Hah... Chicago

Hah... Chicago

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What game?

I think you have the right number, dear.


Timesplitters 2

>On 29 November 2012, it was revealed that a group of fans were given permission to develop a TimeSplitters mod using CryEngine 3.[17] The project lead, Michael Hubicka, stated that the ultimate goal is to make it TimeSplitters 4 [18]

>It was announced that the development team would include some of the original members of Free Radical Design (now known as Crytek UK). The game would combine earlier elements of the trilogy and be named TimeSplitters Rewind. Eventually gaining Crytek's approval, thanks in part to a 75,000-strong petition from players, the development team intended to use CryEngine 3.
>The team said that, although the engine will give it more of a modern look, they "didn't plan on fixing something that isn't broken." They were allowed to use original assets from the series, and will still provide the classic feel and look the original TimeSplitters games did. It was expected to feature a multiplayer mode, to be free of charge on the PC, and a March 2013 announcement planned to have a demo by December 2013.[19]

>post yfw you cleared Siberia, Atom Smasher, and Robot Factory on hard mode

>Robot Factory on hard mode

Fucking hell nothing would die.

Except you.


In terms of design

Best level: Siberia
Worst: NeoTokyo

What the fuck was Timesplitters about? I just remember the first game being a bunch of nonsense.

In the first couple of games the plot was pretty much non-existent, but basically some Ayyy Lmaos with time travel technology are attacking humanity and not just beating them in the present time but jumping around the timestream and messing with history. So you jump around to different time periods and fight them there.

In the last game you begin with more or less the same setup, but it's revealed that the Ayyys are not actually from space but the creation of a mad scientist that you accidentally help discover time travel via time paradoxes, and you jump around trying to stop his plans.

You're right that it was a lot of nonsense, but it was often some pretty funny nonsense. Also the time travel idea is as good an excuse as any to give you a variety of theme levels.

I'm a sucker for Cyberpunk motifs, so I loved NeoTokyo's aesthetic. But yeah, Timesplitters 2 was not a game where a forced stealth section fit in at all.

Personally, I liked any of the haunted mansion/resident evil mansion type of levels.

First game has no story, just levels depicting different events as you played different characters, tied together by alien enemies called time splitters in each level.

Second game had a bit more plot, creatures called time splitters are at war with humans in the future and use time travel to try and cripple humanity. You play as two future space marines and go back in time and disguise (or quantium leap into?) certian characters of that time to stop the time splitters.

Third game has the most story, Cortez, the main character from the first one meets up with a female scientist to deliver some time crystals to the last functioning time machine in humanities last attempt to stop the time splitters.

In his mission Cortez discovers a scientist named Crow through a series of time paradoxes invents time travel and is trying to weave out a time line where he discovers immortality (inspired from when he was a novice scientist working for a company that researching a haunted mansion). It is revealed that in this time line where he creates immortality, he created the time splitters, which turn out to be genetically modified humans that were experiments in achieving an immortal form.

Robot Factory was suffering, but it was all worth it.

I heard


And I've had a belly full of it.

The plasma autorifle was fucking terrible

>tfw Siberia
>that music
>00:07 kicks in
>yfw Return to Planet X music started playing

Timesplitters had some great music.

based Graeme Norgate. Still listen to Goldeneye's ost from time to time

Bite my crunchy brown ass

The fly mutant guy in TS2 really unnerved me.

I don't remember this

I think he is called the Freak, finding pictures of TS characters is a pain.

Found it.

Reminder that JoBeth Casey is not wearing a bra in TS2 and you can see her nipples by zooming in with a sniper rifle. I saw this on the GCN version.

who holds the weapons?

The fly, the hitbox for the head is also the fly's.

Electrotools and flamethrowers only

Who else jerked off to Malone?

I fapped to Jo Beth Casey

I also forgot about this girl.

Yea it's time to SPLIT

Timesplitters had some nightmare fuel
Fucking Mr. Fleshcage

Post pics

NeoTokyo's ending campaign was such bullshit, but the design was great imo.

As corny as the mansion was in in Timesplitters Future Perfect it was pretty spooky.

I couldn't tell what was a result of scientific experiment or just ghosts doing shit.

The moose is loose


Who did you always main?
Robofish was my go to.

>tfw no TS movie with Vin Diesel as Cortez, Michael Fassbender as Captain Ash, Tom Cruise as Harry Tipper, and Emma Roberts as token Casey girl.