Thoughts on the series?

Thoughts on the series?

overrated as fuck. i always thought the god of war series were way better

I know this is bait but honestly GoW catches too much shit on here, it's pretty fun.

DMC1 and 3 are terrific, 2 is mediocre and 4 is pretty good.

Donte's game was worth a playthrough but the changes in characterization were just way too fucking jarring and I hated how easy it was.

gr8. Good fighting Mechanics with good characters. 2 and DmC were pretty fucking though.


>defending GoW
fuck off

I fucking love 3 to death.

God of War is ass.

DMC4 Dante is the epitome of an expert level action game character.

I don't like GoW, but desu it has some amazing set pieces.
People talked a lot about how amazing some fights in Bayo2 were, and GoW is up there too.
Too bad the gameplay sucks.

It's dead

Fucking this. Watching a good Dante player is mesmerising.

from which video was that again?

Really good. One of the few action games I know where the protagonist isn't a complete edgelord or just annoying to listen too.

>that style switching
I really don't know how people can get this quick with that shit.

Great game, had a lot of fun and the world and bosses are all memorable.
Quite short and combat was still being worked out though.

Disappointing. I can still recall most of the game and it's bosses, but I never bothered to play it again. Had very nice animations though.

No idea how they did it but this game is my favorite in the genre, a huge step up from 2 in every area.

Not a fan of playing as Nero, or the fact that they reuse everything for the second half of the game, gameplay is great but it's a shame it feels like half a game.
Special Edition letting you play as Vergil is a lot of fun though.

Played it through on all DMD, but even then I wasn't a huge fan.
The new Devil Trigger was very bizarre, also very lazy.
Every boss sucked, if Mundus didn't attack nothing would change and the Vergil fight is massively disappointing after DMC3.
Not a bad game, but I would prefer if they go for DMC5 instead of DmC2.

I wanna get into the series so i can play 4. DMC 1 is kinda ass though. I've tried playing it like 3 times.

DMC1 is fucking great.

>GOAT atmosphere, scarier than most horror games
>GOAT enemy design, iconic and scary as fuck
>GOAT story, mainline story where Villains plays a big role
>Decent gameplay, stiff but it's only the beginning
>Great artstyle
>Great music

DMC2 is fucking shit, but okay in some aspects

>Shitty gameplay, bosses and enemies
>Great music
>Introduced Trickster and weapon switching
>Devil Trigger is fucking awesome
>Despair Embodied is fucking great
>DMC2 Dante looks good

DMC3 needs no description. The cuhrazy game.

DMC4 could have been the best, but

>Not a mainline story

DMC4:SE is awesome but it came too late

>No new content

DmC is a tameme

>It has depth but barely compared to 3 and 4
>Only one good boss, all the rest are thrash
>Enemies are uninspiring
>Artstyle is good
>Donte is only fun for 3 seconds

Overall all games are great except 2

It's combat hasn't aged well.
3 is the first canonically though, so going straight there won't confuse you, and it has great mechanics.

Anyone who says 1 was superior is full of it.

>>GOAT atmosphere, scarier than most horror games
This. I went into DMC1 expecting cuhrayzee and I got one of the most atmospheric games ever.

>this game is my favorite in the genre
>The cuhrazy game

I second these opinions. 3 is now a turner classic to me and I replay it once a year.

>who waiting here for TGS
the struggle is real

Never played DMC but that webm is changing my mind.

I'm not expecting anything from them for now.
I still think Capcom is working on Deep Down and that will be released first.

EVERYONE should be forced to play 3 at some point in life.
That webem is a bit misleading since he is using style switching which isn't something you can do in 3 (unmodded), but you can pull off comboes nearly that hype without it.

I'm actually betting on the PSX rumor, which is being held in December

If we do get DMC5 at TGS, it'd be too early for anything really, except maybe a 10 second teaser or logo and announcement
>inb4 what you do mean "too early"
Itsuno said he started a new project in January of this year, and as much as I want to believe, I don't think that 9 months is enough time to even start progamming, coding, rendering, etc

Or they just prefer an action game with enemies worth a damn.

hey kojima got a teaser in like 2 months , there's still hope


I kinda preferred "Cuuh-ray-zee, huh?"

I loved the puzzle like elements of DMC1 in regards to how you fought enemies, especially the elemental weaknesses the enemies had.


