ITT: Games that killed a franchise

What went wrong?

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I haven't gotten very far into this game. I have it on Wii U.

Ninja gaiden 2 was so ducking good

those stupid fucking executions

Is Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 good? I only have a PS3, so I can't play the original on Xbox.

It's fine if you can get over the censorship.

I couldn't, thus I find the game abhorrent.

You gotta be fucking kidding, mate.

There's a minimal amount of blood in it. Any of the truly gruesome things you can do (like decapitations) turn all the blood into wisps of purple mist.

the big downside is no blood spatter, the gameplay is the same, and graphics and framerate are solid 1080p 60fps

The majority of the prominent Tecmo employees that created Team Ninja left, leaving the underlings and interns to keep making NG and DoA games.

Making pretty graphics is one thing, making good games is another (which isn't to say Itagaki's latest bullshit is any good).

What the fuck? Why?

I remember Ninja Gaiden 2 being gory as fuck.

Literally W H Y

Beats me.

I think it was made after Itagaki left but they made NG3 gory again so I have no clue why they had to neuter NGS2.

Team Ninja said they're open to the idea of making a new one when they're finished with Nioh.

So fucking stupid. I'm glad I played the 360 version

No Itagaki, retarded QTEs, dumbed down combat system. I did like Razor's edge but the damage was done by then. And then they put THIS final nail in the coffin.


At least Yaiba and RE are better than this monstrosity.

The ones you dismember in sigma 2 go for suicides first chance you they get and there became an issue with spotting those motherfuckers in crowds when it came to mentor and master ninja mode be the suicides became cheap one hit deaths. The purple mist helps warn you about those guys because in Xbox sigma 2 you cut off limbs and barely thought much about it

What the fuck even was that game?
What was the point of it?
I....I don't even....

>Beats me.
It was because they couldn't get it to run properly on the PS3. That's why the framerate goes to absolute shit at points and why they removed a ton of enemies in some levels.
The differences aren't just superficial. Besides the lack of gore, they had to compromise on a lot of things to get it running on the PS3

what is this
>From Software

From probably ask themselves the same question on a regular basis.

>No Itagaki

And yet DoA reached a new apex without him both in terms of fighting competency AND sexual appeal. How about that?

RE might be but Yaiba certainly isn't. Ninja Blade isn't good but it's far better than the shitpile that is Yaiba.

pc port when

>And yet DoA reached a new apex without him both in terms of fighting competency AND sexual appeal.

Also shitty business practices and fan exploitation. But yeah DOA5 is great and the series may be better off without him (I won't say for sure until DOA6 comes out and is good too). But NG sure as fuck isn't.

Source code for NG '04 and vanilla NG2 is missing.

And let's face it, it's not like there's much of a demand for it. Plus KT are doing financially fairly well as far as Japanese publishers go, they're not some tiny one that have to scrape up pocket change through every available avenue just to stay afloat.


>Original NG2 with all the gore and extra content from Sigma 2 in 1080p60p with mods

Speaking of ol' Oatmeal Face, was there ever any hope for Devil's Third?

To reduce the slowdown. The framerate is more consistent than the original version because of this.

>And yet DoA reached a new apex without him
It didn't, it became waifushit wank fuel for chronic mastubators. At least back then the combat system could be taken semi-seriously and you could have some manner of tournament around it. Now it's just playing dress-up with big-tittied samefaces for screenshots.


Yeah, back when THQ were still alive. After that though? Nah.

I'll be curious what's next for him, though. I'd like him to do what Kamiya did with Bayonetta and come out with not-Ninja Gaiden, but he'd still come off as a hypocrite, considering what he said about Kamiya and Bayo at the time.

It's not as bad as it's made out to be. Had it released when it was originally supposed to and didn't have to switch between multiple engines it would have been an okay game.


>wall combos no longer bullshit because you can hold against a wall
>sidestepping more useful by having a command sidestep as opposed to free stepping

Yeah, they sure wrecked the game. Dingus.


I could live without the extra content in Sigma 2. It felt tacked on and pointless. Even Razor's Edge had better extras.
Hell, I'd take a Razor's Edge port over a Sigma 2 port.

