How's your rank coming along?
How's your rank coming along?
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Is that real?
And I thought I was bad being rank 50
you are
Didn't that one guy who wanted to reach rank 1 get banned or something?
you are
There was a guy who reached rank 1 and got banned because he posted about it on the Bnet forums.
Why would he get banned? Honestly curious
I would assume he was intentionally losing/sabotaging his teammates
Probably because he purposely tried to lose every match and fucked over his team mates every game
He was being a deliberate shit and fucking over his team as Mei, impeding his team's chance at winning by blocking them and being belligerent.
You are literally average, which is okay.
So he was an average memebody player?
What he was doing was pretty obvious trolling (walling teammates with Mae, teleporters on cliff edge). Other people climb down by doing things like only playing snipers and purposely playing as bad as possible so it's less obvious.
this is probably harder to achieve than rank 70
>being average is okay
It's better than half the players, worse than half, and is the target for most balancing.
It's alright. Life could be treating you worse.
Is dropping down to rank 1 then clawing back to your original rank for easy exp a viable strategy?
Right now it takes 80 minutes minimum to rank up.
>Win 9 out of 10 placement matches thanks to each match letting myself and one or two guys working together really well
>Placed Rank 64
>Haven't won a single game since, EVERY random group has been absolutely uncoordinated lone wolf idiots
>Fell all the way down to 52
Why would you even do that? What's the benefit of deranking that low?
What about all the time you spent on purposefully losing?
Nearing 72.
Some people just want to be Number 1
he wants to be number 1
Once you go below 20 you start losing rank in extremely tiny increments.
for the lulz
It'll likely be a stomp so 12 minutes to rank down
This was my experience exactly. I don't understand why the post-placement experience got so much worse. Those placement matches were really fun.
Prove it.
>tfw in the top 500
>solo queued it all the way
Got luck I guess
To see what it's like that low. See the type of people you're grouped with.
stopped playing though got bored and no motive after top 500
In terms of player skill, 20s seems to be the floor. Anyone below that is intentionally ranking down.
Try to keep it until the season ends, chances are you'll get a shitton of comp points for those gold guns
Probably because in your placement matches you played with and against people destined for 30s AND 60s instead of just people around your level.
no i wont
you only need 65+ top ranking for the comp points
so dumb you get nothing more for being higher than 65
You don't have to keep it. being top 500 at any time during the season gives him shit.
You get 300 points if you are 65 or above. No more than that, though
But this would not be true toward the end of placement, right? Those matches were still good.
I't probably because this season 65+ is top 3% of all players.
try getting 71 playing solo faggit
I just starting playing my placement games and so far I'm 4-1 and the only reason why I lost the one game is because quitting fag, and I even won a 5v6. So far the people has been complete ass, so at least maybe I might go 9-1
oh nice
>If at any point during the season you managed to break into the Top 500 players on your platform (and in your region), you’ll receive an extra player icon and animated spray on top of the other seasonal rewards.
Hey, user. How much lower can you go? What happens at rank 1? does the game autoban you or are you forced to play against super easy bots?
Don't forget
Lower rank means shitter enemies but it also means shitter teammates
Also cheap strategies like reinhardt bastion combo that wrecks your shitter teammates
That's not what an average is you retard. That would apply if he were the median player.
you must be really good, you're just 1 away from being #1
You eventually loop around and start playing with Seagull and crew.
went up to 64, now down to 59. Need to reach 65 to get my gold gun this season, frustrating as fuck
My first comp game had 3 genjis
Fuck every single one of you who got lucky with team mates
>tfw I played support in 7/10 placement matches back when placement was broken
My rank never recovered.
I thought you can only pick one of each heroes per side in competitive mode?
Not at release.
It was before the patch
they added the one hero per side during the ana patch
>play Lucio
>getting golden gun is pointless because one of his skins already has one
Some of the heroes are pointless for getting them. Only Reinhardt, pharah and Reapér look cool
How does the post-season bonus points work? My season high was 62. Do I get nothing? Or just a smaller amount (than the 300 someone mentioned ITT)?
Carbon Fiber Dva + Golden Gun is perfect.
Nice, I can dig it.
>Placed 51
>Season high of 67
>Currently stabilizing around 65
Had one instance where I tilted all the back into the lower 50's one weekend and jesus christ, its like night and day.