And as for DMC3/4 I enjoy the depth of the combat system but holy shit the platforming and "puzzle" elements of those games need to fuck right off.

you still mad?

Check out TW101 if you haven't, it's basically a spiritual successor to DMC1 in terms of enemy design philosophy.

why would they do this to us

>another faggot who only played the first level of DMC3
>he didn't have to kill the giga nigga spider
>he didn't fight the angels like Gendo wanted
>he didn't deal with those fucking sloths in the third level
>he didn't fight a trio of grim reapers at once and heard for whom the bell tolls

But user DMC 1 had platforming too.

Custom button layouts.

What's the PSX rumour?

The platforming was optional, you could fly over everything with Devil Trigger

Compared to 3, 1 has incredible enemy placement, variety and design.

And 3 is still really, really good. Easier to prefer replaying 1 after knowing both inside-out.

>those tweets about vergil and DMC 2 days befor E3 no less

Style switching mod for DMC3 kinda breaks the game.

Pretty sure there was at least one forced platforming part.

Well fuck gonna borrow the hd collection from my friend then.

Yes but
1.) It wasn't shitty
2.) You could Vortex through all the mandatory platoforming

That's another thing: The Devil Trigger specific attacks were fucking cool in DMC1. It's a shame they weren't brought back in 3, for the most part.

Superb games with a few glaring flaws:
>Enemies are slow, meandering, lifeless and barely pose a threat to Dante until extreme difficulties due to absurd damage.
>Not enough innate defensive options in all styles.
>Garbage tier music.

Other than that, it's one of the few series I'll still pick up occasionally.

>Enemies are slow, meandering, lifeless and barely pose a threat to Dante until extreme difficulties due to absurd damage.
This flaw is only true of DMC3/4 however.

DMC1 was hard as shit even on the lower difficulties.

Nah, Arachnae and Hell Vanguard being the only enemies worth shit is not great for DMC3.

No one does videos of Arachnae that much, because it's not combo wank friendly like a DT Sloth, but it's vastly more fun to fight.

Fine fine. I'm fucking dumb. I never thought I could just fly my way across platforms and I play DMC1 every now and then.

>That's another thing: The Devil Trigger specific attacks were fucking cool in DMC1.
That was neat. I wish later games had more specific DT moves.

Which game had the best final boss?

DT is garbage in DMC3.

4 has them, they're generally terrible and leave you immobile for way too long.


I literally only used it for Devil Trigger Explosion, and nothing else.

I've got the fucking HD Collection and played 1 and 2, but can't finish 3. The combat and setting just feels so fucking different I can't force myself through it just like Yakuza 3.

Vergil > Mundus > Savior > Chaosfag

Everyone did, that and Nevan DT's health regen during Arkham DMD because DTE is weak there and the anti knockback of it is also useful.

3. Then 1. 2 and 4 are interchangeable with me, I don't really care for them much.

Oh yeah.

>2 is mediocre
>imply there is a 2 and the games weren't just 1, 3, 4.

They skipped 2 as a stylization choice, user.

>Guts got off the boat
>Liru got released
>and Uncle Dante still hasn't come back


and its not even close

I think you guys aren't giving this guy enough credit. He would be solid boss in any dmc game.


It was simply average.

3 was what kicked off the series to actually been GOAT.

You really can't even debate that Vergil 3 isn't the best final boss in the series. None of the other final bosses even come remotely close to how good that fight is.

This was a shitty boss fight because you were so limited in what you could do

It's not his fault, it's Dante and his stupid fucking controls.

>can't cancel out of animations
>it's safer to shoot upgraded guns than to swing the sword
>stinger covers no distance
>no alternate weapon moveset
>can't even parry the boss reliably

last guardian in 2 months

I'll admit my dislike of DMC2 is a part of why I don't care for it's final boss.

Though it doesn't help that the first form is just an amalgamation of other bosses(And Griffin I think? for some reason)

It DOES have one of Dante's best moments in that game however. So there's that.

1 might not be too great by today's standards but the game was groundbreaking when it came out in 2001.

Finished DMC1 for the first time (PS3 HD Collection), man that was fun. The combat was nowhere near as complex as say DMC3 or DMC4, but it was meaty enough to hold your interest as it threw more and more enemies at you.

DMC1 didn't feel like it overstayed its welcome. I would have liked more boss variety, but what it had, it was done so well done I'm almost afraid to think if it more for the sake of more would fucked things up with the pacing (see Dark Souls 2).