I have it, I'm not saying I'm pissing on it for meme value.

The ADS mode could be a lot tighter (aiming in ADS mode is terrible) and the enemy AI is on the scripted side but I like what he was going for with the differing combat options.

>Refuse to port any other NG game, but ports over Yaiba when no one asked

What the fuck

That doesn't explain the barren levels and reduced geometry and resolution.

Oh they tweaked two things in like 4 games, what a paradigm changer. They also focused entirely on the female character models and the combat took second stage, because they wanted to sell copies instead of making a fighting game.
It's one thing to spend hundreds on alternate costumes, it's another to be delusional and pretend it's still a fighting game series.

>considering what he said about Kamiya and Bayo
what did he say?

Fuck you you lying sack of shit.

They significantly lowered the enemy count and to compensate made all of the enemies fucking hit sponges. They changed the way upgrades worked (you can only do one per chapter, I think,) removed the Windmill Shuriken and Incendiary Shurikens, Werewolves no longer throw dismembered limbs at you because of the censorship, added two shitty "Giant thing at the end of the stage" bosses, force you to play as the girls during the main story.

The list goes on. The censorship is annoying but far from the reason Sigma 2 is shit.

NG2 was made for 360 architecture.
A straight port would've fucked eveything up even worse.

Sigma 2 runs at a higher res and better graphics.

the ps3 is a piece of shit

sure, it's powerful in theory but apparently no one knew how to use that power

Those changes helped a fucking lot over how b/s DoA4 could be.

>"If I made a similar game as a game I made in the company I quit, people would say, 'What an idiot, can't he make anything else?' Well, that is more or less the opinion I have for, uh, that Bayo-something game," says Itagaki in a recent interview. "... Covered in hair, is she? I dunno, Mr. Kamiya must have a lot going through his head. Well, in any case, I would first recommend laser eye surgery. I'm sure he's not that strapped for cash, right?"

Kamiya and Itagaki had a minor feud of sorts going as far back as a decade; Kamiya said something like "Ninja Gaiden didn't have the spark that made me wanna play it" or something to that effect; Itagaki was quite vocal about how much he disliked Okami.

But Razor's Edge is good tho!

I forgot this was a thing. How bad was it?

>Sigma 2 runs at a higher res and better graphics.
Wrong, it runs at a lower resolution and HAHAHAHAHA @ the graphics being better. Get fucked.

How's the Wii U version? I thought about picking it up a couple of times

Game itself is basically a really, really average action platformer with crap writing; some good art direction and character designs, though.

You know it, I know it, we all fucking know it.

>better graphics. the p-power of he Cell??!!!!

Kamiya is too casual for Ninja Gaiden. Itagaki has ADD and couldn't enjoy Okami.


Look at the torches in your own pic. Specifically, the lighting around them.

Funnily enough, the same thing happened to the original trilogy.


>with crap writing
take a succ

this unfortunately


It's way below average. There aren't many in the genre worse than it.

Definitely weaker than the two before it, but it isn't a bad game. I miss 2D Ninja Gaiden.

Not him, but higher resolution and better lighting doesn't make up for the gimped enemy count. The amount of enemies onscreen in Sigma 2 compared to the original is laughable. It's a shit port.

This shit killed this franchise.

Because of this unfinished piece of shit we got DmC and we'll never get DMC5.

4 may not have been a bad game, but it certainly is the reason why Capcom took the series in its current direction.

>limited lifes
The guy who thought this was a good idea should get punched in the face.


The increase in resolution was nominal, it went from 1120x585 on the 360 to 720p on the PS3.
Everything else suffered because of it, lighting, geometry, post processing and enemy placement included. The dips in framerate on the 360 somehow stayed with Sigma, even though it was much emptier overall.

who is the edgiest, yaiba or donte?

anyone got to play the sigma ports in vita? it is good? I wanna buy them.

But user, that's not actually a bad game.

>Bad installments are bad games.


Correction there, Sigma 2 does run at a slightly higher resolution. Everything else is worse, though.

>All that salt

For what purpose? To what end?

