Which is going to win the arena eff pee ess meme of 2017?

which is going to win the arena eff pee ess meme of 2017?

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none of them. The arena fps genre is dead

Probably Quake Champions because it has shitty character abilities than all the plebs seem to love.

Quake Champions: Diabotical is going to suffer the same fate as every other no-name arena shooter revival and be forgotten instantly and Unreal Tournament will never leave pre-alpha.

ut4 is complete shit and is an insult to anyone who is a fan of the series

It's literally just UT99 in UE4. I'm actually mad that 99fags are killing the game by preventing anything that was added in 2k4 or 3.


>Diabwhatever is a meme games
>UT4 has little to no support from Lepic thanks to their flop of a MOBA

Quake is heralded as a cornerstone in arena FPS and already has a head start thanks to the approval Doom got. The personal abilities hurt the game's initial influence but they're probably going to phase in classic mode for the next Quakecon tourney.

i have some QC gameplay, just wait a moment


Overwatch has already won the 2016 to 2060 arena eff pee ess meme awards

Get over it, your "hardcore realism" games just won't ever be popular.

>Epic fell for the early access meme and F2P meme at the same time
>All their games will be DoA and the only thing keeping them afloat is their engine

overwatch isn't an arena shooter, even the devs dont think its an arena shooter

it's an arena shooter moba hybrid fps telltale-esque adventure story rich soulsborne title with a tight brit girl

so FUCK right off


Sure mate sure.

Got any more familia?

looks like quake gameplay, but that colored lighting saturation is off the fucking charts

I was talking about the art style and not the mechanics, we all fucking know humans can't leap 500 ft into the air and snipe some fatass cunt


>art style
Quake has a gritty artstyle, not a realistic one. Different things altogether

UT has a sci-fi artstyle and revels in unrealistic sci fi shit, so I don't know what you are talking about there.

Quake and UT4
If Epic gets their shit together they can get it done in 2017

overwatch = pixar

UT = star wars trek

quake = lovecraftian space battle AKA "I hate niggers in the future"

>falling for bait
get out of Sup Forums

>not realistic

the UT team aren't UT players and have not been listening to the players for two years now

Looks interesting.

Looks better than the D44M gameplay we got around the same time in development, so I say this is going to be fine.


Everything is completely fucked with the gameplay. Crucial issues that deserve to be fixed first have been set aside for a mode no one gives a shit about and "matchmaking"

>Rockets are too slow to get direct hits, but splash is ridiculously large so its noob friendly
>flak removes an entire stack with one good shot, you are never allowed to get close to someone with a flak
>the player scale is fucked up, will link video at bottom that explains it
>not being client side hit registration causes consistency and netcode issues
>sniper and shock nerfed over and over
>acceleration buffed with strafing combined with smaller player scaling makes the model spaz out during combat
>major bugs still in the game

Basically imagine crap weapon balance and shitty lag issues going unfixed in favor of a CSGO rip off mode and matchmaking no one can really use at this point because everyone just does pugs anyway




>you are never allowed to get close to someone with a flak
thats the point?

In what universe is a giant eyeball with tentacles realistic?

He says after doom and wolfenstein sold like hotcakes.

having a weapon so strong that it creates unwinnable situations makes everyone run away and use shock rifle combos or rockets to keep you away, ensuring two things:

1. You can never win a close range engagement against someone with the flak. Your armor stack is quite literally useless.

2. Since no one wants to fight up close to the flak, they are in a constant state of running away

These two things combined means that high level play consists of poking each other with the sniper and the shock rifle. The flak and rocket launcher only exist to make sure they don't get close to each other, otherwise they just poke each other for ten minutes straight.

This also creates a bad sitaution where if you have an armor stack, but are behind in a duel in frags, you cannot catch up because your opponent can constantly run away. It is not uncommon on maps like asdf for players to get a one frag lead, and then end the match 1-0

I'd say it being and offscreen recording really doesn't help. The actual trailer doesn't look that bloomed out at all.

diabotical won't go anywhere it's just the latest "revive the genre" game that nobody gives a shit about after a week of release
QC will probably do pretty well if it's f2p at least until other games draw the playerbase away
UT is pretty much an open mod project and will be around for as long as UE4 is relevant

you forgot rogue-like

gritty /= realistic

Overwatch already did this. they won.

Not that user, but you can strive for realism while simultaneously allowing for enough artistic expression to create monsters.

Quake. UT is already dead and that indie garbage is laughable and will be shitcanned with the rest of the dead arena shooters.

It's not a rogue like experience, at least not until sombra is released.

>That second video

Buncha virgins.

>tfw we all forgot about this

Quake Champions will preform the best. I don't know why Arena fans are frothing at the mouth at the announcement of player classes. Companies aren't going to profit by remaking quake 3.

Diabotical will flop like every Arena shooter remake. Unreal Will stay dead.

not even e-celeb shilling could save this crap
it's not even classes just stupid gimmicks
I still think it looks like shit but the overwatch comparison is completely unfounded

I'm in the alpha. It's actually pretty neat, lots of speed once you get used to it. There is a big lack of content though. And yeah, it's an alpha but there is only one class slot after the current four and I'm not sure if there are more planned.

Okay I see, that's pretty awful, how long have some of those problems been in the game?

>player deaths are weapon icons and not text descriptions
fucking why, please tell me thats an option you can change

Quake Champions already looks fucking dog shit.
UT4 is fucking dog shit.
Diabotical could potentially not be dog shit.

Time will tell.

whichever is the fastest

Didn't John Romero start some arena shooter kikestarter?

>Diabotical could potentially not be dog shit.

>Quake Champions already looks fucking dog shit.


