The fact I enjoy this leaves me confused and somewhat disappointed in myself

The fact I enjoy this leaves me confused and somewhat disappointed in myself.

I wasn't looking forward to this game. I didn't care about it until ProJared mentioned it around E3 time. I played the demo and liked it so I went and bought it.

It makes me wonder if I actually know what a good game is. If I actually have the know-how to look forward to worthwhile games because nothing I get excited for these days turns out to ping anyone's radar except my own.

Just give everything a try. Back in the day I would rent games almost randomly and I still play some of those same franchises today.

The demo was the worst part of that game

just be yourself

Anyone noticed how Doomguy's shoulders are different?

His armor looks like MJOLNIR armor.

That's cool and all OP but this is your daily reminder that Doomguy is the strongest vidya hero ever AND is the same Doomguy from the original games

And also a professional skater and Quake 3 champion

why is it a big deal? you expected disappointment. You were proved wrong. you enjoyed it. period.

It is a good game, helped in no small part by the fact that you can turn off most of the modern shooter stuff

>Sup Forums told me a game is bad
>i listened like i usually do
>probably told others its a bad game
>get it anyway
>Sup Forums is wrong
>my entire taste is now questioned

sounds about right

>Enjoying games is a character flaw


Sup Forums is a bunch of hiveminded retards with no opinions of their own and anyone here is usually buying hard into the latest retarded meme opinion or being against it for the sake of being a contrarian. Literally everyone in this board needs to learn to form their own opinions.

I expected nothing. I wasn't even looking in the game's direction until Jared said it was the shit. I had my mind on other games but now this has turned into a potential GotY candidate (even over Uncharted 4).

I just don't know why I don't seem to pay attention to what is considered the current hotness until it's basically thrust in my face. I haven't looked at The Witcher III, for instance.

Sounds like Sup Forums

but is there a superpowered doomguy that can beat this doomguy?

wtf i love doom now!


How is anyone supposed to be sure of a game being good or not before they play it?

>It's AAA therefore it's shit
You're a fucking bandwaggoning moron who can't form his own opinions.
DOOM is a good game and one of the best if not the best FPS released this decade.

I thought it was incredibly mediocre

Well what do you look for when playing a game?

Something not mediocre, obviously you fucking retard

Your criteria is depressingly shallow.

This answers no questions what qualities does a game need for you not to consider it mediocre

I don't have to explain shit to you. Fuck off

Are you enjoying yourself?

Doom is an average game with some serious design flaws

I bet if they made bmx games again they'd be cool.

Remember bmx games? Those were cool

>lololol 2deep4u u dont get it!! u gotta like TRUE MATURE gamers for real gamers such as myself

Because you dont know do you?

Well I found painkiller to be funner than nu-doom

The whole game was so forgettable. Thats how you know its mediocre

Hm, okay I guess I do owe you answer now. I guess what I really want out of gaming right now is to evoke that special feeling in know that feeling of wonderment and surprise we all felt as children? I want to feel that again, through the cohesion of the mechanics and the interactions between them. Sorry to say, Doom did not do that for me

If he won't accept this reddit tier response i don't think he'll be satisfied with any

EDIT: an answer
Sorry about that guys

>implying it's not

>as children
It's called mid-life crisis, you're not happy with your life so you try to escape to your childhood with videogames, completely ignoring everything else.
You probably have a $5k steam library you never played.

>Everyone hypes up new Doom
>It locks you in an arena then spawns waves of enemies until it lets you out
>This is the entire game
If I wanted to play Serious Sam I'd do that.

>A game that doesn't look good from trailers might actually be fun when you play it
It always surprises me how little people think for themselves here. Or how unwilling they are to try new things.