>To reduce the slowdown.
Are you shitting me? Vanilla NGII has more enemies on screen than Sigma II.

It seems the pretty torches made you forget how to count.

1 is solid but 30fps
2 is a fucking mess

30 fps and awful controls. Avoid them.


>that's not actually a bad game.
>An unfinished game is NOT a bad game
>The main protag is unfinished
>The world is unfinished

First day, or just 12 years old?

If by "killed" you mean "sensationalized" or "centupled the sales of", then you would be correct.

Yaiba, but at least he treated like the joke he is in-game and Ryu gets the upper hand on him.

They are barely passable, get it if only you are that curious, there some glaring framerate drops, not so much in Sigma Plus one since they downgraded the graphics in order to run better, but with Sigma Plus 2 they tried to make the graphics as close as possible with the original so the framerate dips like mad.

5 was the one that killed the series.
RE4 gave the series new life and potential, but Capcom wanted the GOW crowd and instead, we got a silly story that takes itself too seriously, a dumb co-op character that has no purpose in the plot, no horror and a bunch of difficulty spikes because Sheva's AI is trash.

I actually enjoyed this game . I guess I was a little nostalgic at the time about Shinobi (PS2) and didn't have another ninja game. It's not shit but the gameplay was a solid 7 in my book

Out of arguments so we bitch about an @? What a megafaggot.

No idea who started it, but here's what Itagaki had to say about Okami a while back when he was doing promo interviews for NG2.

>"My daughter tried playing Okami, and she got sick of it pretty quickly-and I got pretty sick of it, too. And I'm not out to make this an Okami bashing session or anything — I'm just saying that it didn't feel like it had much of a spirit. It's unique, but it's not a powerful fighter plane... So I heard Kamiya said something about the action genre not moving forward in eight years. Can you tell me more about that?"

>Apparently, Kamiya said the action genre hasn't moved forward since the release of the first Devil May Cry. To which Itagaki replied:

>"Was he asleep for eight years? ...There are two types of people out there who like to make controversial, splashy comments. There are those who are truly outspoken, and there are those who are just trying to cover up for there weaknesses. We have a saying here in Japan — "the weaker dog barks more" — and I sincerely also like to remind him to make sure to stay awake for the next years."

You don't know Itagaki? He used to trash talk a shitload of people when he was on the rise, being backed by M$ for making the perfection that is Black.

Notice how his complaints towards what of became of DOA under his absence is very tame compared to what he used to say, Itagaki is just "I'm deeply concerned about how my daughters are being handled, I hope one day I can fix this somehow".

>It didn't, it became waifushit wank fuel for chronic mastubators
That's what it always was, don't kid yourself.

>At least back then the combat system could be taken semi-seriously
Are you fucking kidding? It was shallow as a puddle. This coming from someone who loved DOA 3 & 4.
Can't speak to the quality of DOA5, having never played it, but everything I hear is that it's actually a respectable fighter.

>and I sincerely also like to remind him to make sure to stay awake for the next years

This just makes Devil's Third even more funny.

It couldn't recover the back fire of vanilla 3 because of Wiiu timed exclusivity thou

I hope oatmill cookie san becomes relevant again so we can get more of this

>Can't speak to the quality of DOA5
Well that was sort of the point, why even bother replying. The gameplay was based on reactions to the other player and which attack would trump the opposing one. It was never super deep but it had its own identity. 4 and 5 did absolutely nothing to add to it.

To be fair, I'd kinda be inclined to give Itagaki a bit of leeway on Devil's Third being crap thanks to the floor going out from under him when THQ went bust.

Seriously though, can you imagine what a nightmare Itagaki would be to deal with, particularly on a day-to-day basis? Apparently some Japanese journalist said that Kou Shibusawa told him off the record that he was happy that Itagaki had gone by the time of the KT merger on the basis that he didn't want to have to "spend half my time cleaning up after him".

They aren't as deep as Tekken (they aren't as clunky either) but they are no less deep than stuff like Soul Calibur or KI or MK. I mean if only the deepest games matter than VF is the only fighter worth playing.