Why is pic related best Zelda?
Why is pic related best Zelda?
She has far more personality than most other incarnations of Zelda, to be honest.
She's GOOD.
but she was flat
God I want Zelda to cuck me
She's a nice second place.
>more personality
>you have to have an excited personality to be considered more
Fucking neo faggots
>another Zelda thread
Jesus christ it sure is boring around here
I want to fug autist Zeruda
Just be glad it's not another overwatch or street fighter waifu thread.
You've got to be kidding
My boy, these Zelda threads are what all true virgins strive for!
would you rather have nu-males sky threads?
Your majesty, shitposters and waifufags have seized the board of Sup Forums
I just wonder what the mods are up to
That art seems familiar
Hmm, how can we help?
Man, you need to play Spirit Tracks.
I want to be Zelda
Is that Dusty Gazongas?
Well that's... GOOD.
If it meant getting fucked by Link and wearing pretty dresses hell yeah
n-no homo
Now I want Ganon to come in and rape "her".
It's been a long time since we had some good old fashion legoman posting. Nothing is more effective at rustling the shippers than Legoman.
She looks really cute on the right
The cum I've spilled to his art could fill a barrel. No shame.
voice acting always on point
I wish he did more vaginal though.
I like his art, but for whatever reason, I can't fap to it. Glad he's getting into 3D though. I think he'll do well with that. He'll probably end up doing great ass physics too.
Why does she look baked?
fucking SAVAGE
is he ever going to finish the zelda ntr comic?
the few pics he made are fuckin amazing
Wii U
i like his art a lot but his faces, feet and dicks need some improving
lots of same face, the way he draws feet and dicks is weird and samey too
That was years ago. He's probably moved on.
really? damn
well what ever i hope his 3d game is good
what hes posted so far is good af
CDI Zelda is a fucking stone cold killing machine.
TP Zelda best Zelda
His feet and hands used to be some of the best. But he started drawing them oddly small. Lots of artists do this. Where, for the time they're extra persnickety about just getting certain things right, they show a great deal of skill. And then they get over the hump, and fall into a comfort zone. They start skewing proportions, because they're to comfortable with their style.
cause it hasnt been post yet
he never said that. calm down dweeb
thats what bothers me so much
they look good but they are fuckin tiny
i feel like he has been getting better with faces though
they still look a like but i feel like hes getting better
>that artist's other works
I know exactly why I got this boner.
i love when fanart puts cdi characters in with regular characters
also does anyone know anything about the voice actors for this game?
no it's zelda
hilarious and original
he come to town
>you can fuck Saria or Medley so we're even
But what if he already did ?
Here's your hint
i'm here all night
>Thread leaks into NTR shit.
fuck you
no thanks i'm taken
I'll show you who's boss of this board.
Fucking thank you.
Legoman's art is great but his expressions are almost exactly the same across the board.
>Fucking thank you.
What? You never heard this before? It's literally the first thing everyone says in regards to Legoman. Not exactly a damning statement.
These aren't even funny.
he's a big guy
fuck you
um what's going on
i don't get it
Gay porn and shit memes instead of Zelda.
Post more like this
which one is the one that sounds like anzu and it has werid bubbly fairy music in the background then at the end "she" starts making sucking you off noises?
Think it starts with konichiwa. Don't know why you faggots save vocaroo's like that.
>not saving vocaroos like that
Ha, you jest.
reminds me of the big bang theory girl.
I miss Maou Alba's old faces. He should have kept them and use his new ones with them.
Not the same artist as OP.
That's everybody's face when Legoman
Penny has some sad ass tits. And isnt even hot anymore, shes damn old. Dunno where all the hype about her comes from
>Tp zelda is le edge even though she gets kidnapped all the same and does even less than oot zelda who ruined everything
I want muh grimdark fags to leave
She was really cute in the beginning of BBT and before that. She then turned into a wannabe Jadah Plinkett Smith over the years.
in the original picture, she was just plain uninterested
not grimdark at all
This hasn't devolved into ytp posting yet?
Her bubble butt.
are we in pennsylvania?
Jesus, I don't know what's worse. The unironic TBBT discussion happening right now. Or Ireland lowing the bar once again for asses. For fucks sake.
it happens
Not everyone prefers fake nicki minaj asses.
It does look better there. I'll give it to you. The other picture was not flattering.