They made a kickstarter then cancelled it to make a playable demo. Good on them I guess but they will probably actually lose backers this way.
Also, it's more singleplayer focused, though it will have deathmatch.

X-ray vision

>I'm scared of new things

What if there's a 'classic quake' mode?

It won't matter, fags like him bitch and complain about not getting arena shooters anymore, then some actually come out and they don't play them. They just want to bitch about 'the good old days' because they have nothing left.

From what I read in about the player skills, it seems like they have some advantages that could really alter how you play especially when a game is blatantly advertising "PURE SKILL"

There are characters that allow you to turn invisible for a bit, one with a charge mechanic, one with a wall-hack ability, one that can throw teleporters, and one that has a hoverboard (to go faster, I guess?). So, the comparison to Overwatch is a little unjustified, yes. But these things seem like more than gimmicks and actual things that could level the playing field if you're not playing the right character. And I don't think that's what Quake was based on.

>Implying having either of those things is anything but dog shit in Quake.

If it has a classic quake mode then it should be fine.

two years. server side hit registration has been kept for two years, out of choice, not because it's difficult to code client side hit registration.

If you don't know hot registration is handled, basically imagine all the players are talking to a host, telling the host where they are and where they shot. The server tells all the other players this info as well.

So if you see an enemy, you see a past position of the enemy. It is their latency plus your latency delayed, so if you have 50 ping and they have 50 ping, you're basically seeing where the enemy was .1 seconds ago.

At higher pings, this starts to become something like half a second when you take into account that the server takes time to think about this info. In that half second, people can dodge great distances and shoot another rocket.

Client side hit registration means that even though it's an after image from the past, if you accurately shoot the after image, you tell the host that you damaged that player, and then the host tells the player that you damaged them.

But with server side hit registration, You tell the host where you shot, and then the server decides if you hit anybody. Basically, the image you on your screen is inaccurate, so even if you get a headshot, the enemy might have moved and you get nothing basically. It's frustrating because you felt like you accurate shot someone.

Client side hit registration has been the norm since quake 3 back in 1999, but the UT devs haven't added it BECAUSE THE UT DEVS HAVE NEVER PLAYED AN ARENA SHOOTER IN THEIR LIVES



>enjoying the fuck out of UT
>backed Diabotical due to enjoyment of UT and Quake III/Quake Live
>new Quake looks real boring visually but will probably be fun too

yay video games

Overwatch is hell, I fucking despise it and only have fun playing Torb. I still play it daily.

This is atrocious and worse than I thought

it does. I swear no one on this board actually researches anything

I dunno man I kinda like the new unreal

but I'm an ultra casual faggot, and I don't play it very often

Hey look I found me.

>lovecraftian space battle AKA "I hate niggers in the future"

Ah fuck, that's actually funny.

It doesn't look awful, but the weapons in game look exceedingly limited and I really doubt the game will take off at all. It's so hard for no name Arena FPS games to take off.

Are there /any/ active servers around? Every time I've downloaded it, it's just been totally fucking dead m8

Googling "Quake champions classic mode" brings up nothing about this supposed mode.

maybe you should have watched one of the two tim willits interviews that happened in the last two months

Quake Live still gets players, unsure about the new UT, haven't even tried it in months.

I really don't see the point.
The people who want to play classic quake are going to play Quake, Quake 2, Quake 3 and Quake Live. They probably also played xonotic and warsow and the billion other arena shooter clones that tried and failed A couple people who got the game for nostalgia's sake will play that mode for a few games, then either go back to the main class based modes or move on entirely.

many veterans have been taking a break from the game or have stopped entirely

Oh, yeah, I know QL is still around. Played a few matches earlier, actually before playing OW. Remembered why, upon release, I felt like I was running in wet fucking sand.

Anything close to an arena shooter other than QL seems utterly dead...

After seeing the cinematic trailer and the gameplay trailer I really couldn't have cared less.

not him, but personally i've watched a few interviews and he hasn't confirmed duel with equal starts. duel seems like it'll obviously happen, but i'm worried they'll try to shove abilities into that

It's shitty cam footage, at least there's a real trailer to reference by.

lol, keep trying to look cool by saying you don't care. It's not like you got mad that I didn't spoonfeed you the info you cared enough to ask for

fucking newfags, I swear

You try too hard.

>Arena FPS

Pick one

I don't care if I try hard, you whined like a little bitch for info, then when I didn't spoonfeed it to you, you acted like you didnt care

sure is summer. just lurk another good 6 months before you start posting

>arena FPS
>PC exclusive genre
>PC anything doing well in a console-dominated industry

It's kind of fucking ironic that PC became LESS relevant as a platform despite Steam, for better or for worse, making the platform much more popular than it ever was. At least back in 5th and 6th gen, you didn't need to wait a fucking decade to get a port of random ass Jap games, they usually came within the following year.

this makes me so fucking mad

Havent enjoyed the new unreal. Quake champions looks good, I have my highest hopes in diabotical.

ReflexFPS is looking the best so far
but maybe I'm just saying that because its the only arena game that Australians play.

How active is reflex?

Doesn't Diabotical only have like 4 different weapons? The game looks exceedingly limited compared to any other arena fps game.

Diabotical is vaporware and UT4 seems to be making extremely slow progress.

So Quake Champions by default, which is fucking depressing to say.

Maybe Reflex if we're lucky

As far as I can see its the most popular one besides quake live.
They average about 40+ players at all times, and each day gets a peak of 70+. Tournaments occur quite often.

I haven't played much recently, but I only had to wait 10 mins to get 3 opponents on a 1v1 server.

doom and doom 2 are arena fps. wolfenstein 3d didn't even have multiplayer and the ones after that were tactical fps in the MP iirc