Got my dragon dildo finally.
Got my dragon dildo finally
Disregard dildos, post tits of that girl in the back or gtfo
Maybe if I was in Sup Forums. I threw an autistic fit of rage last time I got banned from vee
so do it last
Show girl using dragon dildo
who is the cum demon?
Son's wife.
My wife.
Trying to bite it open.
Dont disappoint me you cunt or you're fucking dead
What kind of shithole do you live, user? Clarksville?
op sure is taking his sweet fucking time
Maybe it was a bomb
Yes. Massive shithole.
It's for the ps1. Designed by singletrac. Came out 96-97
Jet Moto 2
i remember jet moto
Close. I didn't get that one yet.
>dragon dildo
you are a liar and your thread is shit
Show more of her feet please.
Before you post your wife's tits, please make sure you post a good pic of her feet...toes and soles preferably.
Fuck no. Tits first, never ever.
fuck off footfag
I'm running those numbers you didn't block enough op lol.
wait a minute that reflection
I'll never understand but here you go.
And one thing this faggot seller forgot to mention is there's permanent marker on the disc.
>not getting her toes in the shot
>Literally whoring your wife out to people on the internet
Nigga stfu your fetish is shit. Just be glad you got anything.
so.... it WAS Jet Moto 2?
Hey I'm up for another shot of her feet if you've got time OP.
Yes I know, it's very hot.
acetone, nail polish remover
No faggot. I'm not happy he got some terribly shitty pic. The request was very specific dickhead. If he can't follow instructions then he shouldn't be posting on the internet.
>still hasn't posted TOES and soles
Nobody cares, this thread is about your wife's feet now faggot.
wtf you said it wasn't jet moto 2
hitler should have killed footfags instead
at least jews are funny
Yeah. I tricked you hehe
pls go and stay go
Another pic please. Im not sure what game you got.
"Honey, I need to take a picture of your feet. Some people on a site about video games asked me."
Now I feel like an asshole. Will my toes help?
oh god, look at that peasant phone. the fuck. that is like 4.5 inch screen come on man step it up you can get 6 inches for $99 these days or any 5.5 for 80+.
I know. I've been with her for 5 years. She knows about my Sup Forums habit and browses r9k.
why would you need a 6 inch phone
>the most beta fetish
>pretending he has any power
So when someone asked how big your dick is you can just hand them your phone instead.
Do you assign her good girl points?
She doesn't care about having the newest phones. I bought her a bigger one and she hated it. Her hands are small.
Anyways anons I'll have more games this time tm.
Nice, suckable toes. Let's see the top.
>not wanting a 6 inch phone
When you grow up kid you'll know why.
>>the most beta fetish
cuckolding, vore, scat
You were saying faggot?
So what games are you guys playing this weekend?
I'm 30 years old...
Can you get her to do this pose, you don't have to get her face in it.
Nothing wrong with netorare.
I'm thinking if I should buy thps 1 or 2 first? I'm slowing buying them so I have time to play each game.
Hey OP can you show her pooping?
I sure hope you post her butt.
This reminds me of that time user was posting pictures of his mom's feet. That shit was so hot. I'm not even into feet, really, but candid incest shit... Wew.
That is one ugly inbreed.
And I can't decide if I want to buy crash, spyro, or twisted metal.
I would but I don't even want to see that.
What are you, a faggot?
Does she have a nice rack?
her feet here remind me of that video of the weird sea creature on the rocky shores that the gooks pour soda on and it explodes
>those foot wrinkles
What is she 40?
Where are the tits man come on... fucking footfags I swear
Would you like to see her asshole then? I would.
You are top tier my man,
she has 10/10 feet would bust a nut again.
*raises paw* um you said there would be dragon dildos
Yeah. Small nipples too.
Should I get spyro 1, twisted metal 1, or crash 1 first?
And if it's playstation do you always get the long box if the game has it? Are green labels unacceptable?
I haven't bought a PS1 game in 15 years. Just put a piece of tape over the sensor and buy a ton of CDRs.
Post ass/tits and I'll send you all three
Nice, post some tits bro.
Get crash.