Dark Souls fanboys BTFO
Dark Souls fanboys BTFO
Take this where it belongs, kiddo
>Sup Forums
You mean
I skipped ramdomly and this is what I got:
>there's no music except when there is
>muh grafics
>I can't find shit on my own, so this game must be impossible without a guide
Yeah, a bunch of non-valid points.
Same thing, user
>never played demons souls
I stopped right there.
>less than 2k views
yeah no fuck off, le downboated for spamming
>taking the clickbait
>giving this faggot views
>Comic sans ironical dank meme
Take that bait pic back to Facebook where it belongs
Why the hell would I care about what another diamond dozen youtube game reviewer says.
Yeah, really funny you fucking newfag
I like Dark Souls, but the game is not perfect, I wanted to see if the guy would bring some of the actual flaws.
>caring about this shit in our doggy dog world
I don't like Dark Souls, but this is a really poorly-written review.
Well, Souls is fucking dog shit.
Fanboys are never able to refute any points.
Edge souls fans really are getting defensive right now lmao
finally an opinion on dark souls 1 in the current year
The game is kind of boring, yeah. I didn't think it was bad, but I simply didn't care enough to finish it after Anor Londo.
Literally (yes) what DaS fans argued over the years and in the last few threads:
>shitty hitboxes
OMG, doesn't matter when the game is great, and have you never heard of shockwaves?
>awful FPS, literally dips to 10
Do you even play games or do you only care about FPS? When the game is great, FPS don't matter.
>monotonous gameplay, let enemy attack, walk to back, press button
Dude, the gameplay is GOAT.
>annual releases, no polishing
Who cares if the game is great?
>level design just corridors with walls left and right, can't climb anything which is a standard today, always dark
LMAO, the game is perfect. No one cares.
>trial and error
Ayy, this is what the game is about, you fail, then learn from your mistake and do it again. it's awesome.
>art design sometimes literally 1:1 copied from real life constructions and manga
Every artist gets inspired by things, this is totally OK. In fact, it's AMAZING.
>game is shit
OMG, git gud and something, something fedora.
>point out all From games suffer from Souls 2 flaws
N-no, only Souls 2 is bad.
>people overhype its difficulty
>actually pretty easy and finished soul level 1 run a while back
jesus christ
>diamond dozen
are you retarded?
baby's first non-casual game
>pic related, you
>edgy skyrim
>not casual
I didn't even have to watch this to know that OP and whoever made this video (probably OP) is a gigantic faggot
faggot just need to git gud to enjoy this game
Are you retarded?
Was that made entirely by a redditor?
>every video he does is purposely contrarian for views
>shit talking the voice acting of DS
Bait video indeed
But people don't say dark souls is without fault, everybody knows the second half is utter shit and there's lots of broken mechanics in it. 7/10 bait because it's working. Sage
Did the same and literally got the same results.
>Dark Souls fanboys btfo
>Posts video of some Salty PCucks opinion who never played demons souls
>Says at the beginning "I'm not going to tryhard here I dont care because this game is shit"
Are you mentally competent OP?
>edgy skyrim
Dark souls came before skyrim, don't see how it's edgy either
>DW "Dubstep in Doom" Terminator
The saying is "a dime a dozen" you fucking mongoloids