It seems many anons are playing their first Metroid.. I'm playing my second

cont.Metroid Remake 2 (a REAL METROID GAME)

Other urls found in this thread:

Why didn't they add filters? It doesn't look retro at all

Following a long silence on the game, Tanabe detailed the game further in a March 2016 Nintendo Direct, however an accompanying trailer on YouTube received a 2:1 dislike to like ratio (last recorded as 1,374 to 600) and had Nintendo disable the feature within hours of being available


>not even at bump limit


I have no issues with hard so far.



New links for your enjoyment !
MD5: cc2244b28c3a8f21acf256413319b3d3

#T0rrent added#

#2 mirrors added#

??mega link down due to... ??

Finally a ""new"" 2D Metroid game to play. What a time to be alive!

>here's a new powerup
>wait, before you get to try it and learn how it works, fight a boss first
>by the way, mastery of this powerup is required to beat the boss

Why the fuck is this allowed

>Using Linux

I'd say hard, I went with normal and it's been kind of disappointingly easy so far. Might even restart.

Well meme'd

Same here. Guess I'll restart .

Git gud.

Yeah 24 years new!

I want to get off Mr Metroid's Wild Ride

Is the bomb jump intended?
I can get anywhere I want vertically with no problem... and I'm not further than 30 mins into the game.


Has anyone tested what the actual differences are between normal and hard? I'm curious.

>trying to vilify Tanabe

How does this game compares to Super Metroid?

Better or mehish?

for how early you get good vertical abilities, it's not an issue

You can get space jump in 30 minutes

It's very ZMish.

Less missiles, and enemies do more damage

since you have less missiles, you need to make every shot count when facing metroids

Never played M2 but really enjoying this. How close is this to the original game layout/design wise?

The entire "The Tower" area is so fucking fun holy shit

The music reminds me of Deus Ex.



I laugh

It's not very good at all. It's a noble effort, but it's a whole mess of things.

Sprites are TOO DAMN BIG, music isn't very good, it's very claustrophobic, it's more linear than Other M or Fusion.

For a Gameboy game however, it's really sorta neat to see, but goddamn did it need a remake.

>all the surprises the team hid
>the Alpha Metroid that popped out of the rocks
>they now know how to avoid your missiles
>the Gamma Metroid transformation
Fuck, I'm afraid to see what else they put in store for me

im retarded, is there a way to get this to play one a crt monitor?

This is easily the best Metroid game ever made.

>shit talking poor Tanabe
What actually happened is probably more like this
>Other M sells sub 1 million
>full blown flop
>money for future games slashed
>C level approaches Tanabe
>asks him to make a game
>Tanabe realized his resources are now extremely limited
>puts out a little gaiden game instead of attaching Samus to a doomed project
You all should be thanking him. He's doing what he can with the hand Other M dealt him.

I dunno if it's accurate, but it feels very Prime-ish

Just finished it here.
Ask me anything.

I've gotten to the Eastern Cave area and now I'm stuck. I don't know where to find the super missiles or the speed booster. Any tips?

The remake is really well made though.

Milton "Father of Metroid" Guasti spent 24 years remaking this game for you, play it in glorious digital glory as he intended.

>music isn't very good

I'll wreck ur shit cunt.

some of the tracks are remixes of echo songs iirc

For a newbie like me who took 14 hours to beat Super Metroid I'm enjoying this better because I'm a fan of Metroid Zero Mission

>it's more linear than Other M or Fusion.
It's not don't believe in this liar

but Nintendo has billions in their vaults..

Not to mention, he's the dude that produced majority of the western outsource titles at Nintendo.

Is it just me or is it very linear?

sounds like a remix desu

Download link where?

>Other M
>full blown flop
In your fantasy maybe?

Prime's soundtrack is the most Super Metroid thing about it though.

metroid ii is VERY linear, i would imagine a remake of it would be too

Well.. actually Tanabe's main contribution is not destroying metroid with another Other M 2.0

Just gonna put this here.

Federation Force is a spin-off and it has solid gameplay.

>score cards

made it

Disney has billions of dollars in cash money too. Doesn't mean we're getting a 150 million John Carter followup.

Ok...about Other M

1) It had proper controls (supporting classic and pro)

2) If they didn't spent on retard dialog and trying to sell fragile Samus

3) If the gameplay had more 2.5D stages and NO AUTO-AIMING

if nintendo doesn't care to spend 100 million in prime 4 then they should really be a third party like Sega and fuck off with their memes

Well, I meant that he produced the Prime games, and even the other games Retro game.

Show queen metroid faggot

>Some dirty argentinian made a better metroid than nintendo ever could in the last decade

The question is: Who allowed Sakamoto to make his own Metroid game?

how retard can you be to allow such a thing?

>they should really be a third party like Sega and fuck off with their memes
You mean die, be bought by a pachinko company (maybe Konami?) and lose 99% of their IPs?

Sounds great.

how do i block the bitcoin miner

>goal was to sell over 1 million copies
>didn't sell over 1 million copies

he took a long ass time

It wasn't a flop.

