every PS1 game made on the PS4s 500GB hard drive

That's bullshit. Why the fuck would they lie to blatantly in this video?

It's literally nothing but lies.

kek I'd actually play the game to find abominations like these and then name them after fart fragrances

here, have a free (you)


lmao senpai i'm full blown just kill me

something something nu males sky

Why not have alien civilizations to interact with? And by that I mean not just as a means to trade and get items but have them do shit

How are any of those lies?
>The 50 hundred thousand bombuzillion planets tagline, along with the same "they designed automatic probes" the trailer uses.
There are a lot of planets, they didn't say that they were designed well hahah. The sentinels in game do erase and restore any changes done by players over time. But that's more of a visual way to say players can't really change anything aside from names.
>The sky is green because it calcualtes the diffraction of the elements in the atmosphere.
That's not what they said in the video at all. The way I interpret it is that certain atmospheres have certain elements found on the planet.
>Changing the color of a creature can alter the sea level, and everything is interconnected.
It's not that hard to believe, have you messed around with mincrafts seeding? If No Man's Sky is procedurally generated from a seed, changing one value could change the rest of the generated content.

Jesus christ Sup Forums is cancer...

Can you actually return games you dont like for a refund? I mean ps4 games

This viral marketing is insane.

>The sky is green because it calcualtes the diffraction of the elements in the atmosphere.

>Changing the color of a creature can alter the sea level, and everything is interconnected.

these two. this just took the piss.
also saying that the whole 18 quintillion planets are in one entire game space was hysterical, as we all know from the rich rediit fags leak that there are instanced galaxies.