Playing DMC2 HD and bored to death right now.

DMC3 is fucking almost near perfection if it wasn't for the 1 or 2 levels at the near end with the worst padding I've seen in a game UNTIL

DMC4 happened. It was a game they stopped developing at the midway point and it shows. The Special Edition of DMC4 did nothing to fix the glaring lack of levels for Dante. DMC4 was too small of a game for 2 people and adding more characters isn't fixing the issue of not enough levels.

I have no comment on Ninja Theory's take on DmC: Devil May Cry or DONTE.

It's an ok boss that was unfortunately frontloaded by the second worst boss in the game. As well as being hindered by DMC2s botched controls. Despair embodied was a great idea that was hurt by its execution, much like every other final boss that isn't Vergil.

Oh yeah, I forgo to say but my favorite of the series is split between 3 and 4.

4 because I've always wanted Dante's skillset from DMC3 to go nuts without Style restriction HOWEVER the issue is most of the enemies from DMC4 are designed around Nero's abilities. And as such many of them are very defensive as opposed to the more hostile enemies Dante faced in previous games, many DMC4 enemies require Nero to break their guard and Dante's physics are a little off for me. It's why I say its so essential for DMC4 to have been completed, look at how DMC1 did so much despite having less moveset. They built the enemies around the skillset that Dante had.

So I'm faced with DMC3, which doesn't go as CUHRAZY as some of DMC4's bigger areas get but it is the far more complete product of the two. So if I feel like playing the campaign again then.

DMC3 > DMC1 > DMC4 scratches that campaign itch.

Then for the pure Stylish gameplay in like Bloody Palace

DMC4 > DMC3.

Playing DMC3

What button to use that time stop ability?

That's a Style from the horse boss and you get that near the halfway point of the game. You should also be upgrading the Devil Trigger first, then HP.

Late game unlock and it's styled used with L1 as it replaces regular DT

And tits. And gore.

I liked DmC for what it was. And I really enjoyed the story, voice acting and music. The music, as odd as it was, was really better than most DMC games.

Vergil > Sanctus > Argosax > Mundus

Which version of DMC4 is considered the bestbest and complete one?

IIRC he didn't specifically say that the project started in January. He said it was already underway

One of my favorite series of all time, even if it's just for 1, 3 and 4.
Replaying and relearning how to git gud at these games always makes me feel happy.

It also happens to have some of my favorite vidya characters: Dante and Vergil.
And watching any cutscene with Trish and Lady makes me geel horny without fail.

No user, 2 exists.

But it was renamed as "SMT: Nocturne" for some reason. Although it's also a pretty good game.

Lady > Trish > Kyrie's ass > Lucia > Kyrie

3>4>Donte May Cry>1>2

They lost the whole horror game with a super powered protagonist thing in the sequels. Feels like they could have done more with that.

This isn't RE

Let go, user.

You don't need to force yourself to this needless suffering.

I think God of War gets by on concept and setting. The combat isn't terribly deep, but the game's fairly demanding on the higher difficulties and hitting shit is satisfying.

I always wished the series would more openly capitalize on its qualities as broad action-adventure games by having better puzzles and more involved platforming, though. I'm still not sure what the fuck God of War 4 is trying to be, but I suspect it's in the wrong direction.

Fuck you.

has anyone else ever fantasized about winning the lottery and secretly funding DMC5 and keeping it totally hush-hush until E3 and then just dropping a reveal teaser at the very end of the Sony conference?

>tfw I'm one of the only faggots here who like Trish better than Lady
feeling pretty lonely

It was at one point

Hell, most of the enemies are some supernatural version of existing enemies from the original RE trilogy

Which character would Shinji main?

DMC4SE as long as you don't play it on a toaster.

Thoughts on the DMC anime?

She's a close second, there's no doubt about it, but Lady is just flat-out a best

3 is overrated and it doesn't have as much combo depth as the fanbase says it does.

They did in RE4, 5 and 6.

And to be honest the gameplay of 6 is pretty sick, but very few people have bothered to tap its potential.


I like it. It's comfy and had some good OG songs.

I'm one of the few who got exactly what I expected from it. Dante steamrolling through his average missions, and getting a glimpse of how his daily life is between the games.
The big bad villain was pretty lame though.

Why are DMC 3 kiddies so easily triggered?