By not being an umarufag

A delayed game is good eventually while a bad game is bad forever and all that.

what's the point of having IPs if they aim to sell Mario GOs with 2 minute gameplay on applestore?


>directed every Japanese made Metroid outside of 2
>every one got good reviews
>has a rather good track record as a producer

Nobody could have seen Other M coming. But it did.

Should I start with Metroid 1, Super, ZM or this one?

>what's the point of having IPs if they aim to sell Mario GOs with 2 minute gameplay on applestore?
Are you in an alternate universe or something? Niantic isn't Nintendo.

I'm retarded and replied to the wrong person. Fuck,

>fans release a remake of an ancient, long-forgotten Gameboy game for Metroid's 30th anniversary
>Nintendo can't even be bothered to make a tweet

Metroid Prime 3 is probably my favorite game of all time and this is how I'm treated

I'm gonna make you kiss me and then make tender love to me. I'm going to do it. But first, Happy Anniversary Samus!

ZM -> Super -> this -> never touch Metroid 1 and live a happy fulfilled life instead

>I'll ignore the objective measurement of success set by Nintendo themselves laalalalala not listening
Grow up. Get a job. At that job realize the sort of shitstorm that happens when you don't hit your numbers.

Then make a thread apologizing.

Super, the best game ever made>this>zm>memes

You are delusional if you think Nintendo is not doing shit games for applestore

>put in DS3 controller for testing purposes
>it somehow works without having to charge for 1 million hours, fidgeting with motioninjoy settings (yes I know...) or scp, or restarting the game

>it's more linear than Other M or Fusion.
it's a skip then

>>every one got good reviews
Like Other M?

>8.5/10 A huge step forward for Nintendo, a company that's been reluctant to push story over gameplay...An excellent experience with great, intense action and an engaging story that turns one of Nintendo's beloved characters into something more than a kick-ass bounty hunter.

>8.5/10 Other M is a strong departure from previous Metroid games, with fantastic combat and exciting bosses that make this another great entry in the series.

what do I do after the ambush in the dead research station? There was an earthquake but I have clue where it was

>Prime 3 favorite game of all time.

It's the worst of the Prime games though.

>can't be bothered to make a tweet
they dmca'd it instantly

how many years have you been here for dude

Eurogamer -
>8/10 The unlikeliest of developers has created a game that manages to encapsulate huge chunks of the series' traditions, even as it pushes it onwards in a slick new direction. Metroid has spliced its genes once again, and the results are typically fascinating.

>8/10 Other M dabbles in cinematic tricks and sensational set-pieces, but its strength is in the foundations: it builds an enveloping 3D world from straight lines and right angles, and ups the gears of its rewarding basics constantly. It offers an uncluttered slice of sci-fi action, a singular take on the thirdperson adventure, and a combat system of pared-down beauty.

Giant Bomb
>8/10 And it is really good, when its occasionally clumsy controls aren't getting in the way of your ability to enjoy it. Luckily, those moments occur a lot less frequently than the ones that make this game satisfying in all the same ways those old Metroid games were.

Why would you even install this shit, when you know about SCP? SCP works like a 360 controller.

>IGN -

They gave 8.5 before release. It doesn't count.
as long as it's not broken they would never give a nintendo game below 8.0

Should I play the original 2 before the remake? I decided I want to play them all in release order starting at the first since I have only played Super and some of Prime

>La Mulana 2
>Ghost Song
>Head Forth Alicia
>possibly Shantae

Longer than people have been assblasted over a single shitty game in the Metroid series.


>using 360 controller
>analog sticks are super sensitive
>going left aims down or up if im not directly holding left
>forced to use directional buttons
>every 360 pad i buy has fucked up almost useless directional buttons
>have to press down twice as hard just to go down, same with the right direction

>9/10 It's hard to completely fault the developers for their flaws because they've clearly made some admirably bold decisions to evolve a franchise that's near and dear to so many. And while it falls a bit short, Other M works as both a Metroid game and Wii title that should please old school fans, while attracting newcomers to a series that deserves a mainstream audience.

>9/10 At first, I wasn't sure that Metroid: Other M would be a proper Metroid game or even a fun one, but as its action intensified over the course of the adventure, it didn't take me long to dismiss the second concern. As for whether or not it's Metroid ... I finished the game with a 45-percent completion rate, and I'm currently going back through the map looking for hidden Energy and Missile Tanks. You tell me.

>9/10 Most notably, the game design is innovative and daring, straddling a precarious line between 2-D and 3-D gameplay to make a game that feels contemporary while retaining the classic Metroid appeal.

short answer:

What should I do after Space Jump? Kill the metroids as always? There is a place below that has is very dark, I killed some there but I think there is still more to explore.

I removed MiJ with command prompt a long time ago. I just used to use it a lot back then and thought I still had it.

just arrived from neogaf

Getting good reviews doesn't mean a game is good, particularly in an industry with such retarded and corrupt critics.