Which one?

Which one?


Wii U wins again baybee

If you like dicks and you're a man you're gay no matter what they're attached to.


op you gay

So you watch and enjoy exclusively yuri?

Guess I'll have to get an Xbone because I'm NOT FUCKING GAY

It's 2016. Women are women no matter what is in their pants.

>implying that we don't know that we're gay as fuck
The only faggots in denial are the ones that think a penis behind a vagina makes it not gay

Xbox One
Degenerates like OP belong on a cross

>it's a "Sup Forums tries to justify being gay" episode

>Xbox is vanilla normie shit
>PS4 is for jaded faggots in denial
Pretty accurate desu

What if I fucked this guy?

Would it be gay to fuck this?

>normalfags getting triggered by futanari and traps

Which oen:?

Yes you dumbfuck
Xbox is the only right choice.

Yes but who cares?


Because I'm not gay.

Males or Futas as feminine looking as the ones in doujins dont exist ever.
So it's like fapping to monster girls.
Shit dont exist so it's no skin off my back

Why does having a dick make it better? Sounds pretty gay

I have bad news for you.

I am not sexualy attracted to my ps4, but I gotta do what I gotta do for my exclusives. Maybe it will be a futa that hates its benis so I can just play with the vagina

people always post this pic but all i see is a guy with a girly haircut

>TFW I had this experience with my emo friend in school

I wish I acted upon it.

>Drinking non diet sodas
Why would you want to drink your calories?

>no option with both pussy and balls

>Xbox isnt Doritos
shit list

this is truly patrician taste

That's a girl, I know cause I've fapped to it already.

>wanting memory issues and cancer
just drink tea, faggot

Because I'm not a subhuman with shit genes and thyroid problems

End it all.

Futa without balls is by far the worst one.

WiiU doesn't have a pussy, though, so it's only a newhalf. We need a futa with balls option.

What's wrong with cancer? Have you even had it before?


>not wanting to fuck a sissy boy in the ass and make him feel like a real woman

are you gay or something?

The only good tea is sweet tea and it's awful for you. Fuck unsweet.

Oh my, Is that a honey pot and a love muscle!? I think we have a winner.

>TFW fuck traps and girls in college

>Still consider myself straight as fuck feels good man

Why is Xbox the only one with a vagina?

I like all.


>Still consider myself straight
I got sad news for you.

Because Xbox is the worst option.

Can #2 really exist? I've never see it in 3dpd form

Too bad I don't want shitty women like that, which is why I dress like a girl

I've got bad news for you gayboy. You're jealous as fuck.

Now toss on a massive futa cock dangling several inches down and you've got a winner.

Only if you admit how much of a faggot you are

Xbox, im not gay or a memer.

>jealous I'm not fucking men in the asshole
Yeah, super jealous. Whatever you say.

put the ballsack behind the vagina and then we're talking

No, Nestea is the best. Actual tea is for eurofags.

>No loli or shota option
Fucking dropped

pc wins again i see

>trap has bigger dick than me
There is nothing more disgusting in this world than hung traps.

pc is clearly just thick thighed shota ie the right choice

>that sunnibee butthole

Soft buttholes are best buttholes. Ones that grip.

PC>Wii U>Xbone>>>>>PS4

The jealous small-dicked manlet whose post I'm replying to is more disgusting.