If you're trying to get out of the 50's, just use voice chat. 90% of 50's matches are silent till a team loses and starts bitching in all chat. Every 60+ match will at least have a couple people calling out targets.
I hope they add more uses for competitive points so I'm not just seeing a sea of gaudy gold guns everywhere every match by the end of the year.
>Reached 65 on console
>Pharah's just BTFO of everybody because most still can't aim
I'd imagine anyone using an XIM on console are utterly obliterating everyone on console.
>Been trying for a while to reach rank 50
>Hit 49 & 1/2 a bar to 50
>Lose so much
>Currently 41
It sucks because I have no American friends to play with, but a handful of European friends who play constantly.
I can't play with them because shit ping.
>playing solo
Hi Ster
>If you're trying to get out of the 50's, just use voice chat. 90% of 50's matches are silent till a team loses and starts bitching in all chat.
Im stuck in 50 and thats so true
>whole team is in voice chat but no one is talking
>I give call outs for my team to help them out even if I'm the only one talking
>go out of my way to not sound like an asshole when giving call outs so if they're shy over speaking on mic they have someone to talk to that won't be an asshole no matter how good or bad they are, if they do decide to talk.
>someone tells me to "stfu, faget" mid game
>chat erupts into Lols and insults
>they start talking over text chat
>but all they are doing is insulting each other
>we lose.
I tried, but randoms don't want to cooperate.
I'm at 70 solo
Shows ur not a limped dick fag that gets carried all the time
Because playing with a team is way easier than playing with randoms you fucking retard
Is dat a pro Genji?
>gets carried all the time
>very clearly the highest ranked.
So being retarded and putting yourself at a handicap makes you good?
Deranked to 40 now
49. I've only played 2 games in ranked after the initial 10, one win, one loss. I get the feeling I'm going to hover at 50% WR if I keep playing.
>start at rank 46
>level up to 59 and stop doing comp because 5 rounds of KotH is a fucking chore and everyone is always salty even if they're winning
>let someone else play in my account
>rank 32 in maybe one and a half week
Changed my password. Looking forward to Season 2.
Maybe I'll have friends and a group by then.
55, afraid to play ranked because I lose way too much
>Rank 59
>Friends got to 70 because they played way more
>They dont wanna play with since 60's is cancer compared
>Solo since then
>Deranked all the way to 53
I-i'm scared to play anymore, I could not imagine going down to 40's
did you do this on purpose or are you just that bad?
"""""""""""""""pro"""""""""""""""""" Genji
'He' didn't do anything.
HAHAHAHA How Can Genji Be OP? Nigga Just Stop Shooting Like Nigga Don't Shoot His Sword Hahaha
wanna know how I know you're a bad player? stop being bitter.
>Has to use memes to post
You just gotta keep at it. I placed at 57 and then had some issue where my PC was shutting down but only when I was playing ranked and I dropped 10 ranks because of it. People are insufferable faggots at that rank that are too insecure to talk on voice but you WILL win more games talking than not and the more you win the more everyone else talks and it gets better. At the start of every game just ask your team how they are doing to try and get them talking. I managed to climb back to the 60s doing just that.
That said you sometimes get faggots in the 60s that get pissy and start crying in chat but it's not nearly as bad.
Reminder this guy is still getting the level 50 cp reward.
Whats the point of ranks again? All you have to do is get calibrated hogh for free reward, and the top 500 rating is based on a hidden elo completely sperate.
Why are Genji players so insecure, Sup Forums?
Reminder for everyone to not get discouraged by "pro" players on Sup Forums. I reversed google search a few of the images and got linked back to some other gaming websites so chances are half the pros on Sup Forums are full of shit
Why are you a meme spouting retard who needs Sup Forums to back him up?
>Genji player
>playing the most tryhard cancerous weeb bait hero in the game
I'm just saying he is not overpowered or invincible. Literally his only gimmicks are reflecting attacks and *unsheathes katana* [gook speak intensifies]. Once you learn not to give him ult charge by shooting his sword, he is a joke that is only as good as he can keep spamming that double jump.
i wish i could reach 65, my best was 63 but i had a loss streak, Im 61 and the soloQ is hell.
>Did my 10 placement matches
>Placed at 63
>Haven't played since
I dunno, the competitive mode kind've ruined overwatch for me. It's not a game to be taken seriously the balance is so out of whack and now quick play is infested with people who still think its funny to pick 6 winstons.